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Walsh Hall

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Posts posted by Walsh Hall

  1. Great parents and extremely athletic family. The kid lives for hockey.

    I've seen him play a few times and am curious to see how he progresses. He is a very good skater, has good hands, and exceptional hockey sense. Best western ND player I've seen in the past decade. He was keyed on every game and still produced. He will certainly need to put on some muscle to play at the next level.

  2. I thought the US were doing a great job in the third until a bad bounce resulted in the 1st Canadian goal. After that there was a definite change in demeanor and the 2nd goal was an unfortunate bad play by the goalie.

    I'm not going to blame the lose on the officials, but they were flat our brutal all game (both ways, and it has to be hard to draw the line with the physical play.)

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  3. At the youth level the participation in hockey is definitely growing in the non-GF areas of the state. The West is really catching up with the East. I'd guess in the next ten years that the West wins at least 2 state championships, and probably more. Many of the better athletes in Bismarck, Minot... are focusing on hockey. That wasn't the case in the past.

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  4. There is no question that in general football is much more popular than hockey. It ain't even close.

    UND hockey is the highest level of college hockey available. Kids grow up dreaming of playing for UND or BC or U of M...

    Nobody dreams of playing in the second tier. If a local kid has the option of playing at Alabama, Notre Dame... we aren't winning many of those battles.

    To play this level of football you need to be an exceptional athlete. No question about that. I am not belittling them at all. But winning at this level is quite different than being the best college team in the nation. I'd equate it to winning the net division opposed to the scratch./gross division.

    I frankly thought that NDSU should use their success to try to transition up.

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  5. This attitude from hockey fans is embarrassing and laughable. FCS is Division 1 and happens to be the same level of competition that UND (the same school you cheer for in hockey) plays at. Are you a "UND Fan" or a "UND Hockey Fan"? If you don't care about lousy subdivision FCS football, then just stay in the hockey forum until you can come up with some better smack.

    I'm a UND fanatic, but I do realize that our football team won't be competing against the big boys. It's just the way it is.

  6. Some football programs have to hold onto Division 2 trophies, while others have Division 1 trophies to display.

    And some schools like to display the highest level of division one national championship trophies opposed to those inconsequential, best of the lousiest, subdivision things...

  7. Because they were done with College. :lol:

    I have lived in Fargo for about 20 years now, From Bismarck originally and lived in Grand Forks for 6 years....All are good cities in their own way, but only 1 of them would I consider a "College Town" and that is Grand Forks. Fargo is a cool city that has a University while Grand Forks revolves around the Univeristy.

    Completely agree. Not comparing Fargo, Bismarck, and Grand Forks for who is "better," but only Grand Forks is a college town.

  8. So would you be more impressed if NDSU won a national title in wrestling? Or if UND managed to win a men's tennis title? Would you be more impressed or excited about these than football title?

    I would be way more impressed if NDSU won in wrestling. It's a big accomplishment to win at a lower level, but nowhere winning at the top level. I always felt the same way about UND's championships at a lower level. It's nice, but it just shows you have the best players of the players that aren't good enough to play at the top level.

  9. Would you tell UND'S football team or the Women Basketball team or any non hockey sport at UND that their current Championships they have won or future Championships they might win don't/won't matter because it wasn't won at the highest level. If you do tell them please let me know because I would love to see what they have to say.

    It's great to be the best at your level, but it's much better to be the best at the top level. You don't see MLB or NHL teams including AAA or AHL titles as championships. I don't say this to diminish the effort and work the other student athletes put in, but the truth is that if a football player could be seeing playing time at a major conference program they would not be at UND or NDSU.

  10. I really comes down to knowing the consequences and deciding to partake in the activity. Whether or not you/we/whoever... agrees with the legality of a minor having a drink, it is illegal to do so. These guys know 100% that it is illegal to do so. They also should know that there is a potentially very severe penalty (outside the court system) if they are caught drinking.

    I really see this more as a problem of extremely poor decision making and self-control than anything else. I really am not concerned with a kid having a drink. Doing so when they know what can happen to them is another story.

    Comparing these guys to joe blow freshman is not a valid comparison as the consequences of the actions are vastly different.

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  11. Injuring him won't change his on ice antics of talking, its just who he is it's how he plays. Im assuming you were a fan of Blake, Prpich, and Hextall?

    The only comparison as far as "antics" of the three you named would be Blake (although Blake was a much better player), and he definitely was taught, and learned, his lesson pretty quickly at the next level courtesy of his own teammate.

    Call them what you will, love 'em or hate 'em, but Prpich and Hextall were more than willing to back up their words and antics. Blake and Rau... not so much...

  12. It's tough to find a physical D-man that has the skating ability to keep up. Panz. just doesn't have the speed necessary to be a top 6 guy. Even the ultra talented/athletic guys like Commie and Greene took quite awhile to adjust.

    He may need to tighten it up, but I like Mattson's skill and potential.

  13. If Forbert and SImpson stay I'll really not concerned with the back end next year, and believe that our D should be better overall next year. If they leave I'll be very worried. The G situation is fine.

    With the returning forwards I see 6 solid top 3 line guys and a heck of a 4th line. Some guys will absolutely need to step up their games, but I see a fairly balanced and deep group. The step up will need to be much greater than what we saw this past year.

    We'll need 3-4 freshman to be contributors.

    Most of all we need to have some continuity with the lines by the Christmas break. I'd like to hear the actual story of why that didn't happen this year.

  14. okay so Hajdu wasn't there...was Derek Koenen?

    in terms of priority of the games this past week most und fans would have them as

    1. und womens hockey game against um

    2. und mens bball games against suu/wsu

    3. und mens hockey games against mtu

    in terms of the und athletics department they would have them as

    1. und mens hockey game 1 on friday

    2. und mens hockey game 2 on saturday

    2. und ments hockey game 3 on sunday

    4. everything else

    if hajdu is the assitant ad he should have been in minny for the womens game from most people i spoke to about this weekend of und sports?

    I'm guessing that your priority is as listed. For better or for worse UND Hockey is FAR more popular than Bball or women's hockey.

  15. Seemed like in the OTs that the penalties that could have been called against the Sioux were more sticky (tripping, hooking), and the gopher's were more obstruction/interference. The final call was a blatant penalty and denied a breakaway as the gopher was blowing past her. I had no problem with the officiating, but was majorly bummed out by the result.

  16. Not a lot of long time fans here that never say these guys play. A couple of years ago I was sitting next to Eades flying back into town probably 2007 or 2008 and I asked him how the new teams would do against the 87 team. He said the 87 team would blow these guys off the ice. Third line guys in 87 would be starters today.

    Please name 2 "third line guys" from the 1987 team that would "start" in front of Knight, Kristo, and Grimaldi. - Thanks in advance.

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  17. Nelson would not have been a free agent after next year, that would only be 3 years after draft year, free agent status occurs after 4. Brock came to UND having been drafted that summer before.

    I wasn't real clear there. I meant that if Brock came back for next year that he would have a ton of leverage after next year. If he wasn't signed next year he would become a free agent if he stayed for his senior year. It seems that after the third year is when the drafting teams need to put on the full court press to avoid losing a blue chip prospect. Brock was not a four year guy anyway, but I'm still surprised by the signing.

  18. For this (Brock) to make any sense he better have gotten a max. deal. I would have thought that he would have demanded to play at the end of the year to burn the year under the entry level contract. At this point Brock doesn't have all that much leverage. After next year he would have had ALL the leverage as he would become a free agent if he wasn't signed. WIthout burning a year off the rookie deal I'm a bit confused.

    Anyhow, best of luck to Mr. Nelson and Mr. Dell.

  19. I don't think that any question is out of bounds anymore. I thought I have seen it all and this weekend the goal posts were moved further back, I witnessed a reporter from the metro area asked Zucker if he was basically goin go to sign a professional contract this season. This same reporter than asked Gwoz if he had discussed Zuckers future. Zucker handled it well by saying that he had to game to play tomorrow night. Gwoz also handled it well by saying that he has never had a player come back to him and say that he regretted staying in school an extra year.

    Back in the day I'd love to see Bobby Knight respond to a question about his team's new jersey or socks after a tough loss. Or Tom Coughlin being asked about the uniform color scheme after the Super Bowl. I'd expect a reporter to ask a hockey related question. Asking about their sock color or jersey has nothing to do with hockey or the playing of the game. At least the Zucker thing, while ill advised, has to do with hockey.

  20. Any reporter who asks what the players think of the jersey should be embarrassed. Unless I'm mistaken, the team isn't made up of junior high girls.

    This weekend isn't about the jersey or the name. It's about the U of ND hockey team. Everyone has an opinion on the name issue, but this isn't the time or place to make it the story. The story is the remarkable season this team has had given the obstacles faced. What this team has already done is really unbelievable.

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