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Walsh Hall

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Posts posted by Walsh Hall

  1. The problem is one school is so important to the success of the tournament. If the tournament doesn't include UND they are screwed. UMD and St. Cloud would bring some fans, but nothing compared to UND. This year would have been an unmitigated disaster if UND didn't beat CC in game 3.

    I'm such they realize that major problem and would like to find a way to ensure UND is involved in the tournament each year. At least in the WCHA it would have been unlikely to have both UND and U of M TC miss.

    If a joint tournament could be held with the WCHA or B10 that would make for an incredible weekend of hockey.

  2. I'm a huge homer, but you can't argue with Miller's numbers. He was miles ahead of the next goalie. While Panzer had a nice lead in total points, he was 3rd in points per game. Starting in Millers' year (2001) 2 of the 14 winners are from the East. Hardly an East Coast bias.

  3. Agreed, it was because of teams like UNO, DU and C.C. had poor out of conference records. C.C. didn't win an out of conference game last year. UNO losing to Bentley actually cost UND.

    I agree as well. Our record, and some bad losses, wasn't what hurt the SoS. If was the cumulative poor losses by the NCHC teams. 2/3 of the way into the season the die had been cast. All the NCHC teams had a low SoS and hence a lower ranking, so playing each other (when they were playing much better than their SoS indicated) just had everyone treading water.

  4. I'm biased, but I think it would be a huge mistake for him to turn pro. He has the chance to have a great junior year and greatly increase his stock/leverage. He isn't close to being an NHL player at this time. Seems to me that it would be mutually beneficial for him to play another year. Wouldn't he also be a free agent after next year?

  5. I think it would have been a close game. I think that ND's style of play frustrated the gophers, and would have been a better matchup against Union. ND's advantage over the gophers was the defense, and ND would have cleared the front of the net against Union. I thought UND and Union were pretty similar in many respects. ND gave up more that 3 goals once in the last 31 games (Saunders). (U of M allowed more than 3 in 6 of last 34 games). Doesn't mean they wouldn't have given up a bunch to Union, but I'd guess it would have been a tight game.

  6. Rocco's a tough guy to play with. TH has mentioned and eluded to this several times on the radio. He has played with pretty much the entire roster at one point or another. At the world juniors the same problem arose.

    I love Rocco's intensity and what he brings to the table. That said, I don't see him making the players on his line better.

  7. Schmaltz should have pinched before Rau even hit the blue line...he was the best player on the ice all night long, one mistake ended up being a pretty big one.

    Holl picked up the puck around the top of the circle in his own end. Schmaltz had no option of pinching. In his own end he was in perfect position and blocked the shot. I see no mistake and Rocco was in position on his back check. It was really just an untimely seeing-eye shot after the blocked shot landed on a covered gopher's stick.

    Warnings goal was odd as well. Rau was trying to shot far corner off his own rebound and pretty much fanned on the shot. It dribbled to Warning for a tap in.

  8. Horrible ending and outcome but this team came to play, was prepared and was the better team tonight.

    It's hockey...it's sports...it's life.

    Proud of the effort and the game they played.

    I 100% agree. The Sioux played an incredible game, out shot and out chanced them. Wilcox and Gothberg both were great. A great hockey game (minus that last few seconds). They played their hearts out and did all they could. Sometimes the bounce goes our way, sometimes it doesn't.

    I have nothing but pride for the team's play last night.

  9. I agree Dave. That 1999 lose was a tough one. They absolutely bottled us up. We could get nothing going. Very frustrating.

    When the Gerbe debacle game turned, it turned in a hurry. By the end of the first that one was done. I still think that those '05-'08 games were toss-ups. Those BC teams were not dominant teams. (Compared to many UND teams, Michigan... in that era)

  10. So it's all about luck, rather than magic. Well hopefully the Bennett Brien curse has been lifted ;)

    Note: I love the Bennett Brien logo. It's just unfortunate that UND hockey had such a poor frozen four record during its tenure.

    To a large extent, yes. There are so many factors in a one and done format. Where the regionals and FF are played, how you match up with the teams you are paired with, bounces of all shapes and sizes, who is the ref and how is the game called, hot goalie or cold goalie, other upsets, sick/injured players, hitting a post or two vs. the other team hitting a post, breaking a stick at the wrong time...

    If the Sioux win it this year there is no question they got some fortunate breaks. Well deserving, but also a good helping of luck. That's just the way it is.

  11. Don't disagree with most of your post. However, we are constantly told that BC's recent success is an anomaly, given how college hockey has changed. We are told that good teams (DOT, Pony Express) can't be expected to win anymore. Well BC has won 3 of the last 6 national championships, so either they're doing something different (style or recruiting) or they do have a magic formula which allows them to magically beat the trap and magically find ways to win the games they're supposed to......

    BC's overall success is not an anomaly, just like our overall success has not been an anomaly. Winning 3 of 6 is an anomaly.

    While success is largely measure in national championships, that really isn't the best way to do the measuring. The Frattin team was the best team in the nation. I cant believe they would have lost a 5 or 7 game series to any team at the end of the year. They lost.

    The 1997 team would have been taken apart by that Michigan team (very likely), and would have had virtually no chance in a 5 or 7 game series. They got lucky (via BU) and won. Such is the way the puck bounces.

    BC isn't doing anything different. There is no magic pill. They are doing the same thing at as high a level as anyone else.

  12. I didn't mean the old ring it around the boards hard....I meant the soft flop into the opposite corner....didn't you watch the Olympics? Some of those Scandinavian teams have it mastered.

    Also, what 'experts' are you even talking about? On a side noting, dump and chase is the ONLY way to beat the trap....it was designed to stop heavy skating teams (Russians, Swedes, Finns, etc.).

    I was being a dink to all the folks (experts) whining about Hak's system. I 100% agree with everything you just wrote because you, more importantly, are 100% right.

  13. I am no hockey expert, but I remember being told that when Hakstol took over the average working stiff in the stands wouldn't notice much of a change in style of play. And that hasn't been the case. As for NHL coaches being a fan of Hakstol, I guess that doesn't score many points with me. I honestly don't care what NHL coaches and scouts think (and that includes Starman). The NHL game and the college game are different; what is good for the NHL is not necessarily good for the college game. Boston College uses a similar style to what we used to use and has won 4 NCAA titles in 13 years. North Dakota now uses a very NHL-esque system and has a 1-5 record in the Frozen Four (including some very lopsided losses to Boston College). And it is impossible not to make the obvious comparison between the two programs and how they build their teams when they have faced off so many times on the biggest stage in college hockey. I guess I always wonder what might have happened if Hakstol had loosened up just a little bit when we had blue chippers like Toews, Oshie and Duncan without being sloppy on the defensive end. It could have made a difference, but we'll never know. I do think Hakstol should get another 4-5 years to bring home an NCAA title, but if it doesn't happen, this topic will come back with a vengeance.

    Goon - That's for the dump and chase post - You are 100% correct.

    The trapping systems of today were not the norm in college hockey in the mid to late 1990's. The game has changed. To not change your approach would be incredibly stupid.

    Team wins in the last five years:

    BC- 113

    UND - 105

    Union - 104

    Minn. - 97

    Denver/QU - 90

    BC has been successful, no question. UND has also been incredibly successful. I will bet that you haven't watched 5 BC games in the past 2 years. Probably far less than that. Do you honestly think their "style" is not substantially similar to ours? Do you think that BC, and BC only, have discovered some magical formula that no other college coach can decipher. Can the BC players, and BC players only, magically skate through an effective trap?

    If Wisconsin hadn't pulled an incredible comeback against Ohio St. we wouldn't have made the NCAA's. That would have had zero to do with Hak. Now many are saying what a great job he has done with this team. Would the opinion of Hak's job this year be different if Ohio St. wins that game?

    You indicate that BC's system is similar to the old Blais system. I ask again, please explain in detail Blais's system and the current BC system. In other words, please explain the logic underlining your conclusion.

    • Upvote 1
  14. This is part of the problem I have with Hakstol. He inherited a program from Dean Blais that was built on "smaller, quicker forwards" and he turned it into an NHL-style dump and chase trapping team. In short, he inherited a Porsche and drove it like a Pinto. When I point this out in our various discussions on this forum, I get snarky comments about how "College Hockey today is about goaltending and defense, take it or leave it". Well, I don't think Jerry York got that memo because he builds his teams the way WE used to. We won two NCAA titles and a boatload of WCHA titles with that style. And I honestly think if Blais hadn't gotten the itch to coach in the NHL and had stuck around, we would have at least two more NCAA title banners hanging in the rafters of REA. You can call that "living in the past" if you want, but I truly believe that. The brutal truth of the matter is this: Boston College collects NCAA title trophies, while we collect bridesmaid dresses. Some people are okay with that, I am not. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

    What is Blais's winning percentage as a college coach and what is Hak's? Surely Blais's Porsche is substantially better than Hak's Pinto. If we are collecting Bridesmaid dresses what is Blais collecting?

    When did a "trap" style of play become the norm in college hockey? Please describe the various left wing lock and trap methods and for each the most effective manner in which to advance the puck. Please describe the various in-zone and neutral zone penalty kill strategies and your thoughts on the best method to counteract the strategies. I ask that you answer these questions without the assistance of the interweb.

    In response to these thoughts, please indicate specifically where Hak's coaching is inadequate, and what in-game changes he should be making. Maybe Blais can help write a response as he typically has free time this time of year.* Thanks in advance.

    If the reply is that we need to carry the puck into the zone without further explanation I don't think I'll be able to stop pounding my head into my desk.

    *No offense to Mr. Blais. I love the man and what he has done to continue and advance our program.

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  15. We stayed at the Marriott and had a splendid time. The turn out for the other teams was pathetic. Were there even 20 Denver fans?

    The venue is what it is, but the playing conditions were poor. The ice seemed bad and the boards and glass had major issues. I'm glad a really fluky goal didn't decide someone's fate. The games had a ping pong feel with the glass and very lively boards.

    Lots of restaurants, etc. in the area and the skyway system is convenient.

    Too bad the weather was crappy, but that is a crap shoot this time of year. Fan fest would have been enjoyable.

    The sightlines are crappy. We moved up to the upper deck and thought the view was much better. Unfortunately it felt like we were in a wind tunnel. It was quite chilly.

    All-in-all an enjoyable weekend.

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