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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Is the problem swearing? My seats are behind the goal where the visitors are twice and the only "swearing" I have heard is the "..he sucks sh$$" when the opposition is being introduced. And sometimes its only "..he sucks". I've heard the same chant at other arenas when we have been introduced. Is the problem standing? I thought there was some distribution of seating so that there would be minimal obstruction of the suite holders view. And why aren't the the ushers telling people to sit down, they're not there to watch the game, they should do what ushers are suppose to do. Since I'm watching the game maybe they have and I haven't noticed. Is the problem cheering, yelling , groaning, ooohing to loudly? Distribute ear plugs, I'll give a cash contribution so they can be given out for free. The letter from Kupchella doesn't mention what the complaint was.
  2. Oh but Diggler (also known as a God) we are. I agree with you about the mandatory meeting for new student season ticket holders. I think this was brought up before in this thread. Everyone now should attend the meeting and every new freshman class whould attend. Your still a student aren't you? Why don't you suggest this to Bobby H. and the AD acting/or to be?
  3. Thanks for your rebuttal. If you scroll back you'll see that you wrote that the arena was not built for the students. Now you include them in the group it was built for, thank you. Also, if you'll read my post you'll see that I agreed with what you had previously written until your post that the arena was not built for the students. Maybe that's part of problem, people aren't hearing (or reading) everything that's being said on both sides. Rather, they're jumping the gun and making assumptions without getting all the facts. As far as the suite holders go, hey, more power to them if they can enjoy a hockey game from there. I have friends who are in the suites who can't wait until their contracts are up and they come back to sit with us in the bowl where they can watch the game, cheer, boo, jump up and down and feel a comaraderie with those around them. If there are empty seats, they sneak out of the suite to sit in them. They go to the REA to watch hockey not to schmoose, network, impress clients, etc. But I agree, whatever brings in the money, as long as they're not sitting next to me and schussing me because they can't hear the person on the other end of their cell phone. Oh and thanks for the "you students", makes me feel like putting on a halter top, cut off jeans and lying on a blanket at University park. I graduated 26 years ago and again 14 years ago but I am still a student advocate.
  4. I don't remember reading anywhere in this thread where someone has professed to be a legal expert on copyright. I presented info that I said was from someone who researched the issue. I guess to some one who has not had intellectual property stolen from them Goggle is not a friend.
  5. Your right PCM BUT if three changes are made on the logo, no infringement of copy rights. The shape of the S can be changed a little, the shape of the blades on the tomahawk can be changed, the handle of the tomahawk can be made fatter or not so straight. Just changing color does not constitue change. I was also told that there is a very good person in Devils Lake who can make whatever we want and who would help with the changes so no infringement of copy rights is done. But I know MafiaMan also has someone who can do this.
  6. Whoa Engelbunny, you had me agreeing with everything you said until this post, "The arena was not built for the students........" The hockey team is made up of UND students, if you're not a student you can't be on the Sioux hockey team. When I started going to hockey games as a student, I didn't pay for my ticket. I stood in line and if I was lucky, I got a ticket. Students now pay for their tickets and pay a student activity fee. That's double dipping in my book. But I digress, the money for the arena came from an alum who loved Sioux hockey played by UND students. In other words the arena was built for UND students. Please don't make the gap wider with this type of posting.
  7. I too would love to have tapes of the F4 games. We were there but would like to see the games from a different perspective with commentary. My son's girlfriend 'forgot' to tape the games. I think she was just po'd because she couldn't be there.
  8. "A lot of places that can raise a lot of money pull back the student seats when they're building new arenas," Williams says. "But when you're going up against teams like Duke, what the (student fans) can do makes a tremendous amount of difference." Great article, great coach. As I said in my post in the Dakota Student, getting rid of the concentrated student section, is like getting rid of an extra man on the ice.
  9. NO, NO, and NO. My ex- has been a season ticket holder for well over 20 years (so by default I did to), he has seats behind the goalie in the lower bowl, where the Sioux shoot twice. He is also an administrator at UND and I can tell you he is loud, and rowdy at the Sioux games. He will also fight tooth and nail to keep his seats. I have only had Season tickets for about five years. They're on the opposite side in the lower bowl as well. I go to every game unless my boss threatens me with termination or I'm stuck in a ditch during a blizzard. I also do not leave the arena until the last Sioux player is off the ice. I have never had a problem with the students. My problem has been with people who go to the arena to schmoose with clients, to network, or to get so drunk they have to be poured into a glass and taken home. Sioux hockey is a student activity -- playing and watching. Getting rid of the 'concentration of students' at a student athletic event is tantamount to making some students sit in the hall, sit outside a building or look at a video instead of attending class in a class room. As alum, we also have a right to watch hockey in a comfortable atmosphere but as alum we shouldnt expect that we can take away student privileges just because we're alum. I won't admit in this forum the things I did before, during and after hockey games as a student but I am here to tell you what you see today is tame compared to the late 70's early 80's. We had FUN. I would not take the FUN out of hockey for the students of today and those of the future. I've never been a fan of the "eat $$it" chant but I can tell you that is the worst profanity I have heard from the student section since we moved to the new REA. Those so-called fans who say they can't enjoy the game because of the students should turn in their season tickets, invest that money in a BIG television set and watch the games at home.
  10. PCM, I think it would be great if you sent a copy of your letter to the editor of the Michigan Daily as a 'rebuttal' to Mr. Joshua Q. Holman's column. tothedaily@michigandaily.com My response to his article in this thread would not be printed I'm sure, a little bit to angry. I'm going to try to write a 'nice' response and sent it to their 'letters to the editor' at the above e-mail.
  11. Am I pyschic?? I've known this for several weeks. Can't remember where I read this but I knew this to be fact at least as far back as the UMD play off series. Mmm, maybe I should get my own cable show.
  12. I think I heard a rumor that there were flood warnings in the Dinkytown area after the Gopher loss to the Sioux at the F4. Caused by 'Cry Me a River'.
  13. So, where do I go to post my vote?!
  14. Welcome Red Frog. A Bison fan, huh? Well, you must have something going for you, you did marry a Sioux hockey fan
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