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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Don't know about the impact but Denver losing is fantastic news any time. WOO HOO!!!!
  2. I agree. Hopefully, being shorthanded will bring out the best in the boys and we get four points this weekend. Off to the game! GO SIOUX!!!!
  3. Picture of colon cleansing, so, I'm guessing Chandler got a colonoscopy for Christmas.
  4. http://fightingsioux.myphotoalbum.com/view...id=IMG_0790_001
  5. I'm not good with stats but this looks darn good for USA. A total of ten teams are competing in World Juniors. Eight of those teams have scored points. Total of thirty players have scored points. Nine of those players are on the USA team. Almost one third of total points scored in the World Juniors were by USA.
  6. http://www.frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/...cle.asp?ID=1952
  7. I think I found GK's mentor http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=1951
  8. Open letter to the Oyate: Supports honor in "Sioux" name http://www.earthskyweb.com/news.htm
  9. http://issues-views.com/index.php?print=1&article=1099
  10. http://www.UND.nodak.edu/org/bridges/ncaa_survey.html Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwansi and GOD BLESS THE FIGHTING SIOUX.
  11. So GK doesn't get the point of the whole thread, well, as proven here time after time, what's new? That's ok, maybe someone can go over it with him and explain to him why the first article was posted in the first place. As to these young men, they are not just playing hockey. They are sharing their experiences and accomplishements off the rez to young Native Americans. They're not perpetuating the 'the white man is mean to me, the white man is keeping me down, the white man disrespects me, etc. mantra.' They're telling these youth that there's a lot more available to them off the rez if they want to go for it. GK's right for once, they are doing good. It's something he can spend his energy on instead of blaming a schools name and logo for all the injustices of the world. AND it's Ranfranz, Marc Ranfranz, R A, N, F, R, A, N, Z, Ranfranz. I don't believe he's stopped having anything to do with the Flandreau people after they so supported him when he was a Fighting Sioux goalie; "My family and friends are the ones who support me the most," he says. "My dad's been to games up here. My aunts and uncles call me constantly, e-mail me and ask me how things are going. They want to see me play. They want to come up and see the arena." http://www.uscho.com/news/id,5487/ASiouxPerspective.html But what do I know, I'm not Native.
  12. GK's proof of his statement is the same he uses when he states all 'real Indians' oppose the name and logo. He speaks for all 'real Indians' because he himself is a 'real Indian'. Supposedly, he is a 'real Veteran' who could not be 'suckered into' staying in the military, so he can speak for all Native American Vets. Notice how he effectively ignores the program that the University of North Dakota has initiated in order to provide Native American Vets with the health care they so richly deserve? Happy Holidays to you and yours and GOD BLESS THE FIGHTING SIOUX!!
  13. Gk isn't going to go back to this stupid, stupid, stupid statement of his. I think someone smarter than he is, like his wife or kids, must have pointed out to him what a stupid, stupid, stupid contemptuous statement that was. His tactic is to ignore the easily proven, dispute the truth, forget about having made stupid statements about blacks, women, etc. and go on to something else in which to attempt to share his superior "knowledge of the facts". I try to read his posts with the same anticipation a ten year old must have waiting for Homer Simpson's next excapade and/or words of wisdon. But many times he comes up with something so igorant, racist, and chauvanistic, it's hard to laugh at him.
  14. Happy Holidays to you and yours!! God Bless every one, especially our Fighting Sioux!!!
  15. Well, there you have it, another example of hostile and abusive behavior from UND as a result of it's use of the Sioux name and logo. DAMN THEM ALL TO H, E, double hockey sticks! Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year!
  16. You're right, of course. I understand Harriet forcibly took hundreds of slaves on vacation trips to the North. The slaves didn't want to go. To African slaves who 'didn't mind' slavery, beatings, selling of their children, never seeing them again, rapes, working 18 hours a day for rags and scrapes was so appealing that Harriet had to hold guns to their heads and force them to go North for a little sabbatical. Hey, I also heard the Holocost was a media scam, how 'bout that!? Oh, and Susan B. Anthony isn't a real person, she's just a head on a coin.
  17. OH MY GAWD!!! Are you for real? It's true......., you can't fix stupid.
  18. I think we need to know what criteria GrahamKracker uses when he gives or denies his stamp of approval on 'looking Indian'. We can then accurately judge people by their ethnic appearance.
  19. Betcha dollars to donuts (I always wanted to say that), that these young men are 'Hang around the fort Indians with plantation negro mentalities!' No way can they be 'real Indians' regardless if they are enrolled in a tribe. I agree, that helmut is awesome.
  20. Jason Blake has been picked to play on the U.S. Olympic team!! WOO!! HOO!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10537703/
  21. Way to show Christmas spirit, Uncle_Rico!! Happy Holidays !
  22. A friend of mine has season BSU tickets, I think he said they were $70.00. They must get alot of alumni money?
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