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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Sioux-cia

    DU and UND

    Taking a cue from RunningwiththeDogs sig. We should put him in a cage, stick a banana down his pants and turn the monkeys loose!
  2. Sioux-cia

    Robbie Bina

    Having watched Robbie play hockey and football since he was a little tyke, I have no doubt that he will return to play hockey next year. I'm glad he's waiting until the 2006-2007 so he won't lose a year of eligibility.
  3. Sioux-cia

    DU and UND

    Sorry, it's just that the hippy in me demands to be heard sometimes. (Back, old hippy, back!)
  4. I wonder what will happen when UND wins; either the appeal or court decision. We have had one NameChanger threaten violence early this winter.
  5. I'm happy that the legal eagles that put together this response to the NC$$ are on our side.
  6. Sioux-cia

    DU and UND

    I hate the '$itch, , but totally agree with you. The guys have to play smart. Let DU take their cheap shots and hopefully end up sitting on the crapper while we score on the PPs.
  7. I wonder if he got the Matt's mixed up. The two Matt's whose jerseys were up for bid this past week end were Smaby's and Greene's. I don't know what the final bid for Smaby's was and the last bid I saw for Greene's was $600. I don't know that final bid either.
  8. Post #14 date November 21, 2004 Read response to Post #15 date February 18, 2006
  9. I believe that the plan is to auction more jerseys at the remaining home games. Contact Heidi Murray at 701 777-0835 or email her at heidim@the ralph.com. She's the contact person and will know if you can bid by phone. Good luck.
  10. Lady Dy told me that Al cancelled the trip again. Don't know why. I won't be going, . Hope to see everyone at the Final Five.
  11. The NC$$ is only digging itself deeper in it's own $hit with this type of 'exception to the rule'. Spirit Lake has never dissolved their resolution to not oppose our use of the Sioux name yet the NC$$ continues to turn down our appeals. Based on the NC$$'s history with our appeals, I'm fairly certain that they will turn down our final appeal. I can't wait until we take them to court. Their hypocrisy will be hung out for every one to see. As they continue to make 'exceptions' to the rules, our win in court becomes more and more a certainty.
  12. Yeah, but I'm attracted to his fiesty, 'in your face' , smack talking, grinning while he's doing it game. He does these little things that crack me up. For instance tonight, a 'Dog was skating past him and Prp smacks him on the butt with his stick. No reason, just cause it was there I guess.
  13. WHAT!! Did you miss T.J.'s picture? There are two of Prp but he's not cute, just sassy!
  14. As usual, Uncle_Rico rocks!! Thanks for sharing, .
  15. Just got back from the game. Tonight's game has given me hope!! We won yesterday but I thought the Sioux's game last night was mediocre at best. Tonight, man o man. The passes which resulted in goals were things of beauty!! All year long I saw the three man passes go for nought but tonight they finally gelled (sp). Damn, the guys were playing great together. The land cows beat the mutts, we're ALIVE!!!!!
  16. I'm amazed at every goal T.J. makes. The way the opposition crowds him, it looks like he has one hanging off his back and both arms every time he gets near a puck!
  17. I agree. Nike's are better and I think the price for the Koronis are about the same as the Nike.
  18. Dang!! I'm sorry. I thought you'd be in bed by now.
  19. You've never heard of Matt SmaVy? What? You live in a cave? Last I saw, Ziggy's jersey was up to $200. I would love to have Matt Greene's. But I've already spent my kid's inheritance on game worn jerseys. Ziggy is dating Andy's sister and she's going to get his signature on my jersey next week end when he's playing in Winnepeg.
  20. Just got back from the game. Damn, it's always fun when we win!! I heard no boos for Ziggy. In fact, I heard a couple of 'way to go Ziggy' from Sioux fans near my section. Doesn't matter what the goalie does if the team doesn't score any goals!!! Our score is impressive but while I'm happy with the win, I don't see us winning many games if the guys don't start using more body, quite being so fancy with the puck and don't shoot on net more often. With that said, Woooo Hoooo Go Sioux!!! AND Mankato beat St Cloud!!! RWTD, my kid slept through his alarm (he works nights) and didn't make the game! If I had know that would happen I would have offered you his ticket. I agree, you should have been here instead of that old UMDDogz.
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