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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. lawson sure has a lot of equipment problems
  2. what would we do without DUNCAN!
  3. Yeah 4 on 3. We.'ve done well with these!!
  4. Ya know, I don't like fighting for the sake of fighting but I couldn't see what lead to it. A good fight sometimes is what is needed to get the team going. We've all been saying the guys need to be more aggressive in defending their own.
  5. Since his return Robbie has been playing the best hockey of his life!!!!
  6. OK, If Dirty was able to find, borrow, buy, a date, I bet he won't need a magnum unless his right leg is cold.
  7. Maybe he was finally able to buy, huh, get himself a date!
  8. Just in time for the Porter interview. Great timing
  9. Boys are looking good. I'm happy to see Kozek out there. I hope that his black cloud has passed and he can get some of his shots in net!!
  10. F'in A!! Portet from Watkins!
  11. Just got back. Great to see TJ got the first goal. Oh and Philippe is in the net! Anything said about his little 'mime' on the ice?
  12. You know what I say to that? GOOD!! If the only time a fan is a fan, is during the good times, then they should turn in their tickets. Screw 'em!! DakDan can then have a real fan sitting behind him, not some old bitty who is there to 'watch the commercials' or be seen by the other old bitties. As a 'fan from birth' of the Chicago Bears and Chicago White Sox and then, (after leaving the state, lol) a Chicago Cubs fan too, I know what a 'real fan' is! It's some one who cheers for their team win or lose, goes to all the games they can afford to go to, or they watch the games on the tube, win or lose. It's someone who puts up with the boos, jeers and put down jokes from the others. It's someone who wears their team colors everywhere, including enemy territory, damn the consequences. Yes, and 'real' fans bitch and moan about the players, coaches, refs, fans, opposing teams, opposing fans, etc. But, they don't give up on their team. If a losing season results in some season ticket holders turning in their tickets, good! I'm tired of listening to them talk about their newest acquisitions between periods, playing kissy face during the game, or using the game as a reason to get s&!t-faced and spilling their beer on me. GOOD RIDDANCE!! Ok, I'll climb down off the soap box, get the soap and go do laundry as was my original intent. Love you all, the Ever Annoying Optimist, Sioux-cia
  13. I too have been a fan since the '70s, bad or good, I go to the games (this is the first year I'm out of state). It's painful at times, agreed, but I don't leave the arena until the last Sioux player goes down the tunnel! My younger son is making good use of two of my tickets (I'm way out of state and not using mine much this season). My older son (Mpls) decided he could only use two of my other tickets on Saturday (school) so the Friday tickets are used by someone else. He has come into town wanting to go to the Friday game on occasion. I will keep you in mind! I have faith in this team. I have watched them play and have even posted that they suck! But I remain ever the annoying optimist.
  14. Before you turn in your season tickets, PLEASE, PM me. I have some friends who would love to buy them!
  15. Nah, isn't there something about losing your edge/strength/whatever it's called if there's 'action' for an athlete. At least that's what I told my boys!
  16. Yeah, in front of the net, and he whiffs the puck. I think he's got a black cloud over him that's giving him some bad luck. While Kozek isn't TJ, he's had the same bad luck with his shots. They all seem to be just a little enough off that the puck doesn't go in goal. I guess it's not just Kozek and Oshie, that damn black cloud is hanging over the whole damn team. Maybe just not as much over some as others.
  17. I don't understand. How can he 'finish'? He's all over the ice, passing, checking, hitting the pipe, going just a bit over or to the left or right of the net. He's got what it takes, we all agree on that but what else can he do? How can he 'finish'? I just wish he'd take more shots and pass less.
  18. Finally putting on clothes to go with those beads?
  19. It's going to interesting for sure. If he's in the net, does that mean that a win is more important than discipline? Or will it mean that Hak didn't know about it? If he's not in the net...... I gotta say the way Philippe played tonight, I hope he's in net tomorrow. This kinda thing just goes to show that these are boys were talking about, not quite men, yet.
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