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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. What, no chili con queso?!?!
  2. Oh, that's ok, you don't have too. I kinda like hoochie mama. Maybe I'll put that on the back of of Ice Bitch hockey jersey.
  3. Yup. And as Siouxmama pointed out to me, my post sounded like I didn't know Phats' Grandparents' last name instead of Chase's last name. She said I sounded like a loose hoochie mama but she said it nicer. I'm glad siouxforeverbaby knew what and who I meant.
  4. I laughed out loud when the guy went down after the air punch!!!
  5. So, are you going to play in the SS.com/POI hockey game?
  6. I thought we were friends................. *runs crying to the bathroom for some Kleenex*
  7. BITE YOUR TONGUE!!! Not only is he doing the hula, he's wearing a Bears jersey, a two beer can holding Bears cap with straw, eating a fine rare, Chicago, 3" steak, has three beautiful Sugar Bears (Chicago Bears' cheerleaders) hanging all over him and he is predicting a win over the Saints!! Bears by 10........ *I hope, I hope, I hope*
  8. Nope, they've come this far with a very shaky offense and a superb defensive. They can and will pull a couple more wins out of their fine, firm, tight a$$e$ two more times!!! *I hope, I hope, I hope*
  9. Cool. I want the ancesteral land that was stolen by the Gringos and, by treaty, should either still be ours or at the very least paid for!!
  10. Maybe the money is coming from a SU fan or, , a Gopher fan!!!!
  11. DA BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Well, duh!!! My point in bringing this up Some fans think that the letter wearers aren't doing their jobs and are asking Hak for their heads letters. But if the team chooses who wears the letters, I would think they would also have a say in their losing their letter. Hak is in charge of the team and if a captain did something aggrecious (sp), worthy of losing the letter, I'm sure that Hak would pull the letter. IMHO, because someone isn't making goals or the fans don't think he's putting in the proper amount of 'effort or leadership', the guys letter isn't going to be pulled unless the team (and Hak) wants it. IMHO, of course.
  13. It was Rylan all the way. Refs broke it up 'cause it was too onesided!!
  14. Yes you do!!! I've found new things to put on the grill here on the Navajo reservation. VERY TASTY!!! Look out next tailgate season!!!!!!!!!!! *I ain't telling anyone what their eating*
  15. She didn't call you stoopid, she called you a moron.
  16. Yeah that's him!! Lois and Carl Schmidt.
  17. Aren't the Captain and alternates picked by the team? If that is the case, I think it would be a team decision to take anyone's letter away, not Hak's.
  18. My son's dad is from Lansford. His parents owned the white house on two lots on the corner across the street from the elementary school. I can't remember their last name but my son had a 'buddy' named Chase who lived near by. Phats spend a week or two in Lansford almost every summer when he was a little guy with the Grandparents and they still lived in Lansford. They moved to Minot years ago. His great-grand mother lived in Tolley (sp).
  19. Here's the only explanation needed,
  20. If this is the future (or always has been), there needs to be consistency in the calling. Then those 'poor souls' won't be surprised when the penalty is called.
  21. For the WCHA to go in the same direction as the rest of the hockey world, there have to be major changes made. What we have witnessed time after time is an inconsistency in calls made. Not just against us but other teams as well. The WCHA refs need to either all be fired and a new, properly trained group replace them or the refs we already have need to be trained and instructed in ref'ing as they obviously don't know all the rules of the game and how they apply the rules to all. There have to be sanctions in place for referee's. They should face fines and suspensions for some of the crap they pull. Review of referees should be made by referees from other divisions in order to be unbiaise. Shepard should be fired because the crappy ref'ing in the WCHA is his fault. The fish rots from the head down. I'm glad the boys were agressive, physical and showed the fans and their teammates they were through taking crap this weekend and, hopefully, the rest of the season.
  22. Totally agree with you. I liked his refing Friday night as well. The boys actually got to play hockey. Was it a perfectly ref'd game? No it wasn't. But it was the best I've seen in quite awhile. As for Lawson's antics, while unacceptable in our house, are obviously a way to sike (sp) himself and his playmates up for the game. Glad to hear our boys put a stop to it Saturday night.
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