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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Amazing!! There are hundreds of these types of stories and many are untold. When I worked with WWII veterans few would share their stories. I asked one Vet how he came to lose his feet. Very briefly, he told me he had been a POW in Germany. He escaped during a long rainy period, walked in water filled ditches, toward an unknown direction for many days until he finally ran into a group of British soldiers who 'rescued' him. His feet were so badly infected they had to be amputed to save his life. He was very unemotional while he told the story. Even though I had tears running down my face and I wanted to hold his hand just to acknowledge what he had gone through, I let him quickly change the subject. We have so many heros.
  2. Nah, he's an idiot. I'm a huge Chicago Bears fan but I don't condone stupidity.
  3. *takes deep breath* Ahhhhh, the sweet smell of success!!!
  4. I have a another question that begs an answer. What are the kids playing basketball with now??
  5. The score, Dirty boy, the score. 39-14 ain't no fluke! And at work today they told me the Bears were never down!! The Colts are a great team, I just hope the Bears put up a good fight. I'm just soooo happy they're playing in the Super Bowl!!!! Now all I have to do is to find a short term BFF who has cable, .
  6. YEAH!!!!! Naysayers are eating crow today!! (How's it going down Diggler? ) My BEARS did not win by a fluck, the flip of the coin, they dominated!!!! (I didn't get to see the game I was in a class room all weekend. Just going by the score.) All year, up to this Sunday, people have been putting down the Bears. They were salivating, waiting for them to hit the wall. Well, whoop de do, look who's playing in the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!! DA BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *I apologise for being obnoxious, I'm just soooo happy*
  7. Doesn't matter, at least not to me. It's just about time!!! It's unfortunate that American heros can be 'lost' like this. While here on the Navajo Nation, I've learned a great deal about the 'Code Talkers' from WWII. I don't believe they received any recognition for being a huge reason we won the war in the Pacific at the end of the war or for decades after it. There are efforts being made now to honor them as they should have been then. Without those guys, Japanese might have been the first language on the US west coast!! Again, it's about time!!!! I wish I had been there for the ceremony.
  8. I'm a gal. The Sioux party at the CC Saturday game was fun. Anyway have fun at the Denver games.
  9. I missed the games because I was cheap and stayed in a motel with no internet service in Phoenix this week end (was there for a course 7:15A to 6P Sat and Sun, ugh)! Thanks to Siouxmama, I at least got the scores. Man o man, I wish I had been at the games!!!! GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. This may already be posted but I'm to tired to look. http://www.chiefilliniwek.org/phoenix/library/foolscrow.htm
  11. I was going to go but decided not to go for various reasons. Check out the link below. I went to the pre-game party the Alumni had in Colorado Springs, it was a fun time. I think AZSIOUX might be going to that series. http://www.undalumni.org/pregameparties.htm Oh and welcome!
  12. To put this to a vote, as someone has already stated, it will have to include ALL schools with Native American names and logos (and in some cases mascots). To state that the use of Native American names and logos (mascots) is hostile and abusive only in some cases, is to hypocritical to stand on any sort of merit and would not be accepted as policy by the majority. Nope, ain't gonna happen.....
  13. That was the first time I saw the FSU tomahawk chop (and heard their 'chant'). I can see where someone who has never been to a hockey game and only saw a silent film or picture of the 'sieve' chant and arm motion would think it was a tomahawk chop. But, anyone who was interested in gathering accurate 'evidence' would go to a game and see/hear for themselves what the heck those students and fans are doing and saying and why they are doing it.
  14. Damit HockeyMom, you almost gave away the secret of 'THE VAST FIGHTING SIOUX CONSPIRICY' slush fund!!!
  15. Acceptance of the past, as the past, and moving forward in spite of the obstacles that another, life, etc. puts in front of us is what we are suppose to do. (see RW77's post)If we don't, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Some have to work twice as hard as others to move forward the same amount of distance. But if you want it, you'll do it regardless of the price. Lying around blaming the system, a name/logo, for the inequities in life and/or the injustices in life won't get you much these days, not even pity. If ONE person could tell me how changing the Fighting Sioux name and logo is going to make the life or 'plight' of the Sioux people better, and by that I mean higher numbers of high school graduation, college/trade school graduation, reduction in teenage pregnancy, reduction of alcohol and drug abuse, decrease in domestic (spouse, elder, child) abuse, economic growth in addition to casinos on the reservations, I will be the first to change my stance. I will support the name change and I know others on this board will do so also. This question has been asked dozens if not thousands of times and has yet to be answered.
  16. I'll wear my game worn, home, autographed, Andy Schneider jersey to your funeral.
  17. We have lower bowl, corner seats and are happy with them. We did think about switching to club level but we need 8 together which is hard to get.
  18. I've always loved that word 'cause I'm always in one!!
  19. My responses to you in public and in private are made in response to your posts. Your early posts were very insulting to me personally because you appeared to me to support a certain previous poster who attacked me personally. I PM'd you to let you know what he did. You still don't 'really know' if he did what I and many others know to be true. You posted that I threatened you and your family. I PM'd you and publically asked where, how, when I posted any threats to you and yours. Because I disagree with you, you choose to see that as meaning I don't like you. That, my dear, is childish. I disagree with a lot of people, many of them I like and some I love. I don't know you and have no feelings for you personally. I just happen to disagree with a lot of what you post here. I will continue to post responses to your posts or anyone else's that I disagree or agree with. If that hurts your feelings, so be it.
  20. Native Americans are not the only Americans who have had it tough!! I'm not going to go on and on about Mexican Americans and how they were treated in the past and treated today, here and now. I already did that only to get slammed by a Native American who doesn't think anyone else's plight is worthy of recognition. You think RW77's family vacationed through the holocaust? What about the Irish who were conscripted into a war that wasn't their's. What about African Americans? On and on and on..... Yet these American's managed to rise above all the hardships, etc. and succeed in life. Don't expect me to sympathize with your position. I don't but I do offer help out of it. It's here for anyone who wants it. No, I don't 'honor' you. I honor your ancestors. I don't need to tell you why.
  21. To pi$$ off SU fans and the Name Change groups....
  22. But you do have time to bring up the one that private donations are paying for. By any chance you don't hate UND do you?
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