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Everything posted by LeftyZL

  1. Yea, I was there. Those two games were by far the loudest I have heard that place rockin', but I would still give the nod to the World Jr's. Game.
  2. The loudest I have ever heard the new REA had to be during the World Jr's. Gold Medal Game, Canada vs. Russia. It will never be close to that level again, unless we add 5,000 more seats.
  3. Looking just straight at the video one time, it was hard to see that Carman did-in-fact hit Elliot before the Wisconsin player made contact. It was pretty much bang-bang in live action. It would be tough to separate the 2 actions in real speed if I was the referee too. He could have reviewed the goal, but no one from Wisconsin's side even brought it to his attention. Blame Wisconsin, not the ref.
  4. Isn't every system, to a degree, flawed? Doesn't UND's SOS get bumped up mistakenly because of Winona State and its 9-3 record? Yep. Doesn't UND directly benefit from Winona State playing a rather weak schedule overall? Yep Again. It obviously helps UND out by playing them twice. You can make a case about every ranking system out there. The whole point that I have been trying to make is that no matter how many people say it was the hardest schedule NDSU has played, the numbers just don't add up. The teams they played this year didn't have their best year records-wise. Just because you look at NDSU's schedule and see the names "Georgia Southern, Minnesota, SDSU, UC-Davis, Cal-Poly" doesn't get you the toughest schedule. Like I've already stated, the games aren't played on paper, they are played on the field. If NDSU has the identical schedule next year, I would expect their SOS to be much higher just for the fact that so many of the teams on their current schedule had rather mediocre if not poor years compared to what I'm used to seeing out of them.
  5. That webpage is so far out there, it's almost hard to comprehend what they are fighting for or trying to prove. Their 5 incidences that are from that link relate directly to an individual's actions or some off-campus news publication. It reminds me eerily of UND, since I'm sure there are people on UND's campus that are in fact racist, but to label an entire university racist because of the acts of a few is proposterious. I will never understand that. Besides the quote PCM used, the other one I found interesting under the section titled "Fundamental Truths" was: "People or institutions that objectify Native Americans with full knowledge that they are causing offense are, by definition, committing racist attacks." So, by that "Fundamental Truth", the supporters of the University of North Dakota that walk around displaying the Sioux name or the Sioux logo on their clothing/hats/etc., are in fact committing racist attacks on Native Americans. Couldn't that be considered a "hate crime"? Or am I incorrect? Arrest me now if that is the case.
  6. How am I being overly biased? Look at the numbers. They don't lie. Delusional might be a bit strong, how about silly? Maybe blind? Anyways, How are the comparisons mute? Do you want a mute comparison? Here goes: UND beat UNI, UNI beat SDSU, NDSU beat SDSU. Therefore UND beats NDSU. Now there is a mute comparison. That's sarcasm if you missed it. Don't snap on me. Like I said, it was just one of those years where potentially great teams on their schedule had rather mediocre, if not poor years. Are you honestly going to try and tell me that those teams had good/great years? Anyways.....If NDSU played the same teams next year, it could be completely different. In fact, it probably would. I can't imagine Georgia Southern being down for more than this year. Minnesota might get to 7 wins next year with a new coach. Cal-Poly, UC-Davis, and SDSU will always have very competitive teams IMO. But this year is just that, this year. Don't get so bent out of shape.
  7. LeftyZL

    UND vs. UNO

    I booked my room tonight at the Doubletree Hotel-Downtown on Dodge Street in Omaha. Looks like a sweet place. How far from the UNO campus is the hotel? Are there any good bars/clubs in the area? Also, doesn't look too far from the Qwest Center either, so how tough is it to get tickets for the UNO-Notre Dame hockey game on Saturday? What else should we hit up around town? How many Sioux fans are making this trip??? I hope there are many. I talked to Sarah Newgard today, and there won't be any Alumni function going on like there was at UNI. So, we're on our own as far as the tailgating festivities for Saturday morning.
  8. You do realize that The Sicatoka was comparing strength of schedule involving all of the 700 schools in the NCAA and you come and throw out the fact that NDSU is ranked #1 in the Massey Ratings for 1-AA...Good Job. As for explaining how NDSU's schedule wasn't the most difficult, here goes nothing: NDSU's toughest opponent, records-wise, finished at 7-4. Georgia Southern, known around the D1-AA football world, had one of it's worst seasons that I can recall and finished 3-8. Ball State, a D1-A opponent, finished at 4-7. Their 4 wins came against teams with a combined record of 9-35. Minnesota, another D1-A opponent, had a record of 6-6. If you can honestly tell me that the Iowa team Minnesota beat on Saturday was the same team that was once ranked in the top 10 in the country, then I'm all ears for that one. Anyone with any knowledge of the game knows that Iowa gave up on their season. The best team the Gophers beat besides NDSU, records-wise, was Kent. And they finished at 6-5 in the mighty Mid-American Conference. And Kent is in the same conference was Ball State. South Dakota State lost to a D-3 opponent. Concordia-SP was a D-2 opponent that finished 5-6 in the NSIC. That is the same league that Winona State belongs to, which UND beat by a combined score of 91-2 this year. I'm done now. I have better things to do than look up every team that NDSU played. But, you get my point. NDSU had a great season. I've said that before in other threads. On paper, their schedule looked tough before the season started. But, in the end, it's only a decent schedule IMO. As I've said elsewhere on this board too, NDSU had no way to control this and played the hand they were dealt. Any NDSU fan who disagrees with that is delusional, as is any UND fan who disagrees that NDSU didn't have a great season. End of Story.
  9. That only applies once you get to the National Semi's. In each individual region, the higher seed hosts all the way through to the Region Final as UND92,96 posted. After that, it all goes into politics about where the NCAA can make as much money.
  10. I wonder what his fascination with St. Cloud is? Does he have friends on the team? Likes the school? The town? Maybe the coaching staff? Playing Time? Definitely not the arena. Why did he shun so many top-notch programs to go potentially to an "up-and-coming" program? It just seems odd to me. What are the odds of him coming to UND?
  11. Come on, you can't honestly believe that Wisconsin is still a top 15 team right now. They are tied for 7th in their own league with 2 games in hand on St. Cloud. Their record is 4-8-2, that's a winning percentage of 36%. They are averaging 1.85 goals/game, Elliot hasn't looked quite as sharp as he was last year, and their defense isn't air-tight like it usually is. Did you happen to watch the UofM-Wisconsin games this past weekend on FSN? Wisconsin probably had a total of 10 minutes of sustained attack time in the UofM zone the entire weekend. They just don't have anyone to score. Period. Getting Skille as well as the others back will help, but not as much as they need. And how many games can Elliot steal for them this year? He's gotta be running out of luck here somewhat eventually. If he gives up 2 goals or more, there's probably a 90% that he will lose the game right now. That's gotta wear on a goaltender. Unless they find some big-time magic over there in Wisconsin, the defending champ. will not be in the National Tournament this year at all.
  12. Can anyone on here remember an article written by Sports Illustrated approxmiately 2 years that talked about UND and the logo? I'm trying to find it again, but am having no luck. Just wondering if anyone else remembers this article or if I'm being delusional again. It was written before the NCAA came out with the whole "Hostile and Abusive" stuff if that helps.
  13. UND is going to hire a consulting firm to teach us geography lessons?
  14. When I watched the play, Fabian went in to check a AA guy into the glass and just went shoulder-to-shoulder with him. Right after Fabian hit the guy, he instantly dropped his right arm to his side and skated off the ice. But he did come back and play later in the game, so I assumed it wasn't anything serious. Apparently I was wrong.
  15. LeftyZL

    UND vs. UNO

    I didn't really know where to post this, so I figured I start a new thread. Myself as well as a few others are planning on making the trek down to Omaha on Saturday. Is anyone else on this board planning on doing the same? Also, does anyone what the ticket allocation process is for a road play-off game, if there is one at all? Last and certainly not least, anyone know of some decent hotels to stay at in Omaha that are reasonably priced?
  16. The goalie situation will be fine. Give it time to iron itself out. This argument runs its course every year and, it frankly, gets really old. Were we looking for a goalie last year when Lammy and JPar gave up 7, 4, and 4 goals successively to Denver and Wisonsin? No, we weren't. Now, before everyone tries to compare Wisconsin and Denver to AA, I'm not saying Alaska is as good. But anyone who watched the game on the web can see how far AA came from last year to this year. They will beat other good teams. Bank on it. How many great goaltenders, let alone great hockey players, do we see come in at the age of 17 and excel right away at the college level?? I can think of 3 right now, Stafford, Toews, and now Grieco. Toews wasn't really noticeable until after Christmas, Stafford was the same way as Toews, but not quite as good IMO his freshman year. Grieco will be a good goaltender. Maybe even a great goaltender. The coaches will continue to work on his skills and make him a polished goaltender. You can see the potential, and if you can't/don't, you need to recheck the prescription on those lenses. Don't judge him by 4 games where the entire team struggled, not just him.
  17. Maybe he/she was asking a serious question, maybe not. Just because someone says a smart-ass remark directed towards you, doesn't mean you are required to respond. It's called growing up and being mature and learning when to just end the conversation. On a side note, no matter how much crap us fans give each other, I and I'm sure many others on this board want/hope that Tyler Hirsch gets his life and his hockey career back in order as soon as possible.
  18. Should just be Miller from what I saw.
  19. Tic-Tac-Toe....Toews was at the top of the circle, to Oshie I believe at the other circle, who fed it to Duncan who was sitting at the side of the goal with a wide open net.
  20. It was a snipe. Right over the glove hand.
  21. He(Greico) should have had that one IMO. 3 on 2 rush, looked harmless, and a guy puts a wrister on net. Greico went down, puck went over his blocker shoulder.
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