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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. Wearing an alternate jersey is facially different than covering up the logos in the arena. It's not like UND will wear their regular jersey with a big patch over the name and logo. It'll be an alternate jersey that doesn't explicitly cover anything up. The "coverup" will be implicit by the absence of the logo and the word 'Sioux'. Chuck might be more comfortable with the idea of an implicit coverup (at least on a temporary basis until the issue is resolved in court). If push comes to shove and this issue is not favorably resolved come playoff time, my hunch is that UND would comply with the rule and wear an alternate jersey. Unless, of course, they are able to obtain a temporary restraining order while the case is in litigation. In any event, it's entirely possible that this throwback weekend and the accompanying jersies were planned before this NCAA nickname fiasco. In fact, I bet they simply recycle the jersies they wore against UMD a couple years back (the Prpich-Peluso series).
  2. Perhaps because that's the year I first attended.
  3. If UND makes the NCAA tournament, they will be placed in the Grand Forks regional (as the host) regardless of their seed.
  4. Great comments overall NDH. However, I have to disagree with this one: These were not meaningless games. They obviously were not "make or break" games, but they were important for PWR. Especially the Michigan State game, because they will surely be a TUC.
  5. I can't find the IntelAmerica 8 satellite. Should I just plug in Telstar 4 (also 89 degrees west) as the satellite when I'm running my channel search?
  6. Ditto. And Stafford wasn't real noticeable either. I expect it from the freshmen, but I thought these guys would make their presence felt a little more. Hopefully next weekend.
  7. 1:45 remaining in the game. The only question is whether UND will get shut out.
  8. Zajac misses the net on a PK breakaway. Penalty on MSU. 0:13 left on Prpich penalty.
  9. I'm not getting too worried either, but I didn't have terribly high expectations because the green defencemen. I expected opponents to be scoring 4 or 5 a night, but I also expected the offense to do the same. But it's still early. Having said that, these early non-conference games are very important for PWR down the road.
  10. Checking from behind on MSU. 5:00 major and game misconduct. Tim said it was a marginal call, but not surprising because they are really cracking down on checking from behind this season.
  11. This score is not surprising after listening to last night's game against a much inferior Miami team. Hopefully the team can adjust before the wcha season starts or things could get ugly. Any illusions that the freshmen were so talented they could just step in seemlessly should now be dashed. Yes they are talented, but they are still freshmen. What's more concerning to me than the freshmen is that Stafford, Zajac, and Spirko have been relatively quiet.
  12. Another penalty on UND - tripping on Oshie. PP goal MSU. 3-0 I think what we are seeing this weekend is that the freshmen have not yet adjusted to the speed of the college game. A lot of the penalties result.
  13. Penalty -- hooking on Toews 22 seconds into period.
  14. I agree it was not a balanced story, but it's conclusion is accurate IMO. UND will have a very difficult time prevailing in court. It won't be impossible, but it will be an uphill battle. One thing I'm sure of is that the NCAA will not have to "prove" that UND is being hostile and abusive toward Indians to win in court and keep the policy. If UND wins in court it will be for some other reason.
  15. These are the things I've been saying all along: The NCAA used the words "hostile and abusive" unnecessarily. It could have simply said "offensive" or some other word and enacted the same policy. Why on Earth the NCAA would use inflammatory words when it did not need to is beyond me. By using those words, they really made a lot of people angry that may not otherwise have been (Kupchella?). I've said all along that success in the courts is highly unlikely. Howevever, I still think litigation is worthwhile. There are a couple race-based arguments that were not mentioned in the article that might have legs, i.e. the NCAA is making distinctions based upon race (Irish vs. Sioux). The goal would be to have the court apply strict scrutiny to the policy. It's a shot, but very doubtful because those cases normally apply to policies that relate to real people, not nicknames and logos. More importantly, litigation may present the best opportunity to reach some sort of settlement. I'd push for a settlement that drops the words "hostile and abusive" and allows UND to host merit based post season games (i.e. football) while keeping intact the ban on covering up all imagry on uniforms and in the venue. It would still stink, but that would be a policy UND could at least live with.
  16. Hak interview: 5x5 - the Sioux played "reasonably well" Young D - Adjustment to level of speed. Led to some penalties. Only one way to learn. It's not going to happen overnight. They're smart. Learn through fire. Smaby's 5 min. a little questionable. But glad to see the freshmen kill it off after that. They kept their composure. Parise allowed the young d-men to gain confidence and experience under fire. Hopefully we learn from this. "Getting better" has to be a theme for this team. Toews a little paralyzed in the first period despite his goal..feet not moving much...played better as the game went along. Can learn from losing, but learn a lot more from winning. Hak questions refs consistency. Didn't think Porter took a dive (Tim thinks he did). Hak said Porter was tired and was pulled off balance and fell. We're a year into the emphasis on officiating. As a fan, not a great game to watch, but it's the nature of the beast early on. Michigan State - good hockey team - similar to Miami, maybe a little younger. We're going to worry about ourselves.
  17. 13 penalties for the Sioux for 29:00. 11 penalties for Miami for 22:00.
  18. Great game for Parise. Miami seemed to outplay the Sioux for the majority of the game. Hopefully the Sioux will make some adjustments for Michigan State tomorrow.
  19. Stafford scored empty netter. 3-0 Sioux. 0:11 left.
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