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Everything posted by Sioux_Hab-it

  1. I should have been more specific and said with one starting center already being out losing their best center is going to really hurt. Sioux should control the faceoffs at the very least.
  2. That picture is my current computer background screen and this year I am hoping for an update picture with the national title trophy in front of them
  3. Badgers lack depth up front and so the loss of Geoffrion will really hurt them, 4-2 Sioux.
  4. You are thin skinned yourself and I think we all clearly know what sets you off. We also have it figured out that you will only respond by frothing at the mouth. If a verbal assault, including serious defamation or slander in person isn't enough to set you off to the point of gettng physical then "Good for you Gandhi". But in reality you can't be Gandhi if you and your family carry grudges for life. More importantly, the fight we are debating in this thread has nothing to do with a mere verbal exchange, it has to do with something you clearly have never understood, honor amongst teamates. Commodore laid out one of the LA Kings more skilled forwards and Greene knew it was his duty to respond. Do you want us to believe that if someone physically assaulted a member of your family right in front of you, your only response would be to say "I now hate you forever". If so you really do belong on GPL.
  5. The Sioux skated with the Cup before the playoffs. You are right.
  6. You need help. I can guarantee you that if these two meet up at a future Alum function they will shake hands and if the fight is brought up (probably by you) they will have a good laugh and compliment each other on a job well done.
  7. All the college writers and bloggers have beat the "look who Duncan played with" detail to death, well they should do the same thing with McBain. The Wisconsin D-corps is deep (Goloubef, McDonagh etc) on talent and they have a Senior in net which begs the question if McBain is so great why aren't the Badgers a top seed in the WCHA. A D-man has to be Carle or Leopold type good and their team more successful to win the WCHA MVP. Depending on what transpires this weekend the only other player who has a good shot at the MVP other than Duncan is Stalock and perhaps the longshots are Rau if he can lead CC over DU this weekend and Lasch. If Stalock has a good weekend I could accept him winning as nobody expected much from UMD this season and he is the main reason that UMD is in the mix to host a first round playoff series.
  8. Northeastern plays the game with a very dirty edge and have injured key players of their opponents (ie BU and our own Big Joe). Let Denver have them and if they manage to get by them they won't be healthy enough to go any further
  9. I think if you were to ask Duncan he would rather earn the Frozen Four MVP and the title that typically goes with it.
  10. Alaska may have been a factor but in the post game comments Duncan mentioned how good CC is and even mentioned Rau by name as the best player the Sioux have come up against this season.
  11. They put their whistles away for the whole period and then break it out with OT looming for that. I hate the WCHA officials Why play games that they influence and decide to their satisfaction?
  12. So much for all the calls in the first two periods, CC is getting away with the clutch and grab again.
  13. They need to install revolving doors on the penalty boxes at the REA.
  14. No more penalties Sioux have stopped skating.
  15. It can't be serious if he took the pregame skate.
  16. That is what Hak said in the pregame. Gregoire took the pregame skate but can't go so either he is injured or has a Flu bug.
  17. Hak just said that following their warm-up Gregoire is out and Davidsson is in. Is it an injury or the Flu
  18. Tomorrow afternoon someone has got to be Rau's shadow.
  19. Webcast was turned off.
  20. CC is pressing again, and BE with some key saves. Don't let Rau get free again because, despite what the Skippies think of their Stoa, he is the best player the Sioux have played against this season.
  21. Despite what the TV announcers are saying that was Genoway out of position 4-4
  22. CC is getting away with a lot of clutch and grab now that the Sioux are out hustling them.
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