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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. 2-0 Habs with 5 to go in the 2nd. Keep it going Montreal.
  2. Cheapest move in hockey right along with a stick to the crotch.
  3. Lunquist with a little shower for Cindy. https://vine.co/v/MgIKZTLpHWz
  4. 2 minutes to go. Timeout Wild. Down 2-1. Here we go.
  5. Cindy with a slew foot and a crotch shot in game. Damn I do not like him. http://twitpic.com/e3l97i
  6. Wild getting outplayed pretty bad this period. The Wild killer Bickell ties it up.
  7. No kidding. He has a chance to be a top 6 forward on this team. I thought he would be at best a 4th liner.
  8. Speed kills and Haula has it. Wow.
  9. Cannot stand Cindy. Little bitch.
  10. St Louis puts the Rangers on top 1-0 early.
  11. Wild better be ready right from the get go tonight. They are going to see one fired up Hawks team with 22 thousand rabid fans behind them. Need that first goal to quiet the place down. Oh how I would love to see them be able to send the Hawks packing at the X Tuesday night.
  12. Ballsy move by Boudreau. Had it backfired the fans would be asking for his head instead he looks like a genius.
  13. Dirty dirty hit. Should of been 5 and a game after he did it.
  14. I think every team would love Subban.
  15. Cooke set the tone right off the bat. Great to have him back.
  16. That was pure domination tonight. I like their chances in Chicago.
  17. Not even close to Oshie. Oshie could stickhandle around a player in a phone booth and the next shift put ya thru the boards. I give Rocco a 15 percent chance of being a regular in the NHL.
  18. Gaborik stays hot. Another goal tonight 36 seconds in.
  19. I was a Hawks fan before Minny had a team and still am. With that said Minny is first on the list followed by the Hawks. Would love to see the Wild knock off the champs but the goalie situation for the Wild is anything but ideal. If Bryz is the guy throughout they have a 5% chance of pulling it off.
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