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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. No worries here. Pretty damn cool a scout thinks that highly of him though. He just wants another ring. That is all he cares about.
  2. Looking more and more like SCSU Friday night.
  3. Wow. You are more delirious than I first thought.
  4. And their number 1 bantam team plays Minnesota and Canadien teams. Not even in the tourney.
  5. The Wings always find gold in late rounds.
  6. Oh Kunitz coming in from behind on a Wings player that is already in a headlock isn't cheap in your book eh Davey boy? Yep choir boys every one of them.
  7. Pittsburgh paying dearly for their cheap play today. 5-0 Wings.
  8. Big win over the Blues in their barn last night by the Wild. Dubnyk is capable of getting this team deep in the playoffs granted they get there.
  9. This stinks but I think we all knew this would be it for him. Great career with it's share of adversity. Mac is as tough as they come and is the true meaning of a team player. Did it the Sioux way. Thanks Mark.
  10. He isn't making a dime. I've sat in the club seats many times and he is losing money if anything. Good luck selling them and Go Sioux!!!!!
  11. Ranger look like the favorite coming out of the East to me if Talbot can keep doing what he is doing until Lunquist comes back. Looking forward to watching them at the X April 2nd when they take on the Wild. Tics are in hand.
  12. Gardenhire was going through the motions the last couple of years. He needed to be canned 3 years ago. Hell he brought Bartlett and Kubel from spring training to be on the opening roster.
  13. A slight improvement and will avoid a 5th 90+ loss season and go 74-88.
  14. Yes he is. Damn proud of the kid because I know all the work he has put in to get where he is at. On top of that he is as humble of a guy as you will find.
  15. Nice 6-2 win by the Wild over the Devils tonight. Now the schedule gets tough starting with the Ducks Friday and Blues Saturday.
  16. You and me both. CC played em tough when they were at the Ralph this year. Nothing is easy when it comes to playoff time.
  17. Well I called that game before it happened. Told my buddy when we got in our seats that Stewart and McKleod would get in a fight in the first minute then the game would settle down and be fairly mellow. First time the Wild have lost when I'm at the X. Damnit.
  18. So with the women losing tonight are they done?
  19. Yes he did and it was a clean hit. Why does there have to a scrum or a fight after every big clean hit?
  20. Oshie gets lit up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaJKcfGqTCg#t=11
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