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Posts posted by keikla

  1. I think it's selfish and bush league to leave mid-season (sorry, Mitch, but that includes you), unless you're failing the academic side. To do so when your team is already shorthandehed with injuries is even worse. And Brad confirmed it wasn't academics.

    Yes, he only had 4 points in 16 games, but he was improving. And it's not like he wasn't getting any playing time.

  2. I thought all of the following were head scratchers:







    Ahead of these guys:

    St. Louis





    Couture (depending on his injury status)


    The major thing in favor of Kunitz is his demonstrated chemistry with others who were guaranteed to make the team. When most of the Olympic teams start practicing together just a few days before their first game, that chemistry becomes much more significant.

    And Couture might be a different story if he wasn't injured.

  3. Looking at the records, the Sioux 'should' beat CC. But CC always plays better against UND, UNO, and teams with a run-and-gun style of play (which typically matches CC's style); though UND hasn't exactly looked like a run-and-gun team this year.

  4. I guess the thing that perplexes me the most is that our UND team just doesn't seem to have the talent of past. I find it hard to believe but it is obvious this year.

    Not that hard to believe when you have several blue-chippers get replaced by NAHL guys (no offense intended to Gaarder, as he's starting to increase his game).

    I'm not trying to make excuses, but unless you're the 2007 Patriots, losses happen throughout the regular season. Often, they happen to less talented teams. If it takes an unexpected loss to remind the boys not to take this recent winning streak for granted, I'd much rather that loss come against UBC than against CC next weekend.

  5. I'd personally like to see UND play a team from the CHL. Like maybe play Windsor or the Wheat Kings. It would be a pretty competitive hockey game, and gritty as all heck. :lol:

    Heck, hold a little showcase at the Joe in Detroit. Windsor is right there, London near by.... I'm sure you could throw a Michigan school in there and have two days and four games between two NCAA schools and two CHL teams.

    Agreed, but I don't think you'll find a CHL team willing to risk it. If they lost to an NCAA team (or two!), they would lose some credibility in touting how much stronger they are at developing players. And considering college players are generally older and more physically mature, there's a decent chance they would lose.

  6. they should make the games count then, instead of scheduling two games that won't amount to a hill of beans come march. AZ is right, the first game against manitoba or whoever is more than enough. this whole team bonding thing is ridiculous, if this team hasn't formed some kind of bond by now it has more troubles than we think. they had a chance to bond against miami, omaha, bu and western mich on the road.

    If college teams go up to Canada to play each other, I don't think it would garner near as much interest from the surrounding area as playing a local team would. So if the purpose is to expand recruiting and get the name and reputation of college hockey out there, it has to be exhibition against a Canadian team local to the area.

  7. Wiki says 2004 and 2011. Could just be how they label the years. But USCHO says Blais coached in 2012 so I will go with you on Sandelin coached 2005 and assisted in 2012.

    Sandelin was definitely '05 at the Ralph. Some news outlet (I can't remember which one) just did a story about the ridiculous talent pool at that tournament, and Sandelin was a frequent interviewee.

  8. Let me know when Hak has a sub .500 season. Mack Brown was still the head coach at Texas three years after his team finished 5-7. Mack's team then never lost fewer than 4 games for the next three years.

    Absolutely nothing in common with the Texas situation and UND's situation.

    Exactly. Nebraska football would be a much more appropriate comparison (though those calling for Hak's head aren't likely to bring it up). Frank Solich was the coach from '98-03, going 58-18 in that span. After a 9-3 season in 2003, he was canned. The AD at the time made some stupid statement about not letting Nebraska football settle for mediocrity.

    And you know what happened next? After letting go of a winning coach (who just couldn't get 'the big one'), they hired big-name Bill Callahan who went 27-22 from '04-07 before getting sacked. His teams literally broke Nebraska records for sucking (worst defeat and 1st time losing 5 straight since 1958).

    I used this exact same example last year but, given this thread, I think it warrants repeating. You can't assume that the coach who follows Hakstol will be better (or even as good)...even if you get a big name with a history of winning. I lived in Nebraska from '03-'07, and I never met a single Nebraska fan who didn't regret the decision to let go of Solich, though most of them had been calling for his head back in 2003.

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  9. I wore my SiouxSports hat for a run in a major snowstorm today. While my eyelashes froze, my ears were nice and toasty. I'll let you know after Christmas if this was the best gift I received, but it's definitely in the running. :) Thanks MafiaMan! And Siouxman! I mean, uh...Santa.

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