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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Dragging up an old thread with new data from OEP site. Expenses $ 16,784,688 Revenues $ 16,945,635 Revenue Total $ 160,947 Go Sioux!!
  2. I hope they are right. Love to have the UND/USD combo.
  3. I've been reading Vandrovec's blog the past week and I think he is somewhat miffed at USD. They are all really pounding the drum on the $800k, even though the folks at USD say that it is greatly exaggerated.
  4. I am hopeful that USD also joins the Big Sky, but I'm glad that neither UND nor the Big Sky made that a contingency for UND joining. I think they will ultimately join. The Yankton Press seems to think that Big Sky is the correct decision....
  5. Q&A with Big Sky Conference commissioner Doug Fullerton
  6. I'll bet Sioux Boosters will be a packed house this week.
  7. I hadn't seen this posted previously. This is Fullerton's announcement of UND and SUU joining the Big Sky.
  8. Oh, the irony. Big Sky quickly ends UND's wait
  9. I feel the same way about what happened yesterday. But I don't think it stops with just the athletic department. I think the whole university was just launched forward and that we will begin to see growth that we couldn't imagine just a few years ago. Great job by Dr. Kelley and Mr. Faison!!!
  10. Unless I misunderstood, Faison said that S&D has affiliate status with C-USA.
  11. From Press conference... Will begin Big Sky in 2012. Faison applauded Fullerton for being aggressive and seizing the west for the Big Sky. Said that there is no time to be timid or the "take your time" approach. Said that Douple was disappointed. Missed parts of the conference due to work.
  12. I'm making my trek north for this series. Can't wait!!
  13. 13thWarrior posted this on Egriz...
  14. Press conference will be covered live for free on fightingsioux.com at 3:00 central today.
  15. So why aren't the student showing up for games? Anyone in the know on this? Student attendance was part of the reason that I started the "back to Memorial" thread.
  16. Now that the speculation is over and the Big Sky announcement is being made today, it is probably time to ditch the "conference speculation" thread and begin a Big Sky thread. I know there is one in the football forum, but the Big Sky is about a whole lot more than football. Today begins a new era at UND.
  17. A new blog for UND News....University of North Dakota
  18. Sioux-Cardinals Preview I could live with that score and a "W". Go Sioux!!!!
  19. GeauxSioux

    Landry Out

    I was a detractor of Landry early in the season, praised him later and had mixed feelings the remainder of the time. Regardless, he gave it his all. Thanks Jake.
  20. Keep the updates coming. My video crashed.
  21. Forever the homer,,,,, Sioux 24 Cal Poly 17 GO SIOUX!!!!!
  22. I agree, it is likely schedule driven. I'm flying up to GF in a couple of weeks and checked both airports for a few weeks before buying. The prices were always the same between FAR and GFK, coming from the south.
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