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Everything posted by Diggler

  1. You mean like you adding the F word to everyone of them? My favorite of yours was "Give me a S, give me an e, give me a v, give me a g, give me a r, give me a t. What the F does that spell?" We don't know! "What the F does that mean?" We don't know!. The tits cheer isn't used nearly enough anymore. BUt the poop cheer for dump it has been added for when we're on the PK.
  2. You mean "Hair of the Dog". Proper titles people! Expect No Mercy Lyrics - Nazareth
  3. I'd like the band to play more, but I'd also like it if they didn't stink. They don't know any songs. Other than the beersong and school songs, what else do they play? They have the same halftime show for every FB game. I've heard they don't practice. What's the point? The band could be very good, but instead they suck as of now and as a result I think that there is alot more piped music.
  4. I believe Sydney was doing two academic years as one last year, so if he would've come to college, it would've been for the 2004-2005 season. Sure he would've been gone after his freshman year, but to get to see him play would've been great.
  5. The education account is money that the team gives the player that can only be used for the players education. If the player reaches a certain age and hasn't made the NHL, he can use this account to go to and pay for school. So actually it is possible for Sydney to come to UND, he just couldn't play hockey.
  6. No for the sole reason that the Steve Miller song and video are horrible. And I don't wanna see anyone dressed up as magicians. They would be taunted mecilessly by the students.
  7. Sweeney should be quiet. He's a complete dope.
  8. That doesn't sound like something Grant would say. If he did, he is essentially saying he will get revenge and try to injure Prpich in January. I really doubt it though. Grant is a good guy.
  9. This has nothing to do with music but does anyone know where that aboslutely hillarious driving clip was from that they had last weekend? You know the one where the two old people are pulling up on another car, with the woman in the passenger seat. She picks up a steering wheel and as they go to pass the other car, she jerks her steering wheel toward him, making the other car think he is gonna be run into. Holy crap was that hillarious.
  10. Click on this picture, it should open in a new window. Then right click on the new bigger picture and set as wallpaper/background.
  11. Try right clicking on the desktop-->properties--->background tab--->underpicutre display choose center. If that doesn't work, ask someone who is smarter than me.
  12. He won't be coming to UND as he is playing Major Junior in Canada. He was considering college last year and I believe UND was one of the schools he was considering. Also I believe he came here for a visit last year. He should be here for the WJC next year though. I can't wait for that, it will be great.
  13. Ratchet, chainsaw and a really fat guy jumping.
  14. I think it was white, no back to it either. Stupid front row.
  15. If you bring it to the student section, I'm sure you'll find someone who will take it.
  16. That's because I was too busy ripping my seat out to pay attention to the game.
  17. Someone is gonna bring me to the games? Sweet! That picture of Saigo totally rules.
  18. Nice! Is it possible to make the Sioux logo a bit bigger though?
  19. I would have to guess that Blais just throws a live wolverine their way and lets the Matts' take care of business.
  20. I think they'll let it through. I mean they let the hooking one through last week and that is much worse. Plus this one is funny. I liked Scott's idea of SCSU, we accept everyone except:
  21. I think this pic is much better than the one Minnesota NorthStar likes. The guy with the black cap and the anti-Gopher shirt is much better looking too.
  22. LOL. I say you take him to the People's Court with Judge Wapner, yellowdog.
  23. This is my point. Yet Gopher fans are the ones talking about goalies, not Sioux fans. Weber leaving had nothing to do with Gopher fans saying their goaltending was better.
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