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Everything posted by Siouxhockey78

  1. ok sick of this crap...the game is close so why not on TV...makes no sense. so what is the finally deals on even watching it on TV. thanks
  2. are these games aired at all.....thanks
  3. just curious what other big timers are on the radar and we get a shot at them
  4. I am a Sioux fan and I hope he flops against us just curious what he was all about
  5. I heard he's pretty good. anyone got anything on him
  6. did you ever figure who the kid was the visited?
  7. Sounds like a good problem to have......What you think of HUdson? Who else do we have a eye on
  8. i agree and bring Walters in too Wow Hudson is huge for 9th grader.....please come to UND
  9. plenty of time left in the series. I am a Wings fan and think they will get passed the first round put don't think they will get to the finals
  10. i am going to go with 4-0 and denver is down by 2 at the moment
  11. I say Frattin comes out guns a blazing and gets 2 points to continue his freakish playing he's been doing. Sioux will statement tonight to the WHOLE Nation. Sioux win 4-2
  12. I suck at figuring the pairwise. did we gain any ground after last nights butt kicking we put on the gophers. thanks
  13. This is the reason I have hardly been to any games in the last 2 years. Not going to get taken when I know what the tickets cost. I can go to the bar and drink my face off for both nightS and still not spend as much as one night gold digging pricing....
  14. any word on how Eberts visit went.
  15. Well I hope we WOW Ebert so he commits right away.
  16. who's all visiting this weekend?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI7g-mmH0jM
  18. i heard the canadian goalie going to minny is pretty much a done deal but who really knows until he signs the letter of intent. On kfan they have been talking about the gophers going to try get the best team together no matter where they are from because the Frozen 4 is in the cities next I believe. I think Blais will not be going there. just a feeling which i hope is true
  19. Is there anyone visiting this weekend
  20. Bring Ebert in too. Who else is visiting in March? Any other big time players we are looking at
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