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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. No one is arguing that the west is better than the east, but why does there have to be constant ripping on the west? No one rips on the east in the sports there not very good at. Sometimes people(especially from GF), talk about there hockey like its life or death. Yes i do respect the fact that Grand Forks is dominant in hockey, but do it with some class please. You have to remember that maybe 10 or 11 people in the state will go on to play D1 hockey in the next couple of years if that, and for the rest of them its the last year to enjoy it. For example, Bismarck High has never taken worse than 3rd place in wrestling since 1960!, that right there is dominance at its best. But if you look at how the students handle it, and the fans, there is no rubbing of it in. We know that even though Grand Forks is never that good but at the same time, why put someone down for cheering on there alma matter? Sports is the one thing that should bring everyone together in good fun and competition, and its situations like these that are just sad to witness. Cheer on your team and celebrate, but at the end of the day remember, we are all cheering on the sport that we love, so don't ruin it with cockiness and taunting.
  2. i think a reason for the constant debate over this, is partly because phil is from grand forks. Most sioux fan have seen him play since he was little and there may be a bit of home town sentiment with a lot of sioux fans. I feel that it is wise for any team to play a goalie who wins more and loses less(that is common sense to me at least).i think that jordan wins more because plain and simple he has a better numbers than phil which is in his control, but also the fact that the team plays better for him, which he can't control. I dont care the reasons why his record is better and what can be done to have the team play better for phil more consistenly, that is for the coaches to figure out. The bottom line is as a sioux fan jordan gave us a chance last year, and i feel carried us to the national title game, and it seems like he is ready to do the same this year. I understand the home town sentiment, but this isn't highschool hockey any more so we should let the home town sentiments go and support everyone on the team instead of arguing over something like this. Bottom line Jordan earned the spot and games he is given, so there really shouldn't be an argument.
  3. i think part of it is that he is proven in the pipes when it matters late in the season, that kind of respect and trust has to be earned in a team sport, and as you know if you played a team sport before if a backup qb has to go into the game because a starter is hurt and the team starts losing more, its not because the team isn't playing as hard for him, its because he is not as proven. Now i'm not sayin that phil is a backup like that, but just using it as an example of my theory. Jordy has earned more of the teams trust, therefor they play better for him because of it.
  4. the bottom line is wins and losses jordan parise 13-6-1 GAA 2.34 Save%.928 phil lamoureux 5-7-0 GAA 2.62 save %.910 its unfortunate that phil doesn't get more goals scored for him, but bottom line i want a goalie who will put a W in the win column for me and right now that is jordan, see above stats for proof.
  5. i think an important question to ask as well is why does the team consistenly score more goals for jordy than for phil? I'm not sayin that they aren't tryin for phil cause that isn't the case, but jordan has had proven success and has maybe gained more of a trust and respect from the team. Not phils fault, jordan just became hot at the right time and is keeping pace from right where he set off last year, so i think it is his spot to lose. but what a problem to have, two goalies who ould start for almost any other collegiate program in the country and we got stuck with it lol, nice change from 3 or 4 years ago right after karl left huh
  6. PCM it's not that we're not allowed to do it, but it's the way we're told. It's comments like yours that completely shut out student attempts at compromise. We realize we're not allowed to do it, as you read in my earlier post my compromise dealt with cheers and respect, not standing and swearing. It's somewhere to start.
  7. 82 is exactly right about the old arena. When the new arena was built and the students didn't pay for it in fee's we lost a lot of power in the arena because we now have no financial risk with it, if a disgruntled student doesn't wanna go to a game they can just sell the ticket to the public and make more money off of it, just the way business works. Am i disgruntled with it yes, but i understand why it is the way it is. When you build a $100 million arena it takes a lot more money to run every year, but it still does seem to me that there is a severe lack of communication between the students and the public. We as students feel disgruntled(some of us anyway), because all we have been hearing is that we're drunk, obnoxious, and have no respect for our peers around us. And the public feels like we're spoiled because we get to see the games for so cheap. The new arena may not be as crazy as the old arena but it has attracted the type of talent that the hockey team hasn't seen in awhile(when was the last time the team had 6+ first round draft picks on the team in the same year?), and that has to be acknowledged. At the same time the students wouldn't be nearly as disgruntled if we were treated with have been told these rule changes and been treated with some respect. The more aggresively a group of people is attacked, the more defensive they get as is the situation here, and i believe that is the root of the problem mostly. When the community comes on here and says that we're drunk, obnoxious, and immature fo course we'll get defensive and throw it back at you, most people would(how would you react if someone told that to you time after time?). Now if there would of been a meeting with the students and the community to brainstorm on ideas to improve it that would be a start. For example, in Wisconsin the fans and students all cheer together, most of the time the fans are the ones that start the cheers and the students follow, the community came together as one, and its a great time there, so why not try something that has proven to work. Have a forum that is commited to creatin new cheers that EVERYEONE can participate in and feel good about, after all that is what duke does. Its time to end the fighting and come together as a community and embrace the students as well as have the students embrace the community. Because until actual solutions are trying to be thought of instead of just fighting, the atmosphere wont change.
  8. This is the solution a lot of students have been sayin for awhile. Right now the Ralph and the town of Grand Forks all put the students on a lower pedastol than everyone else, which was proven with the new zoning ordinance. Moving students to the end and givin us more seats would allow us to stand behind the apposing goalie the whole game because we would not be in anyones way anymore. Yes, selling tickets before every game as general admission does work, they did it 3 years ago when i was a freshman and it worked great. As long as it stays this way the ralph will continue to push away hockey fans like me, because they have made it perfectly clear that "us" students dont matter in the ralph or the town, we're just "dumb" college students who dont know what we're doing, or at least that's the message most of this town is tryin to say. No, this has nothing to do with the logo as i love it, and i have also gotten a great education at UND and would come again, but it really is appauling when this stuff continually happens. Here are a few reasons to support my claims. 1) 2 years ago grand forks didn't want students to participate in city elections because we weren't residents apparently, even though we pay rent, taxes, etc.. for everything 2) Builds alumni housing on bronson property instead of student housing which is needed already 3) not allowed to turn single-family houses into rental properties, which means for students its now apartments or dorms, which will probably raise the price of apartments even higher since demand will now surely increase. 4) Not to stand, or cheer to loud at games (yes i have gotten complained about and yelled at for actually cheering to loud) I have been a die-hard hockey fan of the sioux all my life, which was proven my first two years here by never missing a game, and camping outside for almost a week for season tickets. But after the way the ralph and town have treated me, i no longer even go to hockey games really, after all why go if we're not wanted?
  9. its hard to say, because he is undersized for a center at 288lbs, and a lot of the bigger dline men could overpower him. He would fit perfect into denver or atlanta's offensive line, which goes after smaller, faster, more athletic guys. If any team like that needs a center i could see him being a late first round pick, but at latest 2nd round which is still pretty high for any center.
  10. Csonked Out


    Just wanted to say congratulations to Greg Eslinger. The former bismarck high football player who won Mr. Football in 2002 just won the outland trophy for the nations top interior lineman, and the rimington award for the nations top center. Quite the honor for a ND boy, even though he is playin for the goofers.
  11. This program was going in the right direction. I feel this season was a dissapointment, they could have been so much better, but the bottom line is no one likes the new coach. There are girls that have quit in the offseason already, and they dont want to play for him at all, it could be a rough next couple of years IMHO.
  12. on a side note, the UND women's soccer team just beat #6 nebraska 1-0 in nebraska
  13. actually our back up kicker left UND early to enter the draft for next year, and he is only a junior lol
  14. maybe i'm the only one who doesn't see this as such a bad thing this year. When we are playin our game like we have been the past month, i feel this is the most dangerous type of team to play. There is not one player on the team right now that an opponent can concentrate on, i mean did anyone else notice for fourth line on the ice with under 3 minutes left? These awards are stats races, and with not one player on the team over 40 points this year everyone should of known it would of turned out this way.(depending on if genoway had 2 points tonight, i know he had a goal, but not sure about an assist). Also no UND goalie will ever win an award when they split time 50/50, just the way it is. But now its time to concentrate on gettin some revenge on those damn pioneers!!!!!!!!!
  15. i'm only defending minot and bismarck high, the rest aren't very good. Anyone who's played hockey knows that when a team constantly plays teams below there caliber the team has a tendency to play just good enough to win, and sometimes not even that. That is the big problem with these two teams(minot and bismarck) from the west, they play mediocre teams all year, then have to jump up and play teams that play at a different level than the rest of the teams they've played at state, its hard adjustment to make, and until more quality teams from the west can compete consistenly at a higher level, it will be the same story every year.
  16. i got no argument for that lol, i am just sayin a couple of these games we'll be closer than some people think this year
  17. I just have one question for everyone in here, who from the east has beat a team from the west this year? The east has had 5 chances and the only team to not lose was RR and they tied minot, i realize the east has bragging rights every year, and they deserve it, but show a little class and knowledge in your comments, south lost to bismarck, grafton got the crap kicked outta um by bismarck, and minot already beat central along with grafton this year. Do i think a west team will win it this year, probably not, but they at least deserve some respect, well at least minot and bismarck.
  18. i respect your analysis of him, but respectfully disagree, he is the fastest goalie i have seen in the state this year by far, but i would say the best goalie would have to be either minot's, fargo souths, or williston.
  19. my mistake so hockey 15 that was the game i was talkin about, just put the wrong month by accident, oops
  20. lol if bismarck hi couldn't win state in 92 i dont expect them too with this team, but i am sick of the east thinking they are so overpowering this year, i will give south props because they are a great team. But the east hasn't beaten anyone from the west yet this year, and i'm not about to throw in the towel just because its state. I'll say this with respect to grand forks because i know how good they are every year, but there is a reason this year why they are 3rd and 4th in the east.
  21. what more can minot or the west do to prove themselves this year. Bismarck hi beat the easts # 1 and 2 seeds on there home ice, and minot beat the #4 and 2 seeds, and tied the 3 seeds. Central hasn't won a quality game since dec. 27th, (and jamestown, north, and west fargo dont count as quality teams), and now they are playin the states only undefeated team. Central will only have a chance of winning if minot beats themselves. BHS proved themselves when they beat south, and kicked the crap out of grafton in grafton. The tournament is so wide open this year, that if they play as good as they can, they will have a chance, even without aide in the lineup, 10 guys have at least 10 or more points on the team this year. I would bet that a Grand forks team wont even make it to the championship this year.
  22. i found an interesting note and minot and bismarcks record against the east this year: Bismarck (2-0) both wins were on the road as well - beat fargo south 6-5 -beat grafton 6-0 Minot (2-0-1) -beat GFC 4-2 -tied red river 2-2 -beat grafton 5-1 so even though every is predicting a champion from the east this year, they have yet to beat a western team. Theres something to think about.
  23. Aide will be ready for state, Bina took him out as a precautionary, because bismarck already made state. He could of played if he had too, but no reason. On a side note, in the 2 games he did play he scored 4 goals and have 5 assists for 9 points to lead the west region tourny, not bad for 2 games played. He deserves more credit from the eastern people on this site than he is getting.
  24. i would like to see him play, but i feel its to late in the year to try a new goalie. We are currently 15th in the pairwise and with only 2 series left every game is important. Why try someone new when we already have two proven goalies this year, doesn't make much sense to me in this tight of a race.
  25. i just wanted to point out that for the first time in who knows how long UND's power play is ranked in the top 20 in the nation at 17th, clicking at 19.3%. It's about time is all i can say!!!!
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