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Everything posted by shep

  1. Wasn't impressed with them. A decent QB would have ripped them apart. Defensively they stopped the run because there was NO passing attack to defend. Offensively, they had a couple of drives, but they didn't impress me. We LOST this game, they didn't win it. If that makes sense.
  2. Trying to comprehend a worse way to start the season. Please, please don't let the Reyes injury be serious!
  3. That is some SHIITTTYTTY O LINE play.
  4. Anyone listening to 96.1? What are they saying about Reyes?
  5. He got run over pretty good when he tackled the RB after a ten yard run.
  6. We are really deep at LB and DL. I have seen a bunch of different numbers in this one.
  7. No Reyes this series. Now I'm nervous.
  8. Hey Toivonen, welcome to FCS football as your QB almost gets you killed.
  9. Ty Carter wasn't even in the same zip code as the WR on that one.
  10. Not surprised they'd run. Coaches are losing confidence in the passing game especially without Clives.
  11. Didn't look comfortable on that pass or that play. GEEZUS Studs, get your ##%# together.
  12. And a few Big Sky teams, too.
  13. We worry about the OLine, but they've given him time (except for that last play); he's just not in this one yet.
  15. How many overthrown balls is Studs going to toss tonight?
  16. Someone mentioned our stable of RB's and they look good, but no running back is great without an OLine which is going to be tested by this D. That's a concern in my usual skepticism.
  17. I'm nervous too. They have Homefield and some of the first game jitters may be lessened because of that. I just don't want to see any UND TO's. I think that's a key as we let the D dictate field position.
  18. Played the UND Booster today. Bubba spoke at the end . Said Toivonen and I think he said Wanzek would have RS pull After, I asked about Cloyd and he said that's another one they are considering.
  19. I assume LB at this level. Seemed small against some of those large O linemen. He never bull rushed anyone but had a knack of playing off the block.
  20. If all the QB needs to do is hand off to Santiago, why can't "Heidelberg" do it? The Joe as QB ship has sailed at least with this coaching staff.
  21. I believe that should be "Dulin noted!" Please keep an eye on the O-line and whether a certain large tackle with pancake ability as demonstrated last season is around. Thanks
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