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Everything posted by izzi6

  1. Do you? I wasn't the one crying about a goal celebration. I just came here to point out some hypocrisy. Thanks. Personally, I love our rink. It's got great atmosphere and the state of Minnesota could have kept its money and its glass front for all I care. Engelstad is gorgeous, but it's got all the energy of a funeral home. If I wanted to be surrounded by marble I'd go to a mausoleum. Am I the ghost of Herb Brooks? Nope, but I've paid rent on the parking garage for the last 24 years... and I love the place enough to claim it. Congratulations on your second-place finish. Can't wait to see you in the playoffs.
  2. Hello again. I was sitting third row in the section to your right. I don't doubt you'll recognize me in a minute. Let's talk about "classlessness." Let's talk for just a minute about "minimal level of sportsmanship." All night, you and your buddies were drunkenly chanting the sexist and classless "Husky Women!" chant, and when I called you out on it, someone's sportsmanlike response was to flip me off and call me a stupid whore. You scream "Sioux!" when UND has dropped the nickname due to it being offensive, and when everyone who runs your university, plus our conference and the NCAA, not to mention the Lakota (Sioux) nation, has condemned its use. You show up drunk as hell to a dry campus, and call our building a "parking garage" because we didn't accept money from a Nazi benefactor. You cussed and swore at the top of your lungs while young children sat in the seats in the row beneath me and behind me. You called my friend a bitch and my father a fat old man. You were obnoxious, rude, and out of line; you have NO ROOM to talk about being "classless" or having sportsmanship. Cory Thorson scored a goal, skated over to the glass to celebrate, and taunted you a little bit. Of the two, I think that's about a thousand times less offensive. Don't come back to my rink. Not only are you unwelcome, it's not worth the money to go home crying over a loss and a broken nose.
  3. Houghton's great, especially if you catch them on a Winter Carnival weekend... SCSU's played them twice during the Carnival and I've went up there both times. Here's my lowdown: Lodging: Holiday Inn Express or the Franklin Square Best Western. If you're forced to stay at the Best Western King's Inn, stay home. Trust me. At the rink: They have a helluva gift shop, might want to check that out... bring earplugs for when you're in the rink, especially if there's alot of Tech power plays, there's one song you'll hear continuously if that's the case. Trust me, you'll find out what I'm talking about. And it'll stay in your head and drive you insane, so bring good music to drown it out of your head after the game. All the people I've talked with up there are great... there's no such thing as Gopher arrogance up there Other places: Go over to Hancock, up to Copper Harbor, and if you're willing to brave snowy roads for a good laugh, drive up to the town of Gay and take a picture of the Gay Bar, which is painted pink (I s&!t you not). November will be a great time to head up to the peninsula. Elizabeth
  4. I find myself agreeing.
  5. If you're scared of heights, don't make the trek up to the upper reaches of the top deck. It's steeper than hell. You might even want to stay away from it if you DON'T think you're afraid of heights. Then again, you see some pretty cool s&!t up there. I saw that f***ing Maroon Loon take a headfirst dive down the stairs when I was sitting in the topmost row one year. Served him right. The sightlines are really bad on the lower level corners... the best seats are in a little balcony, but for the life of me, I can't remember what sections they are. Have fun up there... hope the Sioux kick some Duluth ass. (I can't stand 'em). Elizabeth
  6. thanks guys. go sioux!! ( still feel a bit weird saying that. lol) --elizabeth
  7. OK, I'm headed up to Engelstad with a friend for the exhibition game... as a Sioux fan... (shh, don't tell any of my fellow season ticket holders at the National Hockey Center ). I was just wondering where I could find good places to go post-game, & also, does anyone know how we can get tours of the arena? (Will be stopping at the Red Pepper, definitely, their food looks awesome). Looking forward to the start of the season Thanks, Elizabeth
  8. izzi6

    Zach Parise

    *reading posts above* Aaaah, sarcasm. Anyway... Does anyone know if Parise, Bochenski, etc. will be playing AHL this year? Elizabeth
  9. Nicely put.
  10. MNS... I'll try not to let it happen again. I saw parts of the first Calgary/Lightning game... I was over at someone's house and they were all watching the Timberwolves. Basketball. Is that even a sport? Anyway, I didn't see enough to pass judgment, but that shot off the inside of the post was just tough luck. From what I saw, it was pretty decent hockey. I just hope the Lightning can win the next couple. Elizabeth
  11. Takin' Care of Business is a classic song for hockey. Anything's better than when they played 'All The Way' for warmups at SCSU. Whoever's on the sound board there is either dumb to the nature of the game or someone's ninety-year old grandma. Elizabeth
  12. Well, Philly lost and JR can join Hasek and Sakic on the green. This continues my streak of teams losing that I want to win. I'm going to remain neutral in the Cup finals. I can't take it anymore. Elizabeth
  13. I'm back... away too long, dumb@$$ school gets in the way of the important things in life like coming here to talk hockey... Anyway, I admit bitter defeat with the damn Avalanche, I hope they're all having fun on the golf course. I saw the OT goal by Simon Gagne yesterday and was quite happy. I've decided to cheer for Philly out of the remaining teams, being that I think Jeremy Roenick deserves a Cup. And I just can't bring myself to cheer for Jordan Leopold anymore. What's everyone's prediction now? Only three left. Elizabeth
  14. THANK YOU. Dahl is a hell of a nice guy, and I think he'd make a wonderful athletic director or even a good assistant coach. But he is just not head coach material. Do you know he never even played the game? I know there have been some decent coaches who never played, but it helps a lot. I've been saying for YEARS that he should get fired, but there are too many people up here that love him. For what reason, I don't know. There is also the Morris Kurtz factor... he's our athletic director. The guy is dumber than a pile of horse s&!t. He'd probably hire someone worse than Dahl. Still, I wish we'd take the chance. Our program's not going anywhere until we get someone who can coach. Elizabeth
  15. Well, Colorado is still in it.... And Calgary is ahead of Detroit with a chance to eliminate them... Maybe I'll be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. I don't particularly like expansion teams either. Expansion just watered down the talent level. You know that if Joe Motzko, formerly of SCSU, was able to play in a couple of games for Columbus this year, that something is seriously wrong. Elizabeth
  16. Mmm, well at least Calgary won last night. That made me happy. I wish Philly would win, but I don't see them beating Tampa Bay. Call me crazy, but I think we're looking at Tampa Bay versus the winner of the Calgary/Detroit series for the Cup. (My gut tells me Detroit, I'd still love to see the Flames.) I'll be here tonight admitting bitter defeat after Colorado gets thrashed. Elizabeth
  17. Not to be a whiner-- I know the Avs haven't played the best in this series-- but that call on Forsberg for goalie interference was a load of crap, and then the Sharks ram Aebischer and don't get called? The officiating was terrible tonight. Elizabeth
  18. Every damn team I cheered for this year has lost when it mattered. From my high school hockey team in the section championships to SCSU in the regular season to UND in the Final Five and NCAA's to the recent Avalanche fiasco... ugh. I'm ready to hang a Devils pennant and plaster Gopher symbols on my car. ...okay, maybe I won't go THAT far. Once Colorado gets eliminated, I'll cheer for Calgary, I think. Elizabeth
  19. I wish someone WOULD tell the Avs to start playing. This is pathetic.
  20. I think they ought to play that Nazareth song for fights... what is it called? The chorus goes 'Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch!' --Elizabeth
  21. 2 other players from SCSU walked off... Brian McCormack and Bille Luger. Not really big contributors, but early departures nonetheless. Elizabeth
  22. I miss hockey... SCSU Hockey, that's my realm. It is life. I follow baseball a little... born a Yankees fan, cheer for the Twins as well I'm watching the Avs/San Jose game... don't think I've cussed this much since the Huskies' season ended I'm still going with the Avs as Cup champions I wouldn't mind the Canadiens taking it home, anything's better than Detroit Softball fills my time, and music, and getting ready for college I remember a fight between Mike Commodore and Brian Gaffaney in the old Engelstad. Greatest college fight I've seen in person. Elizabeth
  23. I'm cheering for Calgary... I hate Detroit, and the Flames have Yelle, who was my favorite player when he was with the Avs. I'd gloat about Calgary beating the Wings... but it's 4-1 San Jose right now ( ), so I'll keep my mouth shut. Elizabeth
  24. What's everyone's problem with the Avalanche? Forsberg does not dive, IMO. He might deal out a cheap shot or two, but he's not a diver. At least New Jersey's gone. Elizabeth
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