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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Denver had zero chance to win that game. UND would have beaten the Boston Bruins. God they were playing confident.
  2. Our little goalie that could who got ZERO mention coming into the game. Outplayed Hobey Miller.
  3. Saw on Twitter that Herter is leaving Duluth. That's huge.
  4. More textbook performances from Karl. May be my favorite Sioux player of all time.
  5. Hasn't had the greatest luck with injuries. I'm rooting for the kid as a North Dakotan who goes about his business the right way. Congratulating the UND hockey team publicly as he did in 2016 as a Silo state grad is looked upon as treason to many in herd country. Tough to say I hope it goes well. I hate the bleeping Eagles....
  6. More bleeping 21 year old Canadians. When will it end???? RIP Wooger.
  7. I'm 100 percent Wentz backer. Great kid. GREAT. Too bad the kid getting hurt so much has the Eagles grabbing an insurance policy.
  8. Another thing to add to that 97 team is they scored 18 goals in three games of the NCAA tournament. The great Maine Paul Kariya and Monty team that only lost one game the whole year (in OT mind you) scored 15 in their three game path to the title.
  9. I know at the time we were all thrilled BU beat Michigan but I would have liked to see how our guys would have fared against Michigan. I don't think Mich saw a team like that 97 Sioux team all year, and Jack Parker (whom I have a world of respect for) said the best team won. Don't know if his quote was in response to Hobey the day before but I think it may have been on his mind.
  10. Chinn from SIU got picked. He almost came to UND.
  11. Dom needs a hug.....only 3 FCS players taken to this point, plus Easton Stick wasn't the future at QB in San Diego. On twitter he's asking if the talent level is down in the FCS? Wait for all these grads to not have to score decently on the ACT or SAT because of Covid-19. Now they'll qualify for FBS ball with a low GPA.
  12. I don't think I've had more confidence in any of our goalies than I had with Karl. Talk about being rock solid. Just always seemed in complete control mentally. The video of him skating around the rink in Providence in the 2000 title game after Goren scored the clincher is an all time moment.
  13. If you are talking 06, the first period of the F4 semi against BC was a disaster. Parise wasn't sharp in net and we were chasing the game the entire way. Got it back to 6-5, but ran out of time. Had they won that one they would of ran into a tough Badger team in Wisconsin in the title game. That Wisconsin team was loaded.
  14. This probably the best F5 I ever attended. Started awfully, but as soon as Duncan sniped Elliot the game just had a different feel. The atmosphere for every game was tremendous. The 8-7 thriller the next game was a sight to behold. I'll never forget the PA guy announcing Earl's diving penalty. Karma.
  15. I loved that there was always a bounty out on Oshie. Every team had a guy that was gonna be the first guy to knock Oshie on his ass with a big hit to prove it could be done. And we all know how that turned out for those guys.
  16. I can't believe an upstanding low penalty group like Omaha would take one of our goons. Gabinet is putting his players at risk.
  17. Can't split up the top line. Seems like Mismash finally found his place on the team and that unit's puck possession was tremendous.
  18. You just hope he doesn't go to a team like Montreal that will have Eastern Canada screaming at the team to get him out of the states and to Laval regardless of how his first year goes.
  19. Wilbur

    Hobey Baker

    Certain voters are so butt hurt in some situations that things happen like the near runaway rookie of the year not ending up on a ballot or two.... Perunovich deserved the Hobey. Guy had a stellar career. Anxious to see him working the point on a power play in the NHL.
  20. I've got my list of teams that hopefully don't draft him.
  21. Based on what they're likely to lose I think it makes sense to bring both Moore and Miller in. Sanderson could easily be one and done. And this is the last year in GF for JBD.
  22. Atmosphere at a regional? Give me a break....
  23. Wilbur

    Hobey Baker

    Yeah.... Gooch didn't win the Hobey. The banner has been shipped to Stearns County.
  24. Wilbur

    Hobey Baker

    Leave it to SCSU fans to bask in Gooch not winning the Hobey. They won their national championship. Bless their hearts they won one.
  25. Wilbur

    Hobey Baker

    I wish you were joking....
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