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Everything posted by YaneA

  1. because I hate that damn song... "Sota! Sota! Gone Flat!!" "Gopher: The Other Dead Meat" "Sioux-vivor Hockey: Outshoot, Outskate, Outscore" If push comes to shove... "Everybody was Kung Sioux Fighting..." "Bo-bey Baker"
  2. siouxyeahyeah: "Sioux Xcel at Winning" "Minnesota: The Sorry State of Gopher Hockey" "Gophers Bail; Sioux Xcel" "The Road to Boston: Sioux in the Driver's Seat" "Lucia-Pet Cemetary" "You Can't Shake Jake" "Jones: First Line of Defense" [draw a hockey stick for the "J" in Jones] Check out the archived thread for the numerous signs suggested for the Gopher Series here, posted circa Nov. 7, 2003. May be just as useful for FF.
  3. OK, ask & ye shall receive. The "This Tall" poster will be made.
  4. Last chance to tell me which signs you want to see this weekend. So far, I've finished "Have You Seen Scottsquatch?" "What's an Ellsworth?" and "Deja Sioux" I can do 3 or 4 more so let's hear your preferences.
  5. Yes, actually I do have some hats left. I've got one that features Coach Blais. Says, "Coach is First Class" (get it?) and has a picture of Deano on a CD with the golden inscription "Blais of Glory" Got two others that say sort of the same thing, "Sioux Xcel at Winning" or "Final 5: Sioux Xcel." These are decorated with an "ice sheet" and a hockey player. They're black felt/plastic and look a little richer than the green plastic. If you'd like one of these, post your actual seat number and I'll leave it for you on Friday night. Which Ellsworth sign--GAA/SPF or "What an Ellsworth"?
  6. Taking off on a previous suggestion and assuming we can get a sign holder at ice level, where Tech defends twice, or even behind the box: "You Must Be This Tall [insert horizontal line here] To Play D-I Hockey"
  7. Well, this is nice to get so many volunteers! I will bring supertrex & soSIOUXme both a sign and leave it on your chair if you're not there. I'll take the leftovers to Forecheck. Thanks for your assistance. I'll have the "Deja Sioux" sign for supertrex, for sure. soSIOUXme, what seat number and do you have a sign preference?
  8. siouxnami: "A Miss is As Good As A Goal"
  9. MNS: I don't think I'll need your stash of signs since I don't have a replacement "guy behind the penalty box." You can keep them or give them to Forecheck who knows how to get them to me for recycling. Thanks for displaying the signs all year from your penalty box seat. The whole sign idea would have been a bust without students like you (Forecheck, Redwing, Diggler, you know who you are) willing to do the "heavy lifting." Enjoy San Antonio! Hope to see you, tanned and rested, at the Final Five!
  10. Supertrex: Yes, that's an improvement!
  11. I'll be able to make about 6 signs (3, two-sided). Should I bring in "Mom got 5 years"? I like "What's an Ellsworth," Ellsworth GAA/SPF and Scottsquatch. Maybe "Scottsquatch Sighting" with picture of Scott? Tell me which ones to make before this afternoon. Redwing & Forecheck: thanks to both of you for offering to hoist. I'll find one of you Friday night and you can distribute the signs to the other. Redwing: Saturday you'll be in my section. Maybe you can help me liven up that group.
  12. You were The Big Toe.
  13. MNS: Whether or not I want the signs in your possession depends on whether or not there is someone in the student section who's willing to hold them up. My gosh, I can't believe how lost we are without you and you aren't even gone yet!
  14. OK, that puts us a man short. Will another student step up and take NorthStar's place and hold up the signs or shall we just bag the venture? If you're willing to spell NorthStar, let me know how to find you in the arena Friday night.
  15. No, it's not on-line. The GF Herald website is notoriously out-of-date.
  16. Siouxpergreen: You're thinking something like... "Ellsworth-- GAA 3.76 SPF 70"
  17. [picture of Pittis next to Teammate Scott] "The Bigger They Are... The Smaller Pittis Looks"
  18. for penalty box: [poor offensive showing from penalized player] BEWARE: Dog Has Not Had Any Shots
  19. [With another 4-goal Sioux win looming] "Deja Vu All Over Again"
  20. "Welcome the Huskies from Pity U."
  21. All in all, Ryan Bakken's column was very positive about the signs but he kinda threw down a challenge for us to top ourselves this week. Will NorthStar be at the games to hoist a few signs or will he go Hollywood on us? My thoughts: "2004 Hardware Inventory: In Stock: MacNaughton On Order: Broadmoor, NCAA" "Huskies Experience Tech(nical) Difficulties" These, inspired by some hats I've made: "Sioux Xcel at Winning" "The Road to Boston is Paved With Ice (Switching to All-Wheel Drive)" "Lundy is da bohm" "We Want the Broadmoor, No Less!" C'mon, who's got ideas?
  22. MNS: I'm sure you gave a good accounting of yourself. Can I depend on you not to steal the paper off my doorstep tomorrow?
  23. NorthStar: Well, I guess there's no such thing as bad publicity! Glad you like the "Jones Zone" sign. There was a letter to the editor in yesteday's Herald that also mentioned the clever signs. I'm kicking myself for not keeping a list of all the signs I made. Is this board archived so that we could look at the old posts? [edited to say, yeah, it's archived and I've printed out the old sign threads so now I have my list]. Kirk's pictures from the Minnesota series show a bunch of the signs I and others made, perhaps that would refresh our recollection. My personal favorite is the "Crappie/Crappy" Gophers sign or maybe one of the first signs,"Greene: 2:00 for Eaves-dropping" from the BC series or "Yale University Founded 1794 [i think that's the right year]; Losted 2003." Also partial to the edgier "Couldn't Carry Zach's Jock (or fill it)" and "I got 2:00 for hooking; Mom got 5 years." I've got a couple dozen of the old signs in my spare room and I could look through them tonight. Any possibility the Herald would publish NorthStar's picture holding up one of the "Favorites"? I know I still have the "Crappie/Crappy" and "Jock" and "Mom" signs, so let me know if you want to pose with any of those.
  24. Boy, tough crowd! I thought Claude was great and judging by the fact that he got section after section to follow his cue and yell, others must have shared the opinion. I think he was worth the money. Not to say that Diggler and jerseychaser1 wouldn't also be crowdpleasers...
  25. HeidiSioux & NDH: Thank you both for the very kind words. When I was delivering hats Friday night, a lady stopped me, told me she'd seen the hats in Duluth and wondered what store she could buy them in. I took her seat number and brought her a hat the very next day. I saw her wearing it across the arena Saturday night. I have already started making hats for the playoff tournament and beyond (knock wood). If you would like one, same deal as last time, e-mail me with your Ralph seat number or post here that you will come to my seat to pick one up. I will deliver them Friday night and need time to make them so let me know ASAP. The one I've made for myself says, "The Broadmoor...No Less!" I also have, for those with few inhibitions, "Gophers Suck" and "Badgers Suck" hats which are decorated with large or small pacifers. If you have a favorite player, include that info in the e-mail and I will try to accommodate your request. I am fresh out of little plastic goalies so may have to make a crafts store run.
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