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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. I'll confirm at any of the estimated prices. But I'm still unclear whether I have to use my season ticket to gain entrance to the arena. If I don't have to, I'm sure I could find someone deserving to use it.

    Sioux-cia, PM me with the address to send the check.

  2. But, Massen played that year. I dont recall seeing Moreland on the team, or even dressed for any games. EDIT: Massen was in the team picture, front row, next to Lammy, but in the photo we got in our package on the trip to the Frozen Four, his name was omited.

    If I remember correctly, didn't Moreland skate in the intrasquad scrimmage at Meet the Sioux?

  3. Sic:

    Note the following narrow parameters of the AG's opinion: "Because the request was received April 25, this office determined whether any meetings were held without prior public notice from January 25 to April 25, 2006."

    Potts' resignation did not come until the end of June. Very likely, the AG asked the interviewees to limit their recollections to meetings and non-meetings which occurred only during the January 25-April 25 window. The AG did not determine what went on behind the scenes in the two months immediately preceding Potts' resignation.

  4. Pardon my ignorance on this question: does entry into the suite require a separate ticket to the game? I might know a few people who don't have season tickets but might want to watch from the rented suite if they don't also have to spring for a game ticket.

  5. YaneA is also flexible on the date. Any way we can combine the suite rental with the HC jersey photo op or are we talking about two distinct classes of Sioux fans, without much overlap?

  6. That's it!! The USPS is handling the final jersey delivery (to Forecheck in Colorado). Thanks to everyone who made my job of distributing 18 Holy Cross jerseys from Grand Forks so easy. It was a pleasure to meet each Sioux fan in person.

  7. I didn't closely inspect any of the jerseys in the shipment but did notice that some showed more signs of wear and tear (i.e., more signs of LIFE) than others. I think that's the nature of a game-worn. That said, if any game-worn jersey owner would rather have one with less visible wear and tear, I'll trade my merely puck-scuffed game-worn. Personally, I think the marks and repairs add a lot of character and I would be happy to wear (or frame) one that has been through the hockey wars. So PM me if you'd rather have a more pristine game-worn jersey than the one you've got and I'll trade ya.

  8. OK, I have 17 (includes all the maybes)>>


    Siouxmama & Mr. Siouxmama


    Siouxman & Mrs. Siouxman



    Siouxnami + 1


    Norge & Mrs. Norge


    HockeyMom & Mr. HockeyMom


    Alright, we're getting there. Room for lots more, remember there are a lot of maybes on this list.

    Who is YaneE and why is she on your list instead of me, YaneA?

  9. I would like to be put on the guest list, too. This would be a great opportunity to find out if I'm missing anything by being merely middle class.

    How early can we get into the suite before the game; how late can we stay afterward? During a game, I like to yell at the players and officials; I'm not much of a brilliant intra-game conversationalist.

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