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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Forecheck: Would you please explain why we all donned the Holy Cross gear and smiled pretty for these photos, I mean other than for the obviously perverse pleasure of tormenting Gopher fans who would rather not be reminded of the caps-lock required GREATEST UPSET IN THE HISTORY OF COLLEGE HOCKEY?

    P.S. Don't forget to mention the widows and orphans...

  2. Thank you, Mafia Man, for setting up the brunch. I think all the laughter we shared (at Gopher expense) has added years to my life span. Great to meet posters Siouxman, Mrs. Siouxman, Keikla, and to renew my acquaintance with my homies Siouxmama and Siouxcia.

    MM, I trust you were not tossed from the championship game when you yelled your, "Does the carpet match the drapes?" comment during the Blonde Gopher lineup announcement?

    Thanks, Siouxcia, for setting up the Holy Cross jersey photo and forecheck for posting them here (hey, I DO have a pretty smile! But what's in the handbag? The launch code?!). Always nice to meet fellow Sioux fans. I think if we could have made an announcement in the rink, we would have gotten even more people into the picture because I ran into quite a few people later who had on Holy Cross T-shirts and whatnot. It's amazing: people stopped to take pictures of us getting our picture taken!! And as I will tell the story from here on out, those of us wearing the purple and white were greeted as liberators in the streets of St. Paul. Good times.

  3. Hey, Diggler! Glad you took a break from tormenting St. Cloud fans on that other hockey forum. Could you do me a favor and post here one of your classic, patented "separated at birth" comparisons featuring tDon Lucia and Simon Cowell? That would make me laugh and I need a laugh right about now. Thanks. You're a peach.

    Those are probably all the drugs you take.

  4. The first 10 Sioux Final 5 fans who would like to have, free of charge, a pair of those swell flashing green glasses, PM me today with your Sioux-St. Cloud game seat numbers and I will bring them to you Friday afternoon. According to the DOT line's operator's manual, flashing green lights mean "Go Sioux."

    This just in...5 pair remain

  5. I am sending a small check today, Jim. Thanks for bringing this charity to my attention. I appreciate the sacrifice of servicemen and women and I hope my donation, combined with those of others, helps to bring one of our bravest home to loved ones for Christmas.

  6. And from the Don while he coached the CC Tigers:

    "While it would be great to win the MacNaughton Cup (which goes to the WCHA regular-season champion) again, our focus all year has been to win in the playoffs,'' Lucia said. "We want to be at our best at playoff time.''

    Pio Press, 2/9/96

  7. Seems like Lucia is confusing his fans as to what exactly the company line is. ;) Next they'll be playing a meaningful third place game somewhere :)

    From Grand Forks Herald, Nov. 11, 2003:

    The Gophers have won five NCAA championships - and not one of them came in years that the Gophers won the WCHA regular-season crown.

    It's perhaps a reason why Lucia doesn't list winning the MacNaughton Cup, the trophy signifying supremacy in the WCHA regular season, as one of the team goals.

    "Our goal has never been to win the WCHA title, it has been to be in the top three at the end of the season and get to the NCAA tournament," Lucia said. "Then we'll take our swing."

  8. "When the year began, if someone told me we would win the MacNaughton Cup and get a No. 1 seed in the NCAA tournament, I would have taken it in a heartbeat,'' Gophers coach Don Lucia said.

    Star Trib, Mar. 20, 2006

    "Lucia, who long has stressed getting into the top three as the main goal for the regular season, doesn't sound like a coach who's going to go out of his way in chasing the MacNaughton Cup.

    'If we're hanging around and we have a chance on the last weekend, great," he said. "I like where we're sitting overall. We're playing pretty well right now, but we've got to get these guys back from off the injury list. That's the most important thing for us.'"

    Capitol Times, Feb. 16, 2006

  9. Thank you all for your kind words. I am touched.

    I think that random acts of kindness should be the rule, rather than the exception. When a nice deed is done for your benefit, pay it forward and the world is a better place. Sorry if it sounds like I am channeling Pollyanna but that's the way I feel.

    I, too, have met great people, great Sioux fans, through this medium and some nice people who cheer for other schools first, the Sioux second. Thank you all for coming into my life when you did with your kindnesses. I appreciate it more than you know.

  10. This is exactly what we need 5 + hours before the puck drops! The Ralph marketing people or UND's athletic marketing guys should make short, killer game-day videos (like they use before lineup intro but better!) that we fans can click on to get us in the mood for the game. Change it up each week with new music and action from the previous weekend's game. How cool would that be?

    I know there is some YouTube-like "Make-an-I-love-Sioux-hockey" video promotion going on and I'd love to see those entries as well as the official video.

  11. Wisconsin's fans are very enthusiastic--when everyone looks like a dork no one looks like a dork. I envied the level of participation in the arena. But, but what I will not applaud is CHOREOGRAPHED abuse from the Wisconsin students. I can only guess that the hypocrisy of chanting at the Sioux both "Racist Mascot" and "Sue's a [insert word that rhymes with 'chore' here]" is lost on the Big 10's intellectual elite.

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