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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Once again, as is my tournament tradition, I've made a dozen Sioux "rally hats" which I am giving away to fans, free of charge, gratis, for no cash money. They are all home made (i.e., made at my house by my own little hands) and each one is different. I made two very cute "I Rode the 'Stache to Denver" ones. If you are going on Al's bus, I can give easily give you one. If you are here in Grand Forks, PM me and I'll tell you how to pick one up. If you're going to be at the Pepsi Center, PM me with a seat number and I'll deliver.

  2. I have some home-made sign-making experience. If you are going to Denver and like any idea that's been posted or have one of your own, PM me before Sunday noon, and I will make the sign for you and deliver it to you at the Can in Denver.

  3. Mustache Mob:

    The Big, Hairy, Real Deal

    J-P Lamoureux:

    Our Man in the Crease

    [Whadda think? Too Cheech and Chong?]

    Mile High

    and Still Smokin'

    Trupp Towers

    Over Competition

    [should spell ESPN]

    E ighth

    S ioux

    Cham P ionship

    i N 'The Can'

    Sioux Fans Create


    in Denver

  4. You are correct it is not under Al Peason group but PEPSI CENTER TEAM TRAVEL GROUP. It really shouldn't matter though as long as you have the code which is GRJTTN. Tell them you want the room from the 10th (Thur) to the 13th (check out). A handful of rooms are reserved for Wed-Sun for those of us driving or flying so make sure you get the Thur - Sun rooms.

    Done! The rep said the check-in date was movable to the 10th. Everyone needing one of these rooms needs to call with credit card info on or before April 7. My total was $248.48.

    How are we handling the Deadwood stopover?

  5. Hooray for Trupp, it'll be great to see him shaking up The Can! The picture on the sports front page of Trupp at practice clearly shows that, while recuperating, he was not-grooming himself so as to become a member of our Mustache Mob. O, the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of that facial hair!

  6. I am usually amazed at what better sportmen our players are than some of us fans tend to be. Applaud the Hobey Hat Tricksters and the winner, and if you can't work up anything more than a polite little golf clap, then at least you would have suppressed the desire to boo.

    Brendan Morrison, the '97 HB winner, is still remembered for the sour grapes of his Hobey acceptance speech ("sometimes the best team doesn't win," he said, picking up the Hobey following Michigan's elimination by BU in the Frozen 4). Seems clear to me which piece of hardware he would have preferred to have hoisted.

    Character builds excellence, certainly, but JPL's excellence between the pipes will get us #8.

  7. Al said we leave 7 a.m. Wednesday from the Ralph. I asked him if he was sure we could leave our cars there what with the curling tournament going on and he said we could. I'm not good with directions but I believe we always park on the Northeast(?) side. About the return, I haven't heard.

  8. Great, signs are allowed in the Can! I've got several I made for Madison and left at home because of the no sign rule. The meanies at the Kohl also made me throw away a cow bell and a plastic megaphone before they'd let me in.

  9. The only problem here is............without tickets, how many people are going to hop on the bus and risk the chance of not getting any once in Denver? :lol:

    I understand that, I do. And I'm sure no one is more upset about not having tickets in hand for his passengers than Al is. It's beyond his control. It's too bad that, once the Sioux secured their spot in the Frozen Four, an athletic department army wasn't mobilized to secure tickets for every fan who wanted them.

  10. Anyone heard from Al lately? Updates please, I cannot get a phone call returned.

    I talked to him yesterday morning and, later, I heard him on the radio, trying to fill the second bus and talking about the bidding war among Denver hotels to accommodate his passengers. I am sure he is overwhelmed with making the arrangements.

  11. I hereby grant you a royalty-free nonexclusive license to use any of the ideas I have posted.

    Long time listener first time poster, I just purchased great seats off of ebay row 1 sec 222 right along the rail. Great place for a sign. There have been some great ideas posted, Would I be "That Guy" if I used some of the ideas, or can I use one?
  12. When I spoke to him last night, he said the 1st bus had 48 people on it and the 2nd bus had 30-some.

    What happend?

    Anyways, I'm on it with my fiance. Anyone have suggestions on how much luggage we can bring for 2 people and what "extras" are allowed?

    As you might imagine, Al's phone is blowing up with calls from people desperate to get to the game. He seemed to think he couldn't fill the 2nd bus but if people keep calling him to get on the so-called 2nd bus list, he may change his mind.

    There is very little overhead compartment space but 1 weekender per person will fit nicely underneath. If by "extras" you mean what I think you mean then yes, there's always a keg. Most people bring snacks and everyone shares. If you want soda, BYOP (bring your own pop).

    Al did not say anything about hotel rooms when I talked to him this morning so it's news to me that he doesn't have those in hand. He's been doing these trips for 30 years. He'll git 'er done, no problem.

  13. I'm actually mulling over the idea of taking the train to Williston, having my dad pick me up there, then meet you all in Belfield when Al's bus rolls thru. That might be a photo finish though, especially if there's any trouble with Amtrak that might cause a delay.

    By my estimation, you'll be in Belfield at 12 noon Wednesday, which is actually 11 am local time thanks to the time change by New Salem. Just in time for lunch at Trapper's Kettle.

    Deadwood's another 3-4 hours south of Belfield.

    When you talk to Al be sure to recommend the Kettle as the lunch time pit stop. If you have any contacts there who would comp the bus driver's lunch (and Al's), so much the better.

  14. I will be on Al Pearson's bus to Denver but he says he hasn't been able to get tickets in hand for us. I'd like to be able to get just 1 seat, lower bowl if possible. If you've got it, and can't use it, please PM me. Thanks!

    Obviously, I have led a charmed life! A great Sioux fan has just handed me a golden ticket for the 4. Thanks so much!

  15. Just spoke to Al and he's ready to close out the list for Denver and take only 1 full, fan bus, leaving at 7 a.m. Wednesday, April 9. He still might add a 2nd bus but only if there's a huge clamor for it. He also said he hasn't been able to score tickets so we might be on our own there.

    If you want to go to Denver with us, call Al right now.

  16. a la Saturday Night Live Obama skit:

    Totally in the Tank for Oshie

    This probably won't line up properly but:

    North Dakota Runs on

    D U ncan

    Du N can

    D uncan


    O S hie

    B I na

    Ch O rney

    D U ncan

    Lamoureu X

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