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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Forecheck: Yes, get me the signed gameworn, # 33. Is the bookstore okay with this dipping into the special order you talked to them about before? Or is this the replacement deal that's easier on them? I just don't want HC thinking we don't keep a bargain, once made.

  2. I'll take the last one, # 33, signed preferably, if that helps make this happen. Otherwise, as I PM'd Forecheck earlier, a replica from the HC bookstore. We don't want to bail on the bookstore after having said we'd place a large special order, do we?

  3. YaneA, did all the Al crew get tickets? Where will you be sitting?

    Not yet. I bought an upper bowl backup because Al said he couldn't guarantee we'd all get into ND-BC. That ticket's in the mail. Been working on tickets for neighbors. Honestly, I have devised more backup plans for this trip than the Allies had for D-Day!

  4. Thinking about Drew Stafford's comment that his FF swag pack includes a heart monitor and that he intends to use it, gave me a crazy idea for a sidebar newspaper/TV/blog story on Sioux mania at FF. What if some of our craziest fans were hooked up to a monitor that recorded their physical responses to watching the Sioux play? I'd love to see an EKG/stress graph on that, with the time of various game events cross-referenced.

    Apropos of not much, many years ago, I got pulled off the streets of NYC and asked to particpate in a focus group viewing a TV pilot. We were given these buttons to push when we were really interested or not interested in what was going on on screen. That show was an ill-fated John Stamos (pre-Rebecca, post-General Hospital days) vehicle called, IIIRC, "Dreams." About some garage band wannabes; family owned a restaurant. I think it was on CBS for about as long as it took for someone to change the channel. Anyone remember this?

  5. This may have already been posted but I blinked and missed it. Al Pearson's group of 40 will be staying at Hilton Garden Inn (yes, they have one in Milwaukee, too!), Milwaukee Park Place, some 10 miles from the Bradley Center.

  6. Sioux fans -

    My name is Chris Del Vecchio. I'm the PD at WCHC (the Holy Cross student radio station) and the one who put together the highlight clip from last Friday's game. I just wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who has gone to the WCHC website to listen to the clip and for all the rave reviews.

    Please continue to circulate the link around the web. We've got a counter on the page and we're completely blown away by the number of people who have been there already.

    We are working on getting the entire game up online in its entirety. I'll post a link to that once it is available.

    Chris Del Vecchio

    HC Class of 2006


    P.S. - here's the link again to the highlights:


    Put a guest book on the site; we'll fill it!

  7. It's a great poster! A couple of months ago, I inherited one from a professor who was cleaning out his closet in preparation for retirement and a move. The poster had been glued to cardboard and was a tad wavy from being in the closet for almost 20 years but the good folks at Michael's fixed the "scoliosis," matted it and framed it up real pretty for me. It's hanging in my guest room.

  8. jloos:

    I PM'd you with the inside scoop.

    You would think those soon to be Doctors would have better temperments. Last year the only fights we had were against the med school. Who was involved in said fight from the law school? I am hoping it was a certain 6-3 250lb Canadian law student who seriously smacked down some cocky future MD.

  9. And the Med School cried, "No mas!"

    The Law School won the soon-to-be storied Malpractice Cup yesterday afternoon after the rough justice its team dispensed convinced the Med School team that enough was enough. What was billed as best-of-three (trust doctors and lawyers to screw up the billing!) was shortened to best of two when the Med School pulled the plug on the series, saying it didn't want to play another game. With a tournament record of 1-0-1, the Law School claimed the hardware before a Purpur Arena partisan crowd that numbered in the double digits.

    Saturday's game one ended abruptly in a 7-7 tie in OT when the referee called the game on account of a fight that broke out behind the play. Law had stormed back from a 5-1 deficit, grabbed the lead, lost it and then sent the game to the extra session with a tying goal that just beat the clock. In Sunday's finale, Law surfed to victory, hanging 10 on the Med School's goalie and taking the Cup by a decisive 10-7 tally. After the game, the jubilant J.D.s posed on the ice with the Holy Grail of UND professional school sports.

    Further your sudo-reporter sayeth not.

  10. Jordy is always the last Sioux player to leave the ice between periods. He also took his water bottle off the top of the net this year. Anyone else notice he untied it and threw it to the bench before a game at the F5? :)

    Probably afraid of Prp's backwash.

  11. Yes! Our top line is "Re-built Staf-FORD Tough," or so my sign will say. If I were 40 years younger and given to hip-hop lingo, I'd identify myself as "Just Another Shorty 4 Stafford."

    Man, I love this team. They're like the 27 sons I never had.

  12. The name on center ice is "UND". The explanation is that the abbreviation could be larger than the logo (per neutrality regulations), more visible on TV and easily identify us to everyone other than the WCHA advertising/marketing people.

  13. This is probably posted elsewhere but in case you're reading only this forum...

    This weekend's Aerosmith concert has been cancelled because Steven Tyler is undergoing undisclosed surgery. I don't know where the "undisclosed" is but I'm guessing it's near the adenoids.

    Anyhoo, rooms that were snatched up by the concert goers may have been cancelled now so try the local hotels again and see if rooms have opened up for hockey fans.

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