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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Here's what I'm working on:

    1) a "License to Kill Gophers" issued by the U.N. to the Sioux hockey team, authorizing the use of superior intelligence and firepower in the hunting of "Varmint" and with no further restrictions, thus "free to kill at will"

    2) a sign with a picture of E.T., the extra-terrestrial, on it with the cartoon bubble saying: "El..li..ott Sieve! Sieve! Sieve!"

    3) a sign that looks like red/white dive flag icon just in case Robbie Earl delights the crowd with his patented backward 1 1/2 pike in the tuck position (degree of difficulty 1.0)

    4) [Heart] 2H8 Go4s

    I'm open to suggestions if someone has a brilliant, unsportmanlike idea.

  2. I will be there! Just took a little luck and a lot of plastic but, through the good graces of a siouxsports poster and the hospitality of a friend in Eagan and the resourcefulness of a local travel agent, I will be at the FF. Me, a friend and some signs! Sec. 103, Row 7, seats 13 & 14. Now, it's a party!

  3. I was just about to post that link, too. That letter annoyed me when I read it at 6:30 this a.m. and I'm still peeved. Someone send Petry's cornflakes to the lab for urinalysis. Imagine, he or she spent two months building up that vitriol! And even with all that lead time, the letterwriter obviously struggled to fill out his/her list of objections and had to resort to including the penalty box kiss cam and the "All by Myself" serenade as examples of poor sportsmanship. If Petry's sensitivities are so acute that those harmless expressions of rivalry and home ice advantage offend, I must assume that he or she attends few sporting events, no political debates and not many family dinners. Had Mr. or Ms. Petry stuck around for the end of the game he or she would have been treated to the quintessential expression of good sportsmanship, the hockey handshake. Though I wonder if he or she would have interpreted that as post-game taunting by the winning team.

  4. That sound you just heard was the collective heartbreak of Al Pearson's usual gang of bus denizens. For the first time in forever, Al hasn't been able to put a Final 5 road trip together. He had the tour package arranged based on the assumption the Sioux would have to play in, then Denver and CC took their respective dumps and Al had to cancel everything that hinged on a Sioux play-in. By then it was too late to rearrange things and get tickets and rooms for Fri-Sat only.

    The crowd at the X will be without Al's Pals, including moi, this year.

  5. I am dropping a check in the mail, too. Life is uncertain and it can bring us much pain but the love of friends and family and the kindness of strangers is a powerful analgesic. My prayers are with them at this very difficult time.

  6. This information comes straight from the horse's mouth but the horse is in bed and very sick... Al says the trip was officially cancelled this afternoon. Al had enough people signed up to make the trip but the UND athletic dept. was unable to come up with enough tickets for Al's group. Al needed 45 tickets; UND came up about 10 short of that number. Thus, the trip is officially cancelled. I'm bummin'.

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