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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. FWIIW, I really like YaneA's suggestion of UND.DOT.NET. It makes for a better coversation piece, it ties in UND Sioux hockey, the DOT line, and their favorite place, the NET, where all of the pucks belong.

    Thanks, NDH! I thought that was a keeper, too.

  2. The best part of Saturday night (which, strangely, wasn't mentioned in the Cornell fan blog) occurred during the intro. Cornell fans were chanting "boring, boring" (as mentioned in their blog) and, on cue, the Dak then showed every one--all 7--Sioux goals scored against Big Red the night before! Unfortunately, for this Sioux fan, my smug joy at Cornell's expense was short-lived, however.

    BTW, I lived in Syracuse, NY, for a year without every going to Ithaca.

  3. That's OK. Blais and Hak couldn't get us a title with any of those guys except Panzer. The teams that won the last two NCs were closer to what we have now. Not that having a Parise or Toews isn't a true pleasure, but we've won more titles without elite stars than with. Only '87 is an obvious exception. We lack authority at D, though (at both ends of the ice), and I hope Joe's return can change that. It is easy to overlook how much the forwards have to play defense, especially if we do not control our own defensive zone well.

    This is what I remember about the '97 and '00 championship teams of nobodies: Dean Blais commenting endlessly that the teams weren't very talented, that they had to work for everything they got. I don't know: I thought Scorin' Goren, Jason Blake, the Hoogsteens and the Panzer brothers were very talented but they worked their butts off, too. The chemistry Jeffy had with Ulmer (another brother of another brother) was magical. Curse you, Don Lucia, I still say Panzer was robbed of the Hobey, no matter how well Miller has done since as a pro.

  4. I think last night's game was the confidence builder the boys need. I'm not saying play was perfect (see defensive lapses described by many others) but

    I am hopeful that we've turned the corner--earlier this year than in the last four. Just wish Finley were back already.

    I also missed the students and the band. It would have been a whole lot worse if 11,000 Sioux fans had failed to drown out 75 Cornell fans. I know nobody asked me, but who was setting PA sound levels, Nigel Tufnel ["These go to 11."]:glare:!! Gratuitous "This is Spinal Tap" reference.

  5. Stupid Grand Forks Herald! Says in the sidebar box accompanying the story on Eidsness (good human interest piece, BTW) that the first game of the series with Cornell is tonight. Sent me scurrying to check my tickets. No, first game is tomorrow night. Way to mess with my head, Grand Forks Herald!!

  6. We used to at least see some pretty clever signs behind the visitors penalty box. I don't even see that anymore.

    For two or three seasons, we used this board to communicate our ideas for the signs. We'd vote on the ones we liked best and I would make them myself (at least 8 or 10 each weekend), subject them to a security screening and deliver the ones that passed muster to willing students in the student section. Ryan Bakken interviewed one of the students who usually held them up and even wrote a column about the signs; lots of people said they liked them. But then those students graduated and the practice fell by the wayside.

    It wouldn't be too difficult to start up the practice again. Find me a couple of students who want to participate, start a thread labelled "sign ideas" and I will make them again.

  7. If the name gets dropped I don't think, as some on this forum and others have suggested, that UND can simply go nickname-less. It's not feasible for marketing and merchandising. I hope that there is a lot of student and alumni involvement throughout the re-naming process and that whatever is chosen isn't bland. I would hate to see another "Mavericks," "Wildcats," "Eagles," or the like. And, I think having a name that has to be explained in every breath -- the Norkotas, e.g. -- would just about be the worst thing. I would also hate to see something chosen unilaterally -- unilateral decisions (from any institution or individual) mostly reflect an arrogance of self and a contempt for disagreement, no matter the path.

    I also agree with a previous poster that there seems to be a fear of having Sioux gear confiscated, kind of like when people say, "They're gonna take our guns away!" Not gonna happen. I would also be sad to see the Ralph lose the Sioux themes throughout. After all, you can take a jackhammer to the past, but that's not going to erase it, especially if that past is on Italian marble. However, if the name changes, I think the outside of the Ralph -- "Home of the Fighting Sioux" -- would have to go. I mean, how lame would that be?

    I'm sure fans of the Salukis and the Geoducks (to name but two) explain all the time...It's not the worst thing in the world. A horse graphic, combined with the name Nokota, eliminates some of the "huh? what?"

  8. It's new, and hopefully an indication that the school is dedicated to keeping the name. Has anybody noticed the words "Fighting Sioux" within the interlocking "ND" logo on the replica football helmets being sold in the Sioux Shop? It isn't on the helmets the players wear. What's up with that?

    It is one way to further distinguish UND's interlocking ND from Notre Dame's interlocking ND.

  9. Once, again, I'm still waiting for mine. Any chance the local zip code goes out last? I'm always anxious to have them in hand but maybe more so this year since I got a call from the box office in May telling me they're willing to give me an extra seat and move me PER MY REQUEST which had never been my request. I hope there's no screwup.

  10. Let's review...

    Team Name Changed in Response to Hostile/Abusive Policy

    Arkansas State: Red Wolves (formerly Indians)

    Carthage College: Red Men (formerly Redmen)

    Chowan College: Hawks (formerly Braves)

    Indiana University of Pa.: Crimson Hawks (formerly Indians)

    Univ. of Louisiana, Monroe: Warhawks (formerly Indians)

    Midwestern State: Mustangs (formerly Indians)

    Northeastern State: River Hawks (formerly Redmen)

    Southeastern Oklahoma: Savage Storm (formerly Savages)

    McMurry: using no nickname (formerly Indians)

    Catawba College: must be called "Catawba Indians," by virtue of tribal approval, cannot be just "Indians"

    Nickname retained, so far:

    Bradley Univ: Braves (5 yr. watch list)

    Newberry College: Indians (projected change Fall '08)

    Illinois: Fighting Illini (retired Chief Illiniwek)

    UND: Fighting Sioux (3 years to obtain tribal approval)

    William & Mary: The Tribe (performed electrolysis on logo; removed hostile and abusive feathers)

    Alcorn State: Braves

    Exempted, by virtue of tribal approval:

    Cent. Michigan: Chippewas

    Fla. State: Seminoles

    Mississippi College: Choctaws

    Utah: Utes

  11. I was so impressed with our fans (especially the Sioux Crew section) supporting the Irish and, late in the game, LEADING the Irish cheers. I could tell that the Notre Dame fans sitting near me appreciated it. I think we supported Notre Dame, not just because they were playing the team that knocked us out, but because we admired the way they handled the number 1 team in the tourney in the semis. I was bummed at the beginning that our boys weren't in the title game but then I realized how happy the Irish fans were to be there with the opportunity to capitalize on their very first FF appearance and I was truly happy for them. Chins up, Fighting Irish! You gave a great account of yourselves and you'll be back soon.

  12. Emotion displayed

    Sacrafices made

    Pact upheld

    National title #8

    might want to save this one until saturday :lol: damn this is going to be a long next couple of days!!!

    "Sacrifices." I'm hypersensitive to typos, being victimized by them so often myself.

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