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Everything posted by GoodGood

  1. Looking through the thread and I don’t see anyone calling for anyone to be fired? Maybe you’re seeing posts I’m not seeing? Please let me know. Thanks!
  2. Well I watched all 40 minutes of that. On a positive note I didn’t get suckered into spending $10 to watch that showing
  3. Someone on Sioux Sports Forum told me anyone can bring the ball up and be the PG
  4. Mara is a dude. Once he figures out basketball he’s going to be a problem
  5. Update: Back door cover is not happening
  6. We need a back door cover like last year vs ORU in the Summit League Tournament
  7. Are we not playing hard enough or just not good enough? Million dollar question
  8. Everyone is just talking ball. What has you so upset?
  9. I can't believe how non competitive we are. Truly shocked. Can also see why King did not play at Iowa State last year. He has me shocked as well
  10. This is a bad Big Ten team too. Sad
  11. Omg we don’t have a PG on the roster
  12. You know who’s minutes he should be taking!
  13. 10 second violation. Would’ve been nice to have a PG on the floor
  14. Down 20 in the first half and we go no PG on the floor. Genius
  15. Wtf are any of our guys doing??
  16. TT at the 4. I’m good if I never see that again
  17. Tuff to listen to these announcers
  18. Wish I knew we didn’t have King before I bet on us
  19. Should be able to find a stream somewhere on the dark web!
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