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sioux goo

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Everything posted by sioux goo

  1. because in the end it just shows your lack of knowledge. I would bet it isnt because of a lack of knowledge...instead I would say its knowing the facts...which some know...some do not know.. Doesn't he have his own operation at BSU to run now? Why bring him up? The man who should have been the AD...and if your not concerned...why cut and paste it?? The budget shortfall is not the AD's fault, if this topic wants to be discussed fine but dont just immediately call for peoples heads and expect anyone to take you seriously Who would be the person in charge of this department....will we use the excuse he hasnt been here long enough...one year now...July to July...budget deficit was 150,000 more than projected...if anything...you couldnt keep it at projected...maybe it was that playoff bid...lol....oh yea that only cost UND 25 grand...lol..year 1 window has closed...I would say that the LTC's only saving grace would be Dr. Kupchella retiring before he gets too mad about the budget...but then again..what do i know...lol...then again...I predict that after 2 years...3 tops the LTC will have moved on and left UND with one BIG mess!!!
  2. I guess that cutting, preparing and analzying did not work so well...numbers are 850,000 in the RED....youch...D1...how will this happen and work...oh yea...that 450 grand a year from the NC2A...BYW....where is that money coming from?? LTC??? On a similar note...glad to see the FB coaches get a 0% raise and LTC taking care of his administrative staff...with 5 and 10 % raises...well done...keep those coaches that got UND to where it is...I wonder how fast Mr. Bollinger found out about the 0% raise...my money says...quickly!!!
  3. all I am going to say is this person told me directly....no hear say...no rumor....that is all I am going to say...
  4. When I heard this slogan....I thought of scream yellow....and how bad that sounded....its not as if North Dakota isnt already perceived as being way up in the middle of no where.....use this slogan to further anyone elses perception......
  5. Was not Mr. Taylor...DL would never go to the BISON....but if he was purely looking for a job would he have called another AD at a school or merely looked on ncaa.com?? interesting....obviously by asking this AD he was wanting his name out there...
  6. If DL was not looking for another job....why would he contact a AD from another school about any job openings? Interesting........
  7. She does not have Boese like competiveness....and that is where she will falter....she is ok in high school...and having officiated her...for about ten games....i think i can evaluate her game by saying she is good in HS cuz she is taller and more athletic than most girls...that wont be the case at the next level...and any game that got tough...she folded like a chair...very unlike Boese...whom rose up to a challenge...EVERYTIME!!!
  8. What was not also mentioned in that segment of a 250,000 savings of eliminating 5 positions was the creating of 3 to 4 positions....editor of Sioux Illustrated, Executive Secretary, Office Administrator who was the old secretary....but...someones wife didnt like the old secretary....AD in charge of facilities...in which UND plays in none of its own facilities...so why would it warrant someone to be in charge of is beyond comprehension....also adding a Marketing person...another Asst AD....when REA was paying this person to do marketing for UND athletics...so that did not save the dept money....and re hiring a business manager...when this position could have been done without as well...there is currently one business manager in place...and she does a great job!!! In eliminating these positions....at least Neb Omaha had enough class to give their employees a 90 day termination...not a two week or you can clean your office out today....class begets class... Kathor...as far as whether you could play D1 I have no idea....I am simply stating that the oppurtinity will be gone for several area potential athletes.... Sioux runner...perhaps UND track or CC would go to no scholarships at all....which in turn would hurt potential future athletes even more....just another perspective...
  9. I believe the early athlete will be a border line athlete....no doubt with nothing to play for...you surely will not get the A or B athletes....you will have to settle for the borderline athletes....perhaps athletes with a past rep...but since your in need of better athletes...especially better than what is in the state of ND...you will have to gamble to win....as far as your scholly barely paying for your books....if UND was D1 when you went to school here...perhaps you would not even had a chance to play a sport and get a education!!!!
  10. Not to mention the fact that the players themselves want Coach Herbst to be the next head coach. So he is solicitating the players approval?? Not understanding that statement at all.
  11. The Hyslop held 6,000 people the game of the national title game in 97 for WBB, and if you look in the media guides, UND has averaged way over 2100 a season, obvioiusly this person from REA did not do their homework.
  12. But in Buning we trust. I think there are good coaches available. Who knows who will take her place. Will you still trust when the coaches are doing the media guides?
  13. those people are being told to be quiet!!!
  14. sioux people dont support whom??
  15. I am home!!!! Isn't this the HOME OF THE SIOUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.......lol not according to you
  16. both are symbols!!! the logo is a symbol and so the the irish symbol!!! WOW connect the dots----GK!!!!!!
  17. Go Irish!!!! Go all the way back to where you came from for all I care!!!! YOU GO TOO!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!
  18. i especially liked the point of the custodian dragging a garbage can across the sioux logo....are you kidding me....thats your arument?? wow!!!! oh yea you take offense to the siouxper dog....I take offense to someone leading the native american conference in Biztown saying that when a little leopricahn(sp?) walks in this room then we will consider his argument!! I am irish and I take a great offense to that!!!! THAT IS IGNORANCE!!!!!!!
  19. maybe you should be preaching this to the sioux people...oh yea...you already did...that is why spirit lake became hush hush...isnt it GK...off campus works for me...then you wouldnt be subject to the hostile and abusive environment at the University of North Dakota!!!!! GO IRISH!!!!
  20. how is there a lawsuit...when there is no program to direct...ooopppssss
  21. Jeannotte....hmmm....I can count how many protests he has been to on no fingers. He didn't step into this fight until very recently. Not too long ago he was one that was "for" the name....I wonder what happened. wonder how he will feel if because of all this...he no longer has a paycheck??? oooppppppssssss
  22. I guess we'll just have to have other entities....like the NCAA...like the Dept of Justice, step in and defend our interests your right and the first amendment will prevail!!!!!!!!!1
  23. GK may claim there was a mis representation by the story being told of Thanksgiving...so the name will have to be changed!!!
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