sioux goo
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Everything posted by sioux goo
also 7 titles...once again i asked how much money has REA given to UND athletics..do you know?? If you dont know, which obviously you dont, do not speculate on how much money they have given or have committed to in the future, again, the arrangment between the two, REA and UND athletics is not a how can i say without being rude, a very good one for one particular side...i will let u pick which side...and it will be left at that...
7 titles...what are you going on and on about...did you make a point??? would we have the Betty??? REA hasnt paid for the Betty yet so its not a paid building, REA was paid for by Ralph, so where is the huge overhead??? if your biggest liability, cost of the building is taken care of, why the big issue of charging UND hockey for every little thing, or UND athletics??? what is the deal with that??? If DB was wanting to take his ill wife to someplace with a great medical facility...is there a better place than Rochester??? 5 hours away from Grand Forks, so dont think that was the reason he took the job...he stepped down as WJ coach because Columbus asked him to do so before he took the job, come on 7 titles...you need to do some research before you post...or ask someone!!!
7 titles...since you know it all, how much money is REA giving UND athletics??? bet you dont know do you, hockey has been fully funded since i can remember...get a clue before you post, or stay off the sauce, by the way 7 titles all this percieved money wont be coming to UND athletics soon it will go to pay off the Betty...FYI
just because the job was opened internally doenst mean they cant or wont open it nationally...they have to open it internally before they open it up to anyone...eoe laws apply so i am not sure how you can read into that whole statement....
well put skate, that is what i wanted to say, just not that long...if Sandy wants the job UND has to give it to him, REA being sold out is TOO important to UND athletics budget although now any surplus from REA will go to pay the bond back for the Betty...so UND better fill it up for both venues or the future wont be so bright!!!!
i have heard a few big names for the third spot, in hopes of someday getting bumped up....and people coming back to their alum...but nothing concrete yet...when it is i wil post it...dont want to spread anymore here say than is already on here!!! I would like to see the job opened up as well too, i think if sandy would take it he would be the best for the job, purely my opinion..he still recruited a lot of these guys so their is still ties to UND...no offense to Hak...just think Sandy would be a better Head coach....
if you find that those reasons that were just stated...as reasons hard to believe why DB did what he did, then you dont know DB on a personal basis, and how is this for the source, a person who plays cards with DB in the break room, is that a good enough source for you......
found out from a source that TB does indeed have 30 days and he is out..a source inside REA....but he will remain nameless....their is my validity!!!! all you doubters!!!! there could be more shake ups than that in the VERY near future...STAY TUNED!!!!
jloos..i didnt know i had to prove my knowledge to you or anyone else on this board....guess you can believe it or not...but its the truth...
i am not going to get into those details, take what i say as it happened, as for the last person who fought the change with the new Engelstad....what happened to him...anyone remember Terry Wanless???
jk....do you know of the struggles that were going on during the year??? back and forth between the two?? if not dont make a comment like that unless you know...nuff said....
DB made the ultimatium, either TB goes or I go, DB didnt get the backing from anyone and people thought he was bluffing so...now they learned dont call DB bluff...DB was offered a assistant coaching job 2years ago in the NHL...why didnt he take it then? he is making the same amount of money as he was here at UND....so its obviously not the money now is it... when DB left for Ohio he didnt have the job locked up he had to go there to work out the details....does that tell you something major happened to tick him off, anyone who knows DB knows you dont cross him but if he likes you he is as loyal as they come without a doubt...there is as Paul Harvey would say...the rest of the story...
people would not have posted it if it wasnt from a good source, which is the reason DB gave four months ago either he goes or DB goes....and i think when he didnt get any backing he decided he had enough...he being DB....and said its time to leave, now do u believe my source that said he didnt even tell his players or the administration....does that tell you anything about what has been going on if the administration didnt know??? connect the dots people...
he is for now, how about in 30 days?? will he still be?? and once DB lets people know the real reason why he is leaving will TB still be there??? or will there be some serious uproaring going on then??? since Ralph knows all please tell all!!!!
will stafford leave too, i dont think Dean made a recommendation to administration since they didnt know he was leaving either, just like the team did not know, only 2 coaches knew he was leaving on Wed...
you do know that or dont know that??? the only two people who know that Dean was taking the job were assistants...i doubt the administration knew until they get Dean's resignation...does that speak to the relationship between Dean and his boss?
not REA....well REA too, but who is Dean's boss??? think about it....
its official the press conference just happened, Dean has been hired as the assoc. head coach, any speculation that it was rumor is officially ended, he took the job!!!!!
siouxman got it correct, although the rift may have gone further than the GM of REA...possilby Dean's boss? that could have a lot to do with it too, was Dean's contract done yet?? from last year's rift??? i would say NO
the contract with the Al and UND is not good for UND, plain and simple, also heard season ticket sales are down even more this year at UND....not good, with the big gurantee we paid Delta St. and Ferris St. 45,000 each...ooopppssss....
obviously there is more to the story than what MOST people know....maybe if enough people find out what else was going on it will connect the dots, but if it doesnt come out...at least i know the whole story..lol
nickelboy....then you might want to call the commissioner of the NCC since that is who the team checked with on the suspensions??? I do not agree that the tourney champ should decide who wins the conference, I would rather see the NCC do away with the conference tourney unless the winner gets a automatic bid, otherwise its senseless....so the team who won the regular season title could be done in2 games??? congrats on a great season and see you later....doesnt make much sense....I would rather see all the teams play twice during the regular season unless the conference tourney gets the automatic bid....
the sit out game only is enforced for fighting, not for swearing at the umpire....
answer has your team made it to the college world series? who was the last NCC team to make it there....win one once...now who has their facts wrong....and i guess BSU is what 500 in their conference....brutal....and the NSIC top pitchers would throw bp in the NCC that is a fact!!!!!!
it is not a done deal....there has not been a official vote on it yet!!!!!