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Everything posted by ND-fan

  1. Freije's comments in this article and her interview shows real class by this player but you can see in her face how and how she expressed herself that there was real parting of ways with Brewster. The real proof in the putting is there has been no statement other than canned reply by UND. The big thing I also see here is that Montana State coach Binford knew what was happening to Freije because she called her right away. What's the deal here why hasn't media here reported reason for parting of ways here at UND when people all way out in Bozeman know what's happening. This is big deal to people of North Dakota when one of home grown talent is being basically thrown away and we have not any explanation why this is happening. Our new Athletic director better start getting handle on what's happening here because if this team goes backward with loss of players and we have another poor year next year his job will get whole lot more difficult by this time next year.
  2. Brewster history as coach since the beginning has been not been one of consistency. Roebuck left him with very good nucleus to start the Big Sky and expectation were that UND would be able to compete right away. The first year was flop and there were question on his coaching. Second year is when he made his run to NCAA tournament but core of this team was from Roebuck era and I don't know if he was person who recruited these players but knowing Roebuck he would have had final say on anything to do with his team. The following year he had team returning significant portion of the team with exception of Buck and Wall both valuable contributors but they had tremendous nucleus returning but again this team fizzled. The last couple of years the team has been successful but they never reached the potential a lot of people thought was capable of the team. One other change in since NCAA year was change in assistant coaches from Val Sussex to Adam Jacobson which I have no idea what effect it had but it was change of assistant coaches from the Roebuck era. The change I have seen is in type of players being recruited under Roebuck tenure he had recruited players like Buck, Loyd, Burck, and Lauck what you call undersized forwards for division I basketball but were quick and athletic could score either inside or outside and then he would find the very big dominate girl inside that could dominate the boards and could catch and score from these undersized forwards. Brewster has recruited the bigger forward with smaller guards to go along with these players that can run the floor push the basketball. But if you look at Summit conference both South Dakota schools have recruited forwards that Roebuck liked as players. The success SD schools have had and how they have controlled UND the past couple years is not comforting thought for us. These last 2 recruiting classes for UND have been flops with exception of one or two players who might develop into quality player and there has to be reason for this. I have heard through the grapevine that Brewster's reputation of playing mind games and way he handles his players has spread through talent pool. Todays athletes are connected to each other and they know one another so your reputation precedes you before you even make contact with these athletes. This is what is worrying me because are we going to get first crack at the better talent in our region or are we going to have to look farther for talent. Already our first lauded recruit is from Australia. The other thing is Brewster seems to have good year when storm clouds are rising like the NCAA year and last year when I heard there serious questions about program but he won conference and coach of year. But years after these usually have been total let down years. The difference this year is that he doesn't have talent weighting to play and he even has lost one of his top players for next year. Plus he's moving into conference that is loaded with talent he will have hard time matching up to next year unless he finds several players ready to play and can mesh with this team. I getting to think it was too bad Brewster opportunities move didn't materialize last year because we may be looking at bigger rebuilding than when we moved to division I.
  3. Freije's numbers were she had average 30.5 minutes a game, scoring average 14.5 pts per game, and average of 8.5 rebounds a game until she got hurt in Weber game. She missed next 4 games and most minutes she played was in final game of 29 minutes with rest games played at less than 20 minutes. Klabo's numbers were she had 29.9 minutes a game, 19 pts a game, and 9.3 rebounds a game. These are big numbers to replace on team that already is need of several players. If I was betting man reason for leaving she was told she would have significant less roll on the team and were cutting here ride money. I know she liked playing in front of family and neighbors here and I believe that was one of the reasons she chose to play for UND in the beginning.
  4. Find it quite ironic that UND doesn't have men's team sport for Spring season. Will Summit Conference put any pressure on UND to bring back baseball especially when conference has minimum number of baseball schools. Also the cost for baseball should be reduced significantly with conference partners within driving distance of each other.
  5. I could agree with you some on this but she had track record here now for past 3 years where she has shown that she can compete at division I level at very high level. She has been one of the top players in the Big Sky and her career at UND she has scored 838 points and would have been very close to 1000 pts if she wouldn't have been hurt. This year alone they had her play at least 3 different positions on the floor and she held her own. She was giving them 33 minutes a game covering for lack of recruiting this past year. The weakness of this team this year has been the guard play will be again next year. We had Franklin good girl who could play defense and rebound but couldn't put ball in hoop even on layup if somebody was closer than 3 feet. The Daily Twins one was pretty much hurt all season with limited time and other one was quick enough to play but she is undersized where she was often being beaten because of this lack of strength. Also her shooting was streaky and I don't think the style of game that UND played was meant for her she would have fit in well with Sacramento State. Now Reinke could well become very good guard for UND she played good defense and towards end of year was showing she could score. Then in Reno she was delivering some offense and she is pulled and never returns this was happening all year long with UND with different players. Freije to me was amazing in that when you keep changing her roles and where she was to get her shots from that she could produce like she did. Klabo had a good season but I thought when you needed bucket she had hard time getting herself in position where she was going to score and I don't know if that was her or the coaching because so many times they would get something to work and then they would leave it and never come back to it. Und is going to have now very difficult time in the Summit Conference this coming year they have no guards of caliber that the two South Dakota schools have now they have lost one of their better front line players for coming year. Freije was giving UND in conference play until she got hurt about 14 points a game, 8 to 9 rebounds, and strong big body inside that also could help transition ball up the court. Dooly can make up some of the rebounding but she doesn't have offense skills to become a scorer and doesn't have the time to develop these skills. Leet girl has some unique skills but she lacks foot speed to defend in division I basketball she is truly tweener in that she has shooting ability and size of division I but lacks the speed could be used in right situations effectively and definitely gives good depth at front line. UND is going need now power forward, point guard, and could use another guard that can play both guard positions. Then they are going to need to add some depth because they were playing with very short bench at end of the year. Like I said it looked to me last year Brewster mailed in his coaching effort didn't get type of recruits he needed to help this team, didn't see a lot of adjustments made to play to this teams strength, and was consistently out coached on floor number of times. To me was coach that was way over confident and one that got out worked last year. The other questions then is what was happening internally on assistant coaching I have no idea but if I was Athletic director these are some things I would want to know because this could tell you what is really happening in this program.
  6. Just thinking Klabo and Freije have been good friends all through their careers could we also be looking at Klabo leaving the program too! I was wondering this if UND could be looking at two losses from the program. I would think it could also come down to the rule change by NCAA if they don't require a player to sit out year after transferring. I think this hasn't been decided upon yet but could likely change before next season.
  7. This past season Brewster performance as coach was like a mailed in performance. I believe it started last year I think he lost the belief of the team at end of the season and maybe he lost belief in the team or he was thinking of moving on and it didn't happen. I look at two seasons we had injured key players in Szabla last year and after she was hurt he hardly used her like she was damaged goods and now this year we had Fallyn Freije get hurt and after she was ready used her sparingly again like she was damaged goods. In most sports if you are started when you return healthy again you start again until you loose your job but with Brewster you have to prove your self that you can be used again. Not a good mind game with modern athletes and the way kids communicate now with social media you can get a bad reputation in very short time. But Brewster coaching this past year was not top performance saw little improvement in team development and making adjustments through the year to overcome what other teams were doing to them. Best coaching job performances this past year was when we played Northern Iowa his former school and Northern Colorado a coach he spars with every year. Otherwise it was like a person going through the motions of coaching and i did not see that fire in belly of coach when he lost that wasn't going to happen again. If I were sum it up he had look of coach that didn't totally believe in the team he had on the floor. Maybe just guess he hates coaching at level he's at he wants bigger bite of the apple meaning he wanted coach major program where he can consistently advance through NCAA tournament each year not just fighting to get one done chance or couple of games in NIT or other tournament. His ego got to where he thinks he should be at bigger time program. Maybe way out line here but there's more going on than we been told.
  8. Just speculating but this has look of Brewster pulling part of her athletic scholarship money and telling her they want to play lesser of roll for UND. I don't like it that she leaving the program your loosing a leader and big contributor not what you want in long run for the program. She is just shy of 150 points of being 1000 point scorer for UND just a bad deal for UND basketball. This past year it wasn't fallyn the problem with this team it was poor guard play they received all year long. Also the moves Brewster made this past year in coaching left something to be desired like even in last game of the year pulling Reinke in final game. I just think he tries to many mind games with these women and I have heard this before in past years. Also have heard through grapevine that he lost recruits because of this reputation of playing mind games with his teams. I sure hope the new Athletic director is taking notes here not good PR for the school and again its with womens side of Athletics where UND is handling it poorly with Women Athlete. I wish Fallyn success where she goes has to be hard decision on her part leaving after 3 years and it sure is North Dakota loss to loose one of its star players and home grown coming into her final season. It going to be difficult to recruit for UND home grown talent in the future.
  9. I like how UND plays hard as a team and I think they are capable of beating anyone on given night but when you come to the tournament I just think there couple of players shy of winning the Tournament. We lack size and go to ball player inside and I think you need this if your going to win at DI level. You need that player you can go to inside when you need a basket and UND has AVants but he's little under sized and if he plays big minutes he gets worn down and usually in fall trouble. I thought this team would compete last year again this year but the loss of Berstein, Shanks, and Collins with the additions they made this year would have made for salty team. I don't think UND handling of Jones contract helped either in keeping players or recruiting players. Could have been team that would have set a mark for the Big Sky but it slipped away.
  10. UND season ended with the same glaring fault they have had all year. They are in desperate need of point guard and the the truth be said they were need of several guards this year. The Daily Twins didn't live up to what they were billed as they didn't shoot well enough and they weren't strong enough to play defense when they were posted low. Then add in Chasity Franklin in ability to shoot the ball it made it impossible for UND to score with there big girls. UND needs to bring in at least one guard next year ready to play that can shoot and quick enough to play in the Summit conference. They will need to also add some more team quickness in there guards for next year or its even going to be longer season for them. Its been such a waste of big talent this year it has shown all year long with loss of last years guards what it has meant to this team. Also they are going to have to work on team quickness in the off season because what I have seen of the Summit the two South Dakota teams are very quick so were going to need some better guard play to let UND big girls work in side wearing down these two teams. Brewster didn't do stellar job of coaching this year I think he was over confident and was relying to much on Franklin and Daily and should of used the Freshman more than he did. Also they ran play with Klabo at top of the key who fed into Freije who then returned to Klabo for layup but they only ran that play couple of times I would have run that play until Montana showed they could stop those Two inside. I have felt all year they would have success with something and then would get away from it wonder why he wasn't coaching them to use that plays until they showed they could stop it. I feel UND has lot of questions going into next year where I began the year with that they could win the Big Sky and be posed to be real contender in the Summit. Now I am worried if they can even be in top 4 of the league.
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