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Everything posted by UNDlaw80

  1. Speaking of BLM and KKK ideology, In light all the vitriol conservatives have for Antifa and BLM since this ordeal began, how ironic that a Right-Wing group is charged with the most serious crimes......murdering police officers, terrorism, making explosives. *crickets* *crickets* *crickets* https://www.cnet.com/news/how-boogaloo-members-used-facebook-to-plot-an-alleged-murder/
  2. Looks like people's sarcasm detectors are broken. My 'oh wait' comment was obviously in reference to NASCAR finally getting with the program and banning the Confederate Flag because it's racist and all. ANd good for NASCAR for supporting a driver who is all in with BLM. Suck it rednecks. But hey, if you guys are fine with Confederate flags and statues everywhere. Go nuts. They certainly make their presence at Trump rallies. But whatever, I can't prohibit people from bringing up the rear of society. How's that wall at the border going?
  3. UND history department? Them thar elitists with their readin’ and learnin’? Ppppffff Y'all come down to the Southern NASCAR race if you wanna see some real Johnny Reb truth. Oh wait....
  4. Those Confederate statutes aren't even contemporary civil war artifacts. They were erected well after the war; primarily during the Jim Crow era. They hold no historical value. They're statues glorifying our country's darkest days. It's the equivalent of Germany erecting statutes of Nazi generals in public squares years after WW2. "But, but, but...it's our history!!!!"
  5. Read each of the Confederate state’s Ordinance of Secession and Declarations of Causes. Slavery, Lincoln's election, the economy, and state rights are front and center....but they're all tied together by slavery. Interestingly, the Confederacy opposed state’s rights. The Southern States did not approve of Northern ones taking individual steps to abolish slavery, or slavery being prohibited in non-state territories. For obvious reasons the tipping point was the North's refusal to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act. And when Lincoln was elected on a platform to keep slavery out of the territories, well, it was game on. The Confederacy wasn't fighting for innate state rights as much as they were PO'd that the Union's position on slavery was changing.....and it adversely affected the southern economy, way of life, etc. Everything stemmed from slavery. It's clear as day from the Confederate Articles of Secession. And here we are still waiving the Confederate flag on government property; the flag of an entity who started a war that killed 600,000 for the purpose of subjugating an entire race of people.
  6. Darwin Award time... In light of all the heathen snowflakes protesting in Portland, it’s a small church that’s responsible for Oregon’s largest outbreak. My my the Lord works in mysterious ways. Idiots.
  7. Perhaps you should read what you posted. Trump supporters were, in no way, prevented from obtaining tickets or attending the rally. I mean Trumps own campaign manager even said it made no difference. But whatever, facts aren't gonna dissuade cult followers. Have the best day ever.
  8. https://wpgtalkradio.com/does-having-a-ticket-guarantee-your-entry-into-pres-trumps-wildwood-rally/
  9. You realize there was no cap on tickets, right? The campaign gave them to anybody requesting one. That's why they expected more attendees than the stadium held (as such an outdoor rally was also planned). Entrance to the indoor rally was on a first-come/first serve basis at the rally. That's why people were camped out days in advance to be the first ones in line to go inside. So yeah, those left-leaning trolls ensured a lower turnout than expected; but they did not prohibit Trump supporters from obtaining a ticket or attending.
  10. That Trump could only garner 6,000 attendance in freakin' Oklahoma illustrates that ether: 1. support is dwindling 2. the reality of Coronavirus has finally smacked his base in the face. It’ likely a mixture of both. At any rate, anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew that Covid would eventually skyrocket in the south. For example Arizona is already in full pull-back mode; their gov. just granted local governments the authority to make mask usage mandatory.
  11. Just stumbled upon this. 1980 title game. Taylor, Smail, Chorney, Sykes, Walker, ect in action.
  12. Some of us have lives and other priorities. Posting 24/7 on a forum is insignificant. If my purpose was to gloat and or prove a point, I would have been posting every second the last 2 weeks considering this time frame has been utterly brutal for Trump in every capacity. Carry on.
  13. Yea, that's not good. Unfortunately situations like we're currently experiencing often give fringe groups a window to operate. We saw this same crap in the 1960s. Sadly, political entities tend to focus on fringe elements as a means to discredit the general wants, wishes and demands of a movement they disagree with. We're seeing that with the far-right wing focusing on Antifa at every opportunity possible.
  14. Yea, Seattle is worry-some. Tell us something we don't know. In fact many BLM activists are coming out in opposition to Seattle, saying they're hijacking the cause. But your deflection about Seattle doesn't answer my question about Trump.
  15. We all know Trump needs his ego stroked, but what’s the rationale for an indoor rally? Is it a political statement? Defiance? I mean no American sports league in their right mind would entertain such an idea right now. Why not an outdoor one; at least for the safety of everyone involved? Whatever though, just sign the waiver and don't hold Trump liable. Meanwhile, it starts... 6 of his staffers working on the event just tested positive.
  16. It's bias, simple as that. But why are you referring to the 'media' as some uniform and all-encompassing entity? By that same token, is not 'the media' portraying Seattle in a biased manner? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fox-news-fake-image-photo-george-floyd-protests-seattle-a9565061.html
  17. Funny that nobody raised a stink when Confederate Cooter was blocking traffic, screaming and touching police during the anti-lockdown protests. You people aren't fooling anybody. Civil disobedience isn’t what bothers you, it’s what these protesters stand for. You know well that minorities will be the majority in 20+ years and the implications of such will politically and culturally flip this country upside down. And the white millennial and Gen Z kids growing up in this new environment are completely on-board. 'Snowflake culture' I think you call it? Of course the right-wing is mobilized now, why wouldn't they be? But they are an older, monolithic and withering demographic. Look at a Trump rally for God's sake. Older and white as a snowstorm with dueling banjos as the soundtrack. Either way, many places now are lifting curfews. Violence is subsiding and non-violent protests and marches are taking over everywhere. This is history in the making.
  18. What are you talking about? Their demands specifically state civil disobedience, which by definition is non-violent. (did you intentionally omit the civil part?) Police using non-violent methods to apprehend non-violent rule-breakers is what we do in America. Or maybe it’s different in Fargo nowadays?? Do they also tear gas shoplifters and fire rubber bullets at speeders? For f-sake, have we entered the Twilight Zone here? Heavy-handed policing, controlling government and intrusive surveillance is the downright antithesis of Conservative values. Err..,well, maybe not; it appears to be welcomed by some if directly aimed at Darkie Jefferson, Illegal Juanita, Homo Leon, and Snowflake Katie.
  19. Does anyone know if Mexico is gonna pay for this wall?
  20. It certainly happened quickly. But remember, even before coronavirus this country was walking on egg-shells with division. Obviously division has always existed, and it has bubbled up more explicitly at times. But never, ever, have we had President whose platform was built on exploiting division to the extent Trump does. Look at his rallies. There is not 1 single unifying word coming out of his mouth....“us against them” and “he's a loser” reality TV show mentality. He set the tone, and now our entire country (left and right) is following this method and has become a joke. Politics aside, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, GWB, Obama all had the decency to not utterly demonize the segment of America that didn't agree with them. Trump doesn't do this, he does the opposite. I can understand how it may be appealing to some, but it doesn't work if you're job is to represent every citizen. I’m not surprised in the slightest this country is on fire. You elect a divisive clown, expect a circus.
  21. It's my opinion that true racial justice won't come from any politician (left or right). It's too ingrained. However change WILL occur when America's demographics shift. Like it or not, it's gonna happen. A lot in white America are scared $hitless of this eventuality because the notion of what 'traditional cultural America' is will be flipped upside down. White privilege will cease to exist. ...but until that time, in my opinion, politicians have the duty to pave the way for justice, or at least not make the situation worse. This is certainly not occurring at the highest level right now. -100k coronavirus dead; 1 in 4 Americans unemployed; the economy in the toilet; race riots in the streets; cities on fire.......and Trump hiding in a bunker after-which he does a photo op with a bible in the air. Is America Great Again yet? Is this seriously the America you guys want? Or is everything fine and dandy as long as the 'slowflakes' are owned.
  22. Wow. Freakin’ Pat Robertson is now ripping Trump for his hard-core response on Protesters. Even GWB can't keep quiet anymore about injustice. He’s blasting those who want to silence protesters.
  23. That's a very good point. We had a black President and, I assume, many blacks expected change. Never happened. It exemplifies just how systematic this injustice is.
  24. “Cops are being shot! It's time to Tiananmen Square this civil unrest. If you don’t agree go live in China". We live in amazing times.
  25. This isn’t difficult. People want across-the-board equality. So it shouldn't be difficult understand why protesters are mainly millennials. This is America’s 1st true multicultural generation and the starting point of a future America that will be racially and culturally flipped upside down. I think many in the US are frightened of this. That said, although their demands are clear, their methods of protest are aimless. This is akin to a neglected kid throwing a temper tantrum after people routinely dismiss his cry for help. It's rooted in frustration. But that's basically the black experience in the US, not being listened to. This mass protest isn't some calculated means to an end, it's a symptom of a disease. As MLK said, “Rioting is the language of the unheard”.
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