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Everything posted by UNDlaw80

  1. Ha! No kidding. FOX is obviously staying ahead of the story here. They clearly have the connections/insight to know who the sources are. As such they know what info to deny and what info they cant deny insofar they wont have egg on their face If a source reveals itself. Despite Trump’s denial, it’s why FOX can’t and isn't denying these allegations in their entirety. Anyhow, its self evident that Kelly is one of the sources.
  2. Cmon, even FOX News can't spin the gist of the report. (See link to video in below tweet). Nonetheless, this wont make much difference considering both sides are so entrenched. If you haven't been thoroughly turned-off by some of Trump's previous statements, him crapping on our veterans and war casualties probably won't either.
  3. Speaking of Pennsylvania, interesting initial mail-in-voting statistic. Apparently it's based off national voterfiles and registration party affiliation.
  4. Speaking of not amused.... Here is Nick Saban leading a 'Black Lives Matter' team march on Monday. The Alabama Trump faithful's heads are exploding. Coach 'God of Alabama' Saban has turned to the dark-side, literally and figuratively. The comments are hilarious.
  5. Yikes. Fox News’ national security corespondent (Jennifer Griffin) now validating the sources in that report about Trump regularly crapping on our war dead.
  6. Props to the informant. He/she may have saved Kenosha from a pro-Trump mass shooting. Militia members face gun charges, alleged to have come to Kenosha "to pick people off" https://www.kenoshanews.com/news/local/militia-members-face-gun-charges-alleged-to-have-come-to-kenosha-to-pick-people-off/article_0314f57b-babf-505f-82a1-c0659fd53f17.html
  7. Nah, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. The Right has made Biden's age a central talking point 'sleepy Joe', yet Trump is no less doddering. But whatever, it's politics.
  8. Oh please, both Biden and Trump are senile old fossils. Biden is easily confused, Trump is prone to discombobulated rambling. It's a head-shaker these two are the best both parties can put forward. Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed 'fittest President ever' no longer wants to be seen walking down ramps/stairs.
  9. On the topic of Trump and the armed forces: Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ The AP is now validating the Atlantic's sources via James LaPorta, who is about as gung-ho military as one can get. https://apnews.com/b823f2c285641a4a09a96a0b195636ed
  10. Er, wait, what? Ya don't say! U.S. Homeland Security warns that Russia is trying to undermine confidence in mail-in voting https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-russia-ballots/u-s-homeland-security-warns-that-russia-is-trying-to-undermine-confidence-in-mail-in-voting-idUSKBN25U358
  11. And I truly am curious if you washed those mustard stains off your wife-beater yet. I mean I can imagine how difficult it is to fit a washing machine in a mobile home. I tells ya, ad hominem debates sure are fun!!! Yesiree!.
  12. What? Unlike the picture Trump is trying to paint, the violence in Portland is localized to a minuscule portion of the city. 99.9% of Portland isn’t being affected by violence, which is why the everyday citizen isn’t doing anything. Just like Antifa, these right-wing goons are extremists from the fringe of society. Heck, I'd be willing to bet a good portion aren't even from Portland. Basically the situation is radical dirtbags are fighting radical dirtbags. But whatever, keep on with the "Good people of Portland are standing up to Antifa!" shtick. Jesus Christ.
  13. Trump is justifying these right-wing thugs by explicitly a) validating their reasons for taking action, and b) approving said actions by characterizing them as peaceful and defensive in nature........which is of course utter BS considering these ***holes have been proactively fighting with the Antifa ***holes for months now. I mean the most recent skirmish (where that guy was shot) happened because 'Patriot Prayer' went right up to Antifa downtown looking to provoke and fight. Meanwhile: “I want to make it absolutely clear, so I’m going to be very clear about all of this, rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It’s lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted.” - Joe Biden Aug 31 Pittsburgh PA
  14. Advocacy groups calling for impeachment? No way!! C'mon, this is par-for-the-course for every President. Hell, Obama actually had PAC trying to impeach him from early on (LaRouche). Trump is the biggest Victim Card player around.
  15. You don’t even need common sense to understand this. All you need is eyes and ears. In Trump’s recent press conference he not only refused to condemn the right-wing thugs in Portland, he justified their actions. If you don’t think this flat out incites violence, I have a bridge to sell you.
  16. BOTH sides are fanning the flames, but this is because Trump has set the tone to do so. This level of government divisiveness in a time of domestic crisis would've been unthinkable under Obama, GWB, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, etc. Trump is 100% party over country, and everybody else henceforth follows suit. Unlike previous Presidents, Trump has never once attempted to represent the totality of the nation. His entire Presidency is predicated upon 'owning the liberals'. Why is this so difficult to understand?
  17. Unlike the Rambo wannabes fighting the "evil leftist Antifa types"........
  18. Quit being stupid. This ultimately has nothing to do with the Red State Publication, but rather the document they produced. It validates what I'm saying. Keep in mind, police make the arrests - they don't file charges. The document they uncovered pertains to filing charges as it pertains to California looting laws. https://www.redstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/image2.jpeg
  19. Enacting this policy would be thoroughly outrageous for a DA to do. So I looked it up. Apparently the story came from an outlet called Red State. They claimed to have obtained a government “Looting Guidelines” secret document from a confidential source. They also tied the DA to George Soros. Anyhow, the purpose of the document was to promote consistency in filing practices by determining if a theft was or wasn’t related to the state of emergency (PC 463). One of the factors in determining this was to assess if a crime was for financial gain or personal need. So is the DA looking at this factor before charging someone? Sure. But she's not doing so to charge/not charge someone. She's doing so to separate looting crimes from regular crime for categorical and consistency purposes. This has nothing to do with the police either. That's some serious spin you posted.
  20. Rest in peace, Mr. extremist militia member!
  21. Antifa/Violence/Lawlessness are symptoms of the disease. Treat the disease, symptoms will go away. What is the disease? It's called divisiveness. We are a nation that currently espouses a party over country ethos. iAs Ive previously mentioned, there is nothing unifying about Trump. His entire Presidency is predicated on division and it henceforth filters downward to both Democrats and Republicans. Everyone follows suit in this divisiveness to keep up. Unlike Reagan, Bush, Clinton, GWB, or Obama, our current government has no common ground whereby problems can be solved. If both sides come together, this county can achieve anything. But this isn’t happening, nor will it happen under Trump's leadership. He does not have the ability, nor the political will to unify the nation. Unifying a nation does start from the top. You spamming this board with 546,000 posts of Antifa violence is akin to having a sore throat and incessantly blaming it on the evil democrat flu, yet choosing to not solve the problem by ignoring the doctor's office.
  22. Despite his "America first" and anti-China rhetoric, only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Keep on getting played folks. https://qz.com/1483890/how-many-donald-trump-products-are-made-in-the-usa/
  23. Those with body armor aren't peaceful protesters, those are thugs. But I'm fully aware the Right wants to conflate the two because they don't like the peaceful protesters either. The ethos of today's Right is adherence to authority. You people have an aversion to dissent.
  24. Quit being difficult. The 3/5 Compromise had everything to do with the electoral college. It was the compromise by which we decided how electoral votes would be counted. It was predicated on slavery and was agreed upon before the constitution was signed.
  25. Looks like Trump is continuing to have balance problems walking up and down stairs. The fittest President ever!!
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