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Everything posted by 1972

  1. watch again, she swung at the guy first. never hit a woman in my life. pretty much every woman i know wouldnt act this way, either. get sick of these little girls thinking they can get away with what ever they want, act like a fool, then get mad when you confront them.
  2. only if they swing first. wanna fight like a man, expect the consiquences
  3. those two would have been locker slammed so hard, if i was there, they would just be waking up.
  4. most of his classes this semester are more labs than anything else....tough to do hands on learning remotely
  5. maybe, but is it that much a stretch given what has already taken place?
  6. pretty much why my son decided to take a semester off. didnt want to move in, only to be told he cant go to class 3 weeks later
  7. i just read the lyrics...WTF!? i just dont get the left, it is all do as i say not as i do with them. if a country singer had put out the same trash(not that they ever would) the whole left would probably call for the death penalty by public hanging. hypocrits
  8. minneapolis has always been pretty crappy, nothing new there
  9. dont feed the troll...ignore him and he will get bored and frustrated and just go away.
  10. to a couple of your points 1. almost all politions dont understand that they work for us, and continue to work for themselves (getting rich while serving in office) 2. he wouldnt call it fake news if they even tried to bother to give all the facts, instead of just bits and pieces that help their views 3. i think he may have brought the country closer together than you think. the radicals on the left keep trying to cause unrest and a sense of division 4. if you think the democrats have done ANYTHING to try to do things in more accordance with the constitution, you need to wake up 5. i agree, we need all parties to get back to a more normal decorum in politics 6. his way of doing things is rough, but you cannot say he hasnt gotten most of the things done he said he would. i dont think that there is a country on earth that thinks he is joking, or posturing when he responds to a threat, or precieved threat to the country. much different from the apology tour the last president went on 7. many Ds have said they are not voting for a D this time around. so that probably a wash
  11. so if it could be brought in to any facility by just about any means, what is the point of shutting buisnesses down? are we really helping anything? are we just trying to appease the huddled masses? would going on about our lives as normal really change the numbers at all? nobody knows for sure. we are throwing darts at a dart board and hopping it works. (p.s. if masks truely worked as hoped, asia would never have had a problem. they have been wearing mask everyday for decades because their air quality is so poor)
  12. here, this might help herd im·mu·ni·ty noun noun: herd immunity; plural noun: herd immunities the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination. "the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent"
  13. reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
  14. did you even read it, or do you no understand what you read? with in the first couple paragraphs it pretty much says it.
  15. this is the exact reason why i cannot get behind any of this...none of it can be trusted.
  16. interesting... August 4, 2020 AS I SEE IT By Neal A. Shipman Farmer Editor When a North Dakota resident is reported by the North Dakota Department of Health as having died of the COVID-19 virus it becomes big news. And it should be news considering how alarmed the public can be when the number of coronavirus cases start rising in the state as they have been for the past several weeks. But there is a big difference when the state reports a person of dying either “with” or “of” COVID-19. As the terms imply, if a person dies “with” COVID, it means that at one time or another that person tested positive for the virus prior to their death. The actual cause of the death could have been any number of underlying health conditions, but the official death certificate lists the virus as the cause. But if that person dies “of” COVID, then it can safely be assumed that the virus was the primary cause of that individual’s death. So why am I addressing the difference between “with” and “of” in this week’s column? The answer is because last week North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, during a July 28 press briefing, reported that a McKenzie County woman in her 20s with no underlying health conditions had died “with” COVID and that she was the youngest person to die of the virus in the state. Immediately we, at the McKenzie County Farmer began trying to find out as much information as we could as to the circumstances of this young woman’s death. We realized that we could not obtain any direct information from the state regarding the woman’s death, but we were able to piece together some details. Unfortunately, we have not been able to confirm any of the details. This is what we have learned. The McKenzie County woman had previously tested positive for COVID-19, but the North Dakota Health Department did not provide any information as to how long ago she tested positive. But based on the unconfirmed information that we received from multiple sources, it is very apparent that she did not die “from” the virus but rather from an unconfirmed drug overdose. So theoretically, on July 28, a McKenzie County woman did die. And at some point and time, she had tested positive for COVID-19, which is why she was reported as having died “with” COVID-19. Obviously, the system that the state uses to report the number of COVID-related deaths has been in place since the pandemic began. But like many North Dakotans, I wish that the death information would be more specific. For example, as of Monday, Aug. 3, the North Dakota Health Department’s website indicates that 105 state residents have tested positive and died from any cause while infected with the virus, while 91 of those had COVID-19 died as stated on the official death record. Included in the 105 tally is another 10, whose deaths list something other than COVID as the official cause of death. And another four who died, but did not have a positive test result, were presumed to be positive by a health care provider based on symptoms and/or exposure. If, as we suspect, we are going to have to live with the coronavirus for years to come, it is important that we truly understand just how dangerous the virus is to the general public. But right now, there are many North Dakotans who are questioning the number of deaths that are being linked to COVID-19.
  17. let me see if i have you figured out...Im assuming that you have 4 year degree in some liberal arts degree, like french basket weaving or something to that effect. you believe that your 4 year degree makes you so much smarter than the common folk that have a "blue collar" job. you cant understand how someone can survive without the govt helping or telling you what to do. you are positive that everything ever said that you dont agree with is made up, and you have an absolute fascination with making sure everyone knows it. did i nail it?
  18. dont worry, hayduke will claim you are making that up, as well
  19. Is that Bidens new catch phrase now?
  20. you asked the question, i answered it. facts suck, i know
  21. it appears that they are looking for common ownership of the apartments( as in free rent) so in that aspect, yes, they are communists.
  22. what in the actual hell are you talking about?
  23. these idiots just want some more free stuff. GET A DAMN JOB! there is plenty of buisness hiring out there. walmart, target, menards, lowes, ect. all hiring at this very moment. quit going to starbucks every day! stop buying $1000 i phones, quit driving new cars. put your big boy/girl pants on and get out there and do sme damn work. gawd these people needed to be spanked when they were young
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