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Everything posted by 1972

  1. and this type of holier-than-tho mentality is why Trump got elected, and why he will get re-elected. the left constantly believes it knows better than everyone, and cant understand another opinion. and God forbid, should you tell them no
  2. may i ask why you feel a need to criticize anyone standing up to the protesters(terrorists)?
  3. hard to believe this in the new york times, but here it is....kinda what alot of us have suspected for awhile https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html
  4. I truly am curious if you got a law degree from und, or anywhere. If you did, please go back and get a refund, because you clearly cannot comprehend basic English, or basic law, for that matter.
  5. i am at a loss on this. you seem to believe that someone standing up to the left antifa crowd is a bad thing. How? if the officials are not going to go in and try to fix the problem, it is up to citizens to do it. and when the right hits back at the left, they are the bad guy. just crazy stupid thinking. you can only push good people so far before they take action. and if the left, antifa a-holes dont tone it down , the fight will be in their face, and they will not like the outcome.
  6. i agree with all except the wearing of the mask. your cloth face covering is worse than useless in trying to protect your self from the virus.
  7. if fans can start going, that will be a big step.....fingers crossed
  8. i wouldnt put too much hope in hockey starting before the first of january
  9. they dont have one....just keep moving that goal post.
  10. she is literally trying to get the race track employees to go up and force people to wear a mask OUTDOORS!
  11. county commision is trying to kill the races at the rivercities speedway for the year. knauf is an absolute idiot. nothing but a dictator wanna be. literally dosent have a clue. recommendations are not laws!
  12. dang, that is some damn fine chirppin! i love letterkenny
  13. what reality, exactly are you refferencing?
  14. im sorry, but none of this stops until the leaders in the black community stop making heros out of criminals, and start trying to work with the community to help change the mentality in the black community. goes as well for the white, SJW side of the isle.
  15. United States of America fire arms... 393,347,000 population (2017) 326,474,000 ....you sure about that?
  16. depending on who you are, and want your intentions are. most people understand that if you go on someones property uninvited, you better have a damn good reason to be there, or, yes, you may end up looking at the buisness end of a shotgun. been that way for generations.
  17. how do you know they didnt have intent, if needed?
  18. the reason they had no intentions is because they HAD guns....simple concept
  19. so what is the Dem platform again......?
  20. Ding ding ding! We have a winner! 100% correct!
  21. you missed a very key word...".had' been burning and looting
  22. probably...redneck and takeaduke are so far left that they dont use the right turn signal in their car
  23. how in the world do you think it is not their property? its a gated community. that usually means that all residents of that community own it
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