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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 12 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Go 7-4 and UND is in. Beat Fargo U and go 8-3 and UND is definitely in. I do worry about the next 3 games, though; Bubba ball has proven we likely will slip up somewhere down the line and go 6-5, missing the playoffs and continuing mediocrity. 

    We will see. I’ll be supporting the squad down the road. Will you all? (I expect the answer to be yes, given the audience on this forum is the diehards, but the fair weather fans need more).

    We have to win 3 of last 4 to make playoffs unless one of those wins is in Fargo, otherwise our resume is not good and best win could be against Abilene Christian.  Right now we have no wins against “good” teams.  

  2. 1 hour ago, iramurphy said:

    First of all there is no such thing as moral victories. What fans opinions are on this medium doesn’t reflect where the program is going. Too many fans can’t seem to understand that there are a lot of UND fans who look for positives and want to build on that. There seem to be a number of fans who look for the negatives and their only solution is to fire people (coaches, AD, medical staff Kauk etc).  Most of us  fans have little depth of knowledge of even some of the basic fundamentals of the X’s and O’s.  I do know that fans who are proud of the effort and are looking for positives to build on are not part of the problem and the fact they take that approach does not mean they are satisfied with anything less than championship results.  I would also suggest those who only focus on the negatives are not part of the solution. We would all like to move this and all of our programs forward overnight. In the meantime there is no reason to turn on each other. I saw a relatively young FB team take on one of the top FCS teams in the country yesterday and give them all they could handle. A pick 6, a key fumble, 5 missed tackles on a punt return, and poor coverage on an on side kick were 4 plays that made the difference in my mind. We may or may not make the playoffs this year. I think we need to run the table. Their isn’t a weak sister on the schedule. These games will be dog fights. Having said that I think this staff has slowly improved our depth and talent. I don’t like every call but I’m not at practice and I don’t review film. Even if I did we have guys on this staff who do that and do that better than I. The people who will make the decisions regarding staff are not posting on this medium. Just my opinion. Great effort yesterday, no quite good enough. Move on and get better. 

    Lots of great points as usual.  No other sport is as determined by coaching as football.  Luck can be involved in certain plays(sometimes momentum changers) but over time luck is made not found. 

    I would argue the pick 6, the pick before the half, the punt return, the fumble in 2nd half and the Ko return had more to do with preparation than anything else.

    Mid 2nd quarter I was telling myself we had finally “rounded the corner”, this morning a sober Hawk knows we haven’t…and quite frankly, that sucks.

    If we win 3 of the next 4, we should be in the playoffs,  at this point that will not be easy, but IMO it is mandatory for the program, the fan base and recruiting.

    Go Hawks!

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  3. 5 minutes ago, shep said:

    I'm guessing Danny wanted ONE shot at the endzone there and trusted his QB to toss it away if it wasn't there. They he was willing to take the FG.

    I’m sure you are correct, but a 42 yard fg  is not automatic for us.  A 10-15 yard completion there improves our chances at a FG.  Gave them momentum going into half and we never got the momentum back.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Takeaways from section 204....

    Danny was brilliant until the pick 6 then Danny went back to being.....Danny. When UND lines up in that formation on the pick 6 everyone in the AL knows there are possibly 3 pass plays they'll run out of it. The DB probably knew that and just gambled and jumped it.

    The offensive line struggled.....but what offensive line hasn't vs SDSU's front 7 this season. Could not sustain a running game and once UND fell behind could not pass protect at all. They were put in a tough spot once UND got down 14.

    The chance to go up 2 scores at half would have been huge. That's the one throw I'll put on Tommy. Has to be to the very back of the endzone. I'd give Maag (IIRC) a C for effort trying to break it up.

    Great crowd.....good atmosphere. Lots of fun regardless of outcome.

    Danny did a great job scripting the first drive+ of the game. The pick 6 was huge and Gabe the Jacks soem life.  We did respond a couple of possessions later with a fantastic drive to go up 21-7.  I thought maybe we had recovered.  I was wrong.

    I don’t  understand the play call before the half . A FG would have been huge to go up 2 scores. Instead we threw a very low % pass which was intercepted.  That was bad football.

    A question for all of you, is Danny’s offense built to keep us in games ?  Does it have the ability to keep and build in leads and put teams away?

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  5. 54 minutes ago, N of GF said:

    I've never been involved in organized football (I was a pretty damn good WR during grade school recess. lol) so I'm a little naive here. It seems obvious that UND has troubles starting the second half. They can look really good in the first half, and then it goes to !@#$ right from the first snap in the third quarter. I think it hasn't been as pronounced this season as it has before, but it clearly happened today. Please enlighten me... without bitching about Bubba ball and Danny and all that.

    This basically tells the story of the game.  UND had a great drive to start the game  had a drive on a very short field after a great punt return and then had a great drive in 2nd quarter.  After  we got up 21-7 the offense faltered badly until we were behind by 21.  At that point, the only thing SDSU had done was take advantage of a bad throw by Tommy.

    SDSU obviously made some adjustments at halftime that helped theri cause and UND made a lot of mistakes.  The pick before half vs points for UND was the turning point for me.  

    The second half  we just pissed the game away and gave them points and a short field. SDSU had 3 good drives the entire game.




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  6. 2 minutes ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    Okay UND:  Here is your next three weeks

    Albelene Christian

    @ Indiana State


    Three ways to stub your toe.  Avoid the traps and you will be 7-3 and probably a playoff team going into Fargo. 


    USD beat SIU today.

  7. 1 minute ago, Sioux94 said:

    And Hoos with a total of 2 yards on the last two plays.  But yes....feed the Hoos!!! 

    Much different now that we are behind than when we were up by 14.  That’s when you pound it with your biggest back.

  8. 3 minutes ago, AJS said:

    I mean. This is next level UND unraveling. Game over. Potentially season over type of stuff. I’ve never seen anything like this

    Happened so fast.   Someone needs tot take charge now!

  9. Does anyone doubt if we win out we would be top 5 and receive a first round bye?  Just win...sexy, boring, ugly, exciting...just win.

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