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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 1 hour ago, iramurphy said:

    Don’t think the folks trying to move things forward is “ all beer, skittles and sunshine”.  Far from it. Some understand what it takes to turn programs around, resurrect businesses, and even how we can lose our edge.

    Some, and I am one of them, see no purpose in calling for coaching change publicly until the change is going to be made. Public calls for coaching change usually has an adverse effect on recruiting and creates negative vibes on the team and staff. We all have the same goal and that is championship FB as well as tourney appearances and conference championships in all sports. Obviously there are those who feel otherwise. Bringing back other sports isn’t fiscally feasible without a designated sugar daddy right now, but it would be a mistake not to listen to all stakeholders to see what they bring to the table. I think we will see improvement in MBB, WBB this year. We have made big strides in VB. We seem to be making strides in FB but need to get better each week. We have hockey where it needs to be financially. Now we need to get our other sports there too. It isn’t easy. 

    Where is the quickest, easiest place to find UND athletic budget broken down by sport?   There is a bit of a cart/horse aspect to this too.  This weekend and the game vs USD, what will the potential lost revenue be with the stadium half full and half the concessions stands operating?

  2. 15 hours ago, Kab said:

    Hope the team isn’t buying into an easy win

    nothing comes easy

    At this point it's a must win...whether its by 40 or 1, we just need to find a way.  Definitely agree on the easy part.

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  3. 9 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Or including 2020 Bubba is 14-11 as a head coach......

    Can’t argue with that.  And after the 2022 season, if I was a betting man I would bet on his record being 16-13 since 2020.  And then after 2023 I would bet on his record somewhere between 22-18 and 21-19 since 2020.(Tommy too).  

    Don’t get me wrong,  a record a bit above .500 is not a bad record, but on the other hand it’s a long ways from a great record.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Sioux94 said:

    I think most everyone would say SDSU at this point has bigger/more talented players than us. at this point.  However, we did beat them in Spring 2020 and very close on the road last fall.  Actually, to me that says our coaches must be pretty good if we have slightly inferior talent but can still win.  Hopefully that means as they continue to build the quality of that talent and when we are equal in talent we will be able to win more often than we lose when we play the SU's.  Just because I'm saying that doesn't mean I think that I think Bubba is the best coach in the world.  I actually don't think his contract should have been extended when it was, and unless we have some playoff success this year and next year, I hope it's not.  But I'm not going to rip on the coaches every single time a player makes a mistake etc..  But because some of us don't rip on the coaches and program non-stop, a few of you love claiming that the rest of us love .500 football.  Which is about as true as when we say you aren't a real fan.  Neither of those are true, we are all big fans, we all want and expect to start getting some conference titles and ultimately a National Championship. 

    Actually I think this fall you haven't been that bad.  Last year you were ripping on Tommy and his arm....3-4 times a week.  Tommy has shown he is a pretty productive FCS QB, especially this year now that he is running a little more and I think even you see he's a pretty good QB. Doesn't mean he is perfect, deep balls are still a struggle for sure and that has been frustrating.  And the thing is, it's not necessarily due to arm strength all of the time.  The first play against SDSU he over threw the ball so it wasn't that.  

    Tommy's running this season has made the difference for me.  

    On the talent, what are you basing that on?  Everyone talks about the OL and DL of NDSU and SDSU.  At FCS level, the OL and DL are built, not recruited.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Outside the one decade in the D2 era when has UND been able to recruit better talent than SU. Yes SDSU wasn’t relevant back then but wasn’t drug around back then? Hard to blame coaching when UND has always struggled. 

    Always struggled?  I thought you were a self proclaimed expert on UND football and football in general?  How about you make me a list of excuses?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Whose OL or DL would you rather have? I’d pick SDSU in a heartbeat! Those lines will lead them deep in the playoffs. Maybe our OL will be that good in a couple years…

    It's coaching.  I'm tired of the excuses.  If we don't hand SDSU 28 points on Saturday we win with our crappy(in your words, not mine) OL and DL...


    A huge problem which is never addressed on this forum is our team only plays well from behind and seems to have no idea how to protect a lead.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    We don’t have the talent of the SU’s, some say we can’t get that top talent because of Bubba, it’s just really tough to recruit the same talent to GF over Fargo. We are getting better but this transfer portal has been brutal to UND. We don’t have an elite program so to me it’s hard to expect a national championship every year.

    Just stop with the talent thing.  We lost on Saturday because we turned the ball over 3 times and gave the game away.  Win a few of these BIG games and the portal will be your friend.  We gave the Jacks a pick 6 and they started 3 drives inside our 20 yard line


    The 2 previous games vs SDSU we won and and lost the other by a TD and had a chance late.

    Talent is just an excuse.

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  8. 25 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    I still can’t believe he thinks the SR is trying to signal Tommy……. FP


    No when they put their arm behind them or forward. Of course they signal to each other during the game but those are not the signals! Have you never played football?

    The WR on the line signals the line judge confirming he is considered on the line.  Those are not the signals I am talking about.  How about you watch the game again.

    Are those hand signals in the first photo or are they pretending to jump rope?  In the second and third photos, the initial signals to LJ are at 4:38.  #84 signals to #2, 6 seconds later.





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  9. 7 minutes ago, wheelsup said:

    Coaches recruit players.. Coaches Coach and Players Play

    There is a kernel of truth to the point that players screw up and its on the player and also the point that if they were better prepared by the coaches they probably wouldn’t screw up.  This specific pick 6 play.. looks like it was on the player.  I hope the kid learns from it and goes on to have a great year/career.

    I tend to look at it more of an aggregate.. Bubba has a 54% winning percentage at UND over 9 years, 51% at UMD and 53% overall so he is actually getting marginally better at UND.  Great teams tend to have less screw ups and so whether that is better players through recruiting or better coaches because of coaching preparation you can argue that both lead back to the coaches.. so blaming the coaches in aggregate is not stupid.

    Im optimistic that the squad will figure it out and that we will be 8-3 heading into the playoffs at worse 7-4.. Based on history.. we will likely be 6-5 and miss the playoffs as there will be an inexplicable egg laid in one of the winnable games.  This is another opportunity for Bubba to change the Narrative around UND football and finish the year strong instead of with a whimper… my guess is everyone on this forum, outside of a few NDSU fans, would be ecstatic if that is the case.

    Also.. Ill be at the two remaining home games and the NDSU game cheering as loud as anyone else for the old F’n Hawks.. hoping we make the playoffs and start rolling.  I also know that not too many people jump on the bandwagon for a team that hovers around .500 and doesn’t win the really big games.  How do we pack the Alerus?  Doesn’t have anything to do with the sound system or the price of beer or the walkout video (although those are all easily fixable things and should be fixed).. win some big games.. have some home playoff games and win them and people will start showing up.

    Great post.  Lots and lots of TRUTH!

  10. 39 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    UND would be buried in coach and other athletic department contract buyouts, players would be reluctant to come play for a place that is run by knee-jerk reactions and no stability and UND would have zero partners that would want to work with them. But other than that, yep, things would be great!!

    "Biggest football fans" is an interesting way to spin it. Throw a few others in there who are just as bad or rose and I'm not sure outside of NDSU fans that there is anyone else who gets more some sort of twisted satisfaction when UND struggles or loses.

    Satisfaction when UND struggles?  Go back and look at my posts over the years.  Even this season I have been been a victim of the "kool-aid".  Going into this season Bubba's record over the previous 5 seasons was 26-26.  Logically, why do any of us expect it to improve at this point?  I admit, I was caught up in it again after the victories vs MSU and YSU. 

    Yes, there is a cost to trying something else, but there is also a cost to keeping everything the same.  Bubba is a great man, but his record says he is an average football coach.  The University, it's athletic department and the football fans of UND need to decide if being average is ok?  We all have different opinions on what is acceptable, and in my book there is nothing wrong with that.

    • Like 2
  11. 8 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    He is the king of the Sioux Sports Worst Top 10………

    1. Midwestern Hawks

    2. UND Football Fan

    3. Siouxfan97


    From you, I take that as a badge of honor.  Is it now a requirement on Siouxsports.com, to have your head buried deep in the sand?

    I call them as I see them...

    Is .500 football ok with you?  Or is it just "bad luck"?

    And it's just been "good luck" the last 12 years 90 miles to the south...


    • Upvote 2
  12. 25 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Agreed. Most blatant and intentional targeting I've seen live in years. 

    100% agree.  Was intentional and very bad. HEad-to-head, defenseless player and the defender launched his body.  Ugly.

    • Like 1
  13. 27 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    A big game, like more important than what you’re used to. Could be a high school game even. There are big games at every level. When the bullets are flying funny things happen. Ask Jim Marshal. Would you say he’s brain dead and should sit for the rest of the game after his famous gaffe?

    You are comparing what is arguably the strangest play in NFL history to a pick 6 caused by a player inexplicably not blocking a guy lined up 5-6 feet from him?  Was there a press conference on Saturday or is there one today?  It definitely warrants a question.


    #84 did not hesitate, did not look back, just moved on to the safety.

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  14. 18 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    At risk of repeating myself ... 

    7-4 UND gets in.  6-5, we are out.  Getting to 7-4 is the trick.  How many times since 2016 have we won 3 games in a row?  I know we won the first 4 in the Spring season.  I will have to go back and look.  Abilene will be a test.  Indiana State on the road will be a test and USD at home will be a test, NDSU on the road is a huge test.  

  15. 8 minutes ago, Kab said:

    So we know how many actually attend a game

    is the attendance announced student allotments or students that show up

    i want the place packed, like many say on here there are many times the attendance will be a couple thousand less than those that attend

    doesnt make any difference in gate receipts just want to know

    you don’t need to look at the results 

    11,067 was official attendance.  Looking about 7,500 for ACU.

  16. I’m watching the game again right now.  The 4th and one before the half where Quincy comes in motion, fakes the sneak and then continues is a complete cluster f ck too.  Should have been picked off.

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