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Posts posted by Rebel_Sioux

  1. 11 hours ago, GDPritch said:

    By no means a Mafia Man apologist but Denver (along wit St Clown) is now off the table too.  Two down, two to go, who then do we sweep?

    I think WMU is possible. UMD will be tough but the next two series should be sweep-able after that

  2. On 1/27/2019 at 5:01 PM, MafiaMan said:


    @runaroundsioux and @Rebel_Sioux

    Didn’t like my comment, eh?  So, which “couple” of the next three opponents do you feel North Dakota will sweep then?  St. Cloud State is obviously now off the table.

    @ Denver?  @ Western Michigan?  vs Duluth?


    On 1/27/2019 at 6:55 PM, Cratter said:

    You take down votes way too seriously. 


    On 1/27/2019 at 7:11 PM, MafiaMan said:

    Got nothing to do with down votes...I’m legitimately curious as to their thoughts on who UND sweeps over the next three weeks.

    You say that but you literally led it with, "Didn't like my comment..." seems pretty petty to me 

  3. Jones only got his extension because he won the Big Sky during his contract year. Aside from that one year his tenure has largely been full of disappointments and losses. Brewster had more success earlier but has certainly been struggling recently. 

    Frankly, I cant remember the last time UND fired any coach. Unless they gutted the whole sport of course. I'd be surprised if they started now, but Brewster, Jones, and Berry will all be in trouble IMO if they don't turn things around by their contract years.

  4. 43 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    I’m responding to Rebel_Sioux’s -1...

    Seems a little petty...I disliked you pessimism of giving up now and focusing on next year.

    I actually prefer the green jerseys...but the white is always classic and my wife rocks her black jersey so really the color is moot. I'd even cheer for us if we wore the rarely seen school color pink, in October of course. 

  5. It's a bit of a myth to say that you need coaching or playing experience to comment on the coaching of a sport. Sure it certainly helps, but some of the best analysts never played their respective sport beyond high school.

    Playing, analyzing and coaching all require different skill sets. Now some of those skills may overlap, so it helps to have first hand experience, but by no means is it required. 

    That being said Joe Buck is an exception to this as he lacks the skill sets for all three careers. I cringe everytime he speaks. Luckily it is very unlikely he will ever announce a UND game. 

  6. On 8/9/2018 at 6:01 PM, LkvlleUNDFan said:

    FYI - Maybe someone else has posted this already, but the Sam Houston web site shows a 6 PM start time for the 9/15 game in Huntsville. The UND site hasn't been updated yet. I'm hoping to combine business with pleasure and make the trip to Huntsville. Because football. In Texas.

    Yeah...I live in TX...I might go to that game too

  7. On 7/26/2018 at 5:06 AM, southpaw said:

    How is it objectively bad?  Let's hear some facts, figures, graphic design concepts, etc on why it can be proven to be a bad logo.

    Perhaps I should have said subjectively. But seriously, if an official poll was done that asked if fans like or dislike the logo (not the name, just the logo) does anyone here really think the majority would say yes?

  8. 6 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    for all those saying how awful the fighting Hawks logo is, remember...it could be worse.  Case in point, William and Mary.

    Need another example?  Look at the logo for our opening game football opponent Mississippi Valley State!!! :crazy:


    I think both of your examples are better than our current Hawk logo.

    For those of you who think that a new secondary (or primary) Hawk logo wouldn't improve fan support than you haven't been listening (or reading). Sure, some die hard fans will never be appeased by anything other than Sioux, but most people that oppose the current logo dislike it for one of two reasons (or both):

    1. No vote, an interim president made the choice

    2. It's an objectively bad logo. 

    If Kennedy has the opportunity to fix Schafer's mistake, than more power to him. 

    There is the con that he will take heat for spending yet more money on the issue, but if he does it right I think it would be worth it. 



    • Upvote 2
  9. On 6/14/2018 at 2:22 PM, cberkas said:


    Culver prep school I guess. For some reason he couldn't get a college job after blindly spending his program into the ground while the rest of the school experienced budget cuts. 

  10. On 6/12/2018 at 12:17 PM, Sioux>Bison said:

    As soon as we are down 21 against Washington we need to put in our scrubs. No point in getting our starters hurt in what is pretty much an exibition game against a top tier FBS opponent. I agree there is a chance to win any game but we need to focus on games 2-11 that will really make or break our season. 


    Nothing like a bit of optimism to start the season...

  11. 8 minutes ago, CarpeRemote said:

    I hated to see the program cut simply because as a grad who has lived over 1000 miles out of state for decades I know that UND’s identity is hockey. Despite attendance etc it was a big loss in the big picture. 

    But, everything has to be paid for and until there is a way to do that it can’t and shouldn’t survive. (Does that apply to football? I’m not informed enough about it’s relationship to donations, ancillary income, and conference requirements to comment)

    I held out hope it would find its way back via thinking outside the box to fund it, not by ex-players taking the easiest way out and hiring a self agrandizing SJW to ram it down everyone’s throat and forcing other people to pay enough to feed a third world country without making their own concerted effort. 

    I really hoped it would come back, but not this way. Hopefully the suit gets tossed in a summary judgement and we start again on the right foot. 


    Probably one of the most reasonable posts I've seen about women's hockey in 2 years. It never should have cost $2 million a year nor should it require a $60 million endowment. 


    Either way, UND is a school first. Protecting academics from massive athletic loses makes sense.

  12. Regardless as to the result of the case. I don't buy that there wasn't a way to save WIH without a massive endowment. You could have cut other sports (track, softball, tennis etc) and just WIH dramatically reduce their budgets. Idalski's contract was up, step one would be to hire a cheaper coach who focused on local recruits. 


    Am I way off here or are there other factors I'm missing? 



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