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Posts posted by AJS

  1. From what I can gather from Twitter, Murray State's board had a meeting this morning, one of the topics on the agenda was Conference discussion. MVC hasn't offered any invites yet, but it sounds like if the MVC were to offer an invite to Murray State, they'd accept.



  2. https://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=106674

    Montgomery situation, talking about players leaving early, if he were too.

    “If my situation was to change, I think they would think long and hard about changing, too,” Montgomery told the Denver Post. “If I was to leave, I know one of those guys for sure is gone.”

    It seemed like an odd comment and I didn’t know what to make of it. <-- Schlossman

    Definitely sounds like he's trying to leverage a better deal from Denver, but I think he comes off looking terrible.


  3. 28 minutes ago, scpa0305 said:

    I saw that as well...looks like he'll be coming in.  Kind of shocking to come in and battle for a 6th spot, especially how good both him and bast are.  There are always injuries though.

    Anyone know if there are any UND players still deciding on if the are returning or not <<see Wolanin>>. Is Rieger a walk on or getting scholarship $$? I guess it would make sense if Rieger was a walk-on to bring in Bast / Kierstad as the 6 / 7 guys and have Rieger for depth purposes (if Chartland possibly moves on).. I just really, really hope there isn't a potential departure from the 5 returners.

  4. Found the following comment under one of Schlossman's blog posts.

    "Random comment but it appears Matt Kierstad will be coming in next year. Collin Adams tweeted about him and Kierstad being roomies (this is around the time of year when schools send emails to students letting them know their roommate assignments)"

    Kierstad retweeted Adams post, so I assume he is coming next year? Could just mean a one day thing as well. Bast (96) and Rieger (96) have to come in no matter what. Does anyone know if Kierstad is going to be here next year? If that's the case, is it possible someone else is leaving like Wolanin or one of the two freshman dman that are signed aren't? 

  5. 34 minutes ago, ringneck28 said:

    great rotation, SF one year, Fargo next, repeat

    Absolutely, as a UND fan, I hope they never switch back to on campus sites. It's clear that the Midwest sites of the past can't make money, so those schools have quit bidding, the only real competition UND has in the West is schools that would bid the Xcel (if that's the case, the X could host the Midwest regional). There's no competition for them. Keep this rotation going!

    I think SF will be really successful, as long as UND keeps the streak of making the tournament going. SF is a nice sized city with a strong USHL base, I bet we see a decent sized turnout from SF residents that are hockey fans (couple thousand). Add UND fans (6-7K) and sprinkle in fans from the other schools and you should have no problem getting 9K in the arena.   



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  6. 23 minutes ago, Fighting Sioux 23 said:

    What information are you basing this on?  Hope and a prayer?

    FWIW, I have a few connections high up within the DU athletic department who have told me that Terry is leaning towards coming back and Borgstrom is 50/50.  Gambrell is leaning towards leaving, and nobody seems to have any indication on what Jaillet is going to do.  Of course, they all four could sign, but there is certainly optimism within DU's program that 3 of the 4 will come back with an outside chance at getting all four back.

    Going strictly off what I've read on Twitter, I'm actually happy to see this breakdown. I have this bad feeling that Denver caught lighting in a bottle with this group of players (who are Freshman / Sophomores, not Sophomores / Juniors). How many are truly NHL ready? They are incredible college players as is, but might not have what it takes to make the jump. They are the ideal players every team wants.

  7. 19 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Why does everyone get excited when top players leave our conference. Make fun of the B1G for being easy yet want an easier path in our league that we pimp as the toughest in the land? I guess you can have it both ways.

    I see what you're saying, for me it's a pretty thin line. I want the NCHC to be the best league in the country, but more importantly, I want UND to be the best team in the NCHC. Anything that gives UND the best shot to win the regular season title, I'm cheering for. Like I said about a pretty thin line, do I want an easier path for UND, absolutely, do I want a cake walk like the Big10 has been, no.

  8. 16 minutes ago, cberkas said:

    Since Mark Chipman has written a letter to UND about his displeasure about cutting the team. I'm sure he could spare $60 million.

    Wonder what took so long on that one.

    Here's the tweet:

    "Mark Chipman, head of the group that owns Winnipeg Jets, sent a letter to UND expressing his displeasure in decision to cut women's hockey"

    Is Schlossman lying, not at all, but what bothers me is the way he spins everything. Most people see that and thinks that one of the owners of an NHL team are upset about UND cutting women's hockey. Do they know that his daughter was on the team? I'm just guessing that if she wasn't, he wouldn't be sending the letter. He's the best at leaving out key details.


    Edit: Reading the comments below that tweet as well as the last couple he's posted about this subject, there's a complete change in tone from what you read right after the decision. People seemed annoyed with the subject.


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  9. 5 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    They quit.

    The baseball team fought it, got together with alumni, and presented a proposal, at least.  WH didn't do anything other than meet with Kennedy, find out how much they needed, and then quit. 

    So if it was up to you, you want them to continue fighting this? I know, I was happy to see the transfer and hope there are more to come and quickly. The quicker there is acceptance, the quicker everyone can move on.

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  10. Anytime there is talk about female sports getting cut, it's followed shortly by lawsuits from that team. Does anyone know of this actually taking place? Seems like it's always a lot more talk, I hope so anyway. I have no doubt that bringing in the Title IX lawyers that UND has everything in order, but a lawsuit would really cause a giant headache for the University. Based on the way things went last week, it wouldn't surprise me if the Women's hockey team went that way.

  11. Breaking it down by weeks:

    • 29th - Cut, huge story, a lot of articles written, big talker on the radio, huge social media outpour (UND Silent)
    • Week 2 - Women's hockey team / supporters went into Save mode, what needs to be done (End of week UND says it's not happening)
    • Week 3 - Reality sets in, hope turns to anger, start to see this turn into 'Sexist', 'Title IX Questioned', Kennedy 'Botique' comment (UND responds at end of week)

    What does everyone think we are in store for this week? I'm sure we'll continue to see the 'Sexist' card be played, since that's the only card they have to play. I'll be interested to see if we continue to see opinion articles on a daily basis in the Herald.

  12. Don't want to go over the top with my feelings on this as we are now 16 days past when they were cut. I think they are going to lose a lot of the people that were sympathetic, but knew it was the right call. I realize they don't care, but it's really disappointing (but not surprising) to see them go the sexist route. We've talked about the stages of grief, it's clear to me that they have finally accepted that it's not coming back. This has turned their denial into anger and they are ready to go scorched earth on the University. They are going to (have the entire time) try to make the University look as bad as they can. The first couple weeks, I think it was more for sympathy, now it's strictly for revenge.

    Now, I've wanted the team gone since the D1 transition, because I knew that as long as we had this anchor (Women's hockey), we would never be able to see what this University's full potential could be athletically. The sympathy I had though, is gone. I was annoyed by the team while they were on campus (because of the cost), now I truly dislike them.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Rebel_Sioux said:

    How much does North Dakota save by switching conferences? Originally it made sense geographically and puts us with more rivals. And honestly, despite the Slummit comments it seems to be on par strengthwise. 


    That being said, it also seems to be creating more headaches (limited our options to cut sports, teams might be leaving etc). So was it worth it?  What's the concensus here?

    I agree that originally it made a lot of sense, but what's going on in the MVC and Horizon have made me feel a little uneasy. If multiple teams jump from the Summit we could be in trouble. Cutting sports on the other hand was a must and the ones that were chosen were ideal. UND needed to be at 16 sports, period. To sum it up, now that UND has the correct number of sports, if a nightmare scenario happens with Summit teams leaving, we should have stayed in the Big Sky. If things shake out ok, it will still be the right move, save half a million on travel a year, increase revenue by playing rivals.   

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  14. 1 hour ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    when does idalski have to turn in his key to REA?  on OTL the female hockey player seemed to be interviewed from inside REA?  when are the doors gonna be locked

    There's been a fair share of misinformation out there, but I also recall a women's hockey player say that the team is still practicing and that was after the announcement.

  15. Absolutely incredible news, a real game changer for the team next year. This team is going to be so deep. I realize they are losing two forwards that are currently in the NHL, but I am so excited for this team next year.

    • Upvote 2
  16. It has now been a week since the Women's hockey program has been cut at UND, I'm interested to hear if the general reaction has been bigger than you thought, about the same, or not as bad. Has anything surprised you?

    • On TV, Print and Radio
    • Social Media

    Looking forward, how long until things start to slow down as far as Social Media campaigns, stories, ect... A month? Longer?

  17. Braden Costello with 2G 2A in 6GP and Gavin Hain 4G 1A in 12GP seem to be doing pretty well in the USHL following their high school seasons. I hope both decide to play full time in the USHL for their senior seasons, does anyone know what their plans are?

    Looking at that 2000 birth year, you have Tychonick who will be playing his second year in BCHL, JBD will be playing his second year in the AJHL. Frisch with the late birthday will only be a Junior in HS. Would be nice to have all four of the early 2000's playing in the juniors their senior years. 

    My main concerns right now are with Keane (97) and a little less with Senden (98). Keane isn't scoring at all and he's on a first place team. What are the chances these two ever make it to campus?

  18. How is it possible that Men's hockey only only has $3.7 million in ticket revenue? Taking out student tickets lets just say they average 7,500 a game (understatement), lets say the average ticket is $30 (understatement) that's $225,000 per game. 19 home games in the 15'-16' schedule, that's $4.275 million. That's going on the low end ($40 tickets Friday, $50 Saturday for adults). I know there are youth tickets for $25, but for a Saturday night game for a full house, it's easy $100,000 more than my per game estimate. 

  19. He could have had a gracious response, but still added a little substance. What's annoying is everyone on this board can see it coming, but apparently those in charge cannot. This isn't just going to go away by playing nice. The response to the email was fine, but it should have come simultaneously with a statement, laying everything out like many have said today, with facts and numbers.  UND is armed with all the ammunition they need to end this right now, the problem is it feels like they have no idea what potentially is about to hit them.

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  20. 40 minutes ago, sprig said:

    It's time for UND to clear up the mess and put out exact numbers for costs and needed savings and how dropping other sports other than women's hockey would not work to stay in line with title 9.. There was nothing given at the news conference last week, unless Faison and Kennedy were more forthcoming in the 1 on 1's with the press afterwards. I've seen many numbers here but the athletic department has made a mess of this. I think Kennedy and the AD did what they had to do, but please explain. Anything I know or don't know comes from this forum, and while many of you know a lot more than me concerning the cuts, ti's time to hear if from the horse's mouth. What sport's exactly do the Lammy twins want to cut to make up for the budget cuts? 


    22 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Kennedy should just respond that if the womens hockey team wants to still be around, they are going to have to be privately funded like the golf team is doing.  Give them the dollar value that they will need to come up with, and see what they can do.  Of course, you can't expect to fund a program on a year to year basis, so they will need to develop a long term endowment plan so it can be sustained long term. Just like what was proposed to the golf team.  If they can raise the millions of dollars needed to afford the program next year and for years in the future, then more power to them.  The program is saved!  Rality will set in when they see the actual hard numbers.

    This is a great way for Kennedy and Faison to respond and give the actual dollar amounts needed.  I would be willing to bet 75% of the people taking to social media don't know the amount of money that is required to sustain the program.

    Absolutely on the first post, absolutely not on the second.

    First: UND has the opportunity to write a response that could effectively end the discussion. We need not only numbers, but they need to be clear that without cutting hockey, for them to get to the target amount, they'd have to cut X amount of sports, which would have impacted X amount of students. Don't let this turn into a USA Hockey situation, where it spins out of control. I can tell you what side the media is going to take. Even if your reasoning is sound, it's very, very tough to win an argument when the opposition plays victim card.

    Second: I get where you're going with it and I can agree that they'd never hit the number needed, but I want nothing to do with opening that can of worms. It was a terrible idea to do it with Baseball and Golf and would be equally bad with Women's hockey. I hope they learned from the earlier headaches and wouldn't even entertain the thought.

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