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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. If this Covid could play out this way over the winter, could be a good senario. A lot of other potential paths out there. There's probably something more going on for the country not letting it rip, besides the election? Medical scienticfic field isn't yet sold on letting go. Maybe midwest proves to the country how to get over this?
  2. A run away from home Bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzon, listening to too much faux. I'll play, wouldn't they cremate instead?
  3. Within very limited resoning, ND maybe. I don't think we quit tracing?
  4. So is it time to let it rip? We do have a Gov. Burgum.
  5. North Dakota has set a new record for active cases every day since September 21.
  6. If we can get through this next flu season, he'll be a happy camper being wrong.
  7. Donald Trump Is Destroying the CDC Inch by inch, since the start of the pandemic, the White House has sought to sabotage the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the political benefit of President Donald Trump. To an alarming extent, it has succeeded. Once globally recognized as “the best science-based, data-driven agency in the world,” in the words of its current director, the CDC is now in danger of losing the public’s trust entirely https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-is-destroying-the-cdc/ar-BB19v6pX?ocid=msedgdhp
  8. I didn't mean to leave the 1%, you replied before I had chance to change it. A true believer, lies and all. 20,000, remember that number?
  9. PAYBACK! Dave Goldiner 35 mins ago AOC mocks Trump for writing off $70K in hair styling on taxes — after she was ridiculed for $250 haircut Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is mocking President Trump over reports that he sought to deduct from his taxes $70,000 in hair-styling expenses, noting that his supporters raged at her for spending $250 on a birthday hair-do. “Where’s the criticism of their idol spending $70k on hairstyling?” AOC tweeted. “Oh, it’s nowhere because they’re spineless, misogynistic hypocrites? Got it.” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) also slammed Trump for revelations that he paid no more than $750 a year to Uncle Sam in a bombshell New York Times report on his taxes. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/aoc-mocks-trump-for-writing-off-2470k-in-hair-styling-on-taxes-e2-80-94-after-she-was-ridiculed-for-24250-haircut/ar-BB19vj7M?ocid=uxbndlbing
  10. No, if he is not showing ownership, nor declaring any income or expenses from it. You actually think T doesn't lie, say on his tax returns??????
  11. First P debate tomorrow night. By Lowering the Debate Bar for Biden, Has Trump Set a Trap for Himself? WASHINGTON — President Trump has framed the first general election debate as a test for his opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Yet he has simultaneously set the bar so low for so long that many of his supporters — having watched unflattering, often manipulated clips of Mr. Biden in Trump campaign advertisements or on Fox News — are now expecting the president to mop the floor with an incoherent opponent in something resembling a W.W.E. match. Democrats — and even some Republicans — believe that is not likely to happen.
  12. Wow, October ball is here. Twins and MLB made it through the shortened season.
  13. I hope we don't have an explosion. Talk about being perinoid. I was using a comparison Fauci used, makeing the point we are in the first wave, not that there is going to be an explosion. Seems like you and your & Puttin's buddy want the EXPLOSION. Let her rip, right?
  14. Never said it doesn't affect me, I said don't include me in your we.
  15. Fauci said yesterday we remain in the first wave since cases never declined significantly to a good baseline. 1918 cases broke out in the spring, then literally disappeared in the summer, and then an explosion of cases in the fall
  16. Woodward: Trump rooting for 'quadruple trainwreck on Nov. 3' Journalist Bob Woodward on Thursday said that President Trump declining to engage in a peaceful transition of power if he loses the election would be "putting a dagger in the Constitution," adding that he thinks that the president is "almost wishing for a quadruple trainwreck on Nov. 3" in regards to mail-in voting. © Getty Images Woodward: Trump rooting for 'quadruple trainwreck on Nov. 3' "We have a president who has forsaken his basic duty to protect the country, to tell the truth and organize and plan, have some theory of the case what is he going to do as president," Woodward said in an appearance on MSNBC's "Deadline: White House." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/woodward-trump-rooting-for-quadruple-trainwreck-on-nov-3/ar-BB19q3Vr?ocid=msedgdhp&fullscreen=true#image=1
  17. Is T doing that too? I know Bloomberg spent some money in Flordia.
  18. Today T said many Seniors on Medicare will soon receive $200 card in the mail for prescription drugs. Sound political with voting already going on? "Nobody's seen this before. These cards are incredible," Trump said
  19. Donald Trump's election threat is actually worse than it at far appears Add it all up and we have a President who is now on record saying: a) he won't commit to a peaceful transition of power unless b) all mail-in ballots are eliminated because c) that would mean he would win again and d) has repeatedly raised the possibility of staying on beyond even the eight-year term limit on the presidency. Here's the other thing: Trump knows that we can't "get rid of the ballots" (again, we are assuming he meant mail-in ballots). First of all, lots of mail-in ballots have already been cast -- early voting is underway in several states -- and they can't be, uh, un-cast. Second, there are lots and lots of people -- more Democrats than Republicans, if polling is to be believed -- who plan to vote by mail in order to avoid waiting in lines inside polling places amid the still-raging coronavirus pandemic. So, what Trump is doing is creating the perfect excuse to never concede: He is saying that the vote will be fair and he will agree to a peaceful transition of power if there are no mail-in votes. Which he knows literally cannot happen. And so, if he loses, he already has his fallback plan in place: The acceptance of mail-in ballots means the entire election was a hoax and a fraud. And why should he admit he lost an election that was rigged against him? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trumps-election-threat-is-actually-worse-than-it-at-far-appears/ar-BB19nF6e?ocid=msedgdhp
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