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Everything posted by ArchyAlum11

  1. This would actually be a creative take on a generic name... which is why the University administration will never do it.
  2. Exactly, what did this consulting firm do other than charge UND a lot of money? I think that for the final five the should have had some concept art done for the logo.
  3. I'd just like to point out something, with all this speculation about a new logo how do we know that the athletic department will actually use it? Let me illustrate this with some pictures. Notice the one thing all these helmets have in common, no logo, just a monogram or name. Most sports don't actually have a good area on the uniform to display a new logo to begin with. Hockey arguably has the best jersey for displaying a school's logo and very few schools, even ones with good logos, are doing that currently. So despite all this back and forth over the new logo, which I will admit I am pretty pessimistic about them coming up with something unique, given the current trend among universities in how they brand themselves aren't logos and nicknames become less important? University of North Dakota may end up spending a lot of money on a logo that seldom gets used.
  4. Non-conferance games are important for pairwise ranking. My point is the Goofers have gone steadily downhill since join the B10. They aren't even receiving votes this year. Out of five Minnesota teams this year 3 are in the top 20, Duluth, Saint Cloud, and Minnesota State. Goofers and Bemidji aren't eve receiving votes. So even if we were to play them they would don much for us in the pairwise anymore. Also I doubt Lucia will be around much longer, they need a new coach in there who is willing to break with the U's dogma on recruiting and take on the alumni, but you could say that for most of the big ten schools.
  5. Also if anyone cares I think you can still get fighting Sioux jerseys online granted they may or may not be bootleg jerseys from China but hey there you go. To be fair I do like the North Dakota non-logo jerseys too.
  6. Except now the gophers are over the hill, if they tried to play UND now they would get their asses thoroughly kicked. The big difference between the WCHA and the B10 is that the B10 is full of schools that should be able to field good programs and aren't and the WCHA is full of smaller schools that are fielding pretty good programs for the amount of resources they have. U of M hockey is in crisis mode, they can't get good players to commit I pains me to say this but I think the U of M and UND rivalry might be on life support unless the goofers can turn it around.
  7. And how do you make a Hawk novel or unique? Its used by so many other teams, btw I sure Dickinson State was really thrilled when Hawks made the list. I seriously doubt that they will use any of the popular designs that include feathers. The administration won't want anything that hearkens back to the old logo, they don't want more protests or bad press. I have only seen two decent ideas floating around thus far.
  8. I will buy anything so long as it doesn't have the new nickname or logo on it. The Fighting Suhaki guys are still in business, buy from them! https://www.suhaki.com/
  9. I think most people, myself included, have accepted that fact the Fighting Sioux nickname is gone and not coming back in any official capacity. As far as your assertion that the new nickname will "catch on" that remains to be seen. At this point the new nickname is just a branding concept, the university athletic department would be operating at the same level with or without it. Student athletes choose to go to UND based on the quality of the program and how much play time the feel they will get, in addition to academics because unless your going to play hockey you probably won't be going to the pro's after college. Well okay i take that back I know that a good number of UND players have gone on to play in the CFL. The point is that the use of "another one lands in the nest" or "come fly with the Hawks" in recruiting has zero impact, if anything it sounds like something out of an middle school sports brochure. You sound like an administration drone throughout most of your post by the way. "That would send a message that redundancy supersedes innovation, and I do not agree with that, nor does The University of North Dakota." What gives you the authority to speak for the University of North Dakota? You are just a fan, I am just an alum,that's it. "just offering the "what if the gear doesn't sell" argument produces no viable solutions whatsoever and it's an ignorant, complacent stance that I will not stand for." First off, no one really cares what you will or won't stand for just as I doubt anyone really cares about my predictions, also I'm just pointing out the very real possibility that as a marketing property that fighting hawks may be a dud. As I pointed out many college sports teams have a logo that doesn't reference their nickname in any way. Goldy gopher is not on U of M football helmets, Ole Miss helmets don't have a rebel on them, so is it so hard to believe that UND might end up going a similar route. I might be very pessimistic about the new nickname, but you just come off as desperate for everyone to like it.
  10. How about this Idea, who says that we need to have a bird as our mascot? Both the P-36 and P-40 WWII fighter aircraft were nicknamed Hawk or some variation of hawk. We could do that and change it to a WWII aviation theme. The picture below is concept for Las Vegas's new NHL franchise, think that something similar could work well at UND.
  11. The majority of people who voted picked fighting hawks, keep in mind that less than half of eligible stake holders participated, some are still holding on the the Fighting Sioux nickname, but most were upset when the committee and President Kelley choose to eliminate the no nickname option, which was the most suggested. Out of the people who did vote , most of us were voting for the one that sounded the least awful... like a presidential election.
  12. No one is saying don't support the university or the teams, however this New nickname is just branding at this point and if the new brand name fails to catch on the university could change it completely through another nickname selection that is less emotionally charged because it is a name that no-one will have a strong attachment too. Keep in mind that the Fighting Sioux was the University's second nickname and the the previous nickname "flicker-tails" was changed with little to no opposition. Of course at that time their was less money tied into college sports, however that could actually speed up the changing of a nickname. With a nickname and logo its all about selling merchandise , if people don't buy items with the new logo or name then the university will either look to change the nickname or just not use it as much. Look at the teams in the big ten conference, very few use their logo, most just have a monogram. If the fighting hawks gear fails to sell the university will have to take action to ensure that they are maximizing profit on merchandise sales, that means more "North Dakota", and less "Fighting Hawks". The only way the university comes out of this and keeps fighting hawks is if they figure out a way to make a generic name into an incredibly unique logo, I am not going to hold my breath for that. Also, I have some thoughts concerning your "Get over it" argument, anything that has been around for seventy years and enjoyed mostly support from the stakeholder community isn't going to die quietly. People aren't going to just get over it, especially after the way that the old nickname was taken away and the way the the new nickname was "selected". People are going to feel sore about this for quite awhile and the whole "Get over it and move on!" attitude only serves to anger the people who are not on board and retrench them towards not accepting new nickname. Also it makes you look like an elitist jerk. So if you really want people to "get over it and move on" your probably better letting them vent their anger rather than trying to talk down to them like you are some how more enlightened because your ready to accept the new nickname. Just a thought, take it or leave it.
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