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Everything posted by RapidSioux

  1. I could really get behind any nickname on the ballot but that one. South Dakota SoDaks, Montana Mounties(?), Minnesota Minnesotans, Michigan Michiganians), Mississippi Missi's, Nebraska Nebs, Vermont Vermin, BORED, New York Yorkies, Arizona Zonies, AT, Nevada Nevadites, California Callies, WORK, Maine Man, North Carolina NoCars, South Carolina SoCars..... And so on and so forth... IF each state school had to be a shortened version of the state's name, then by all means let's be the Nodaks.... But we don't have to... For the love of god let's not be the Nodaks..
  2. UND 31 Weber 21
  3. I think an emphasis on getting to the QB will be critical on helping out our secondary situation in the coming weeks. As we know last week we got exposed, but to ISU's credit they did a great job of protecting the QB. I think we'll see ourselves getting back to Sack City really soon, and in turn helping out the coverage. Looking at Weber I really hope the guys took it to heart that last year they stomped on us at the Al and we return the favor this year in Ogden. It is a favorable matchup for UND and I want to see a bounce back game for us and pick the momentum back up in the UND faithful as we make a run at this damn thing!
  4. Defense got exposedin the worst way today. Need Reyes back badly. Hopefully Studstrud is back by next week as well. Tough to win when you are -3 (off the top of my head) in turnovers.
  5. Unfortunately I will not be attending, but will be watching from SD. Next man up mentality, Ratelle leads the defense. Offense run the rock and "sit....sit...sit..." UND 31 ISU 21
  6. Play our game on D and don't put the d*#m ball on the turf and we should be just fine.
  7. I still can't get over the fact that Red River has that nickname, but it is what it is. At this point we just need a nickname and a logo, this process has been drawn out for too long. If I can watch a football game and say to myself "the Robert Morris Colonials logo is pretty sweet," I can't help to think that I won't say the same for whatever logo gets drawn up for us. I'm fairly confident on whatever nickname is chosen, I will still be a proud supporter of the University of North Dakota.
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