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Posts posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. 25 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    Mahtomedi wins....surprise.  I'll be following Ben Dardis down the road.  60 wins as a high school goaltender is a pretty good statistic, plus a fantastic shutout streak.  Wonder where he is headed next year as far as the future of his hockey career?

    The likely Brimsek award winner.   

    Those elite league stats though...haha. Shooting gallery out there.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, Big Green said:

    Looks like there are 7 schools, but like you said almost all the the kids come from 2 schools.  I get that they will would probably never compete at the AA level, but there are tons of programs in the same boat.  I'm not sure why they are the exception.


    It's sure been the feel good story of the tournament. The only explanation I can think of is that they are pulling kids away from Breck and Blake, which isn't anywhere near a valid reason.

  3. 1 hour ago, SiouxScore said:

    Motzko was there and I'm sure he noticed Bump but he has singed his NLI. Motzko was there to watch Gopher commit Sam Rinzel as well as some other guys like Chaska Sophomores Sam Scheetz and Tanner Bruender among others.

    Bruender is expected to go the MJ route. He's from Portland and was drafted by the Winterhawks.

    EDIT: his older sister attends/attended UND, though, so if he goes college we have a shot.

  4. Had he done a better job acknowledging the mistakes he made, it would be a possibility.

    He should have done a sit down with the mom, letting her show her true colors. She had an insatiable desire for revenge that will further harm her son.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wilbur said:

    Yeah, after that Cornell series I was burying this team and calling for the Swede full time.

    Two years ago we were supposed to be hosting CC in the NCHC tournament before Covid ended things.  Now two years later we are back to the norm.

    It feels like a lifetime ago, but I vaguely recall looking forward to the opportunity to end their season before the world went mad. Wasn't Wilkie kinda being a dipstick?

  6. 19 minutes ago, gfhockey said:

    I don’t mind paying more for performance


    but I think we can all agree besides the gopher games and maybe I’d Argus scsu games buts I’m seats are down 

    Attendance is down across sports in general. Berry doesn't control societal factors. Should we lower the broadcast quality to incentivize higher attendance? 

    As time passes, it's pretty clear Shaw wasn't the home run hire everyone in CH media declared him to be at the time.

  7. 42 minutes ago, AJS said:

    I think we can all agree that Jammer / Ness / Albrecht can fill the roll of shutting down opponents. What I mean by short sided is you're saying you'd rather keep Senden / Hain for one year and lose McLaughlin (Top 10) and Strinden (Top 15) in USHL points who could be phenomenal 3 and 4 year guys? I'm confident in saying that Blake / McLaughlin / Strinden and I'll include James will be playing college hockey next year. Really hope it's at UND. I'm also a big believer in balancing the classes. The NCAA tournament is such a crap shoot that losing 5/6 guys every year and cycling that way is the best formula to be consistently good. 

    Note: It will be at UND. Senden / Hain / Ford will move on and my guess is you'll see one guy hit the portal. 

    Has James made it clear he is next year or not at all?

    Very much agree on their role being filled.

  8. 4 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I bet they do bring Benoit in in a low-pressure situation. He'd be the 7/8 D and have time to learn and grow. 

    The trade he was just involved in suggests he has another year of Juniors. Traded for a veteran to make a run this year.

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