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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Coke tries to teach the world to sing sort of again. Avocado was overrated. Slow 40 time. Mexico took a big risk. Question so far: A "fan" where I'm at asked "Who is XLIX? What do they sell? They're advertising on everything."
  2. Live and along the way ... - Losing Lane will hurt SEA sooner or later. --> Brady will exploit that sooner or later - Is Brady a rookie? He pitched it up late down the middle; that's QB 101 fail - I haven't seen a noteworthy commercial yet -- Bud is exploiting the puppy again -- it's been done -- No one wants to see Mindy naked -- And why, WHY can't XLIX be a Kardashian free zone
  3. Get home, rest, heal up, use the off week as an advantage ... Eight games.
  4. I think CC just plain old had a let down after a couple tough weeks with top five teams. I still hope UNO gets them in March.
  5. Anyone seen gfhockey lately? Was "he" moonlighting?
  6. I swear some of you think "new name" means renaming the University of North Dakota. It is and will always be the University of North Dakota, and folks will refer to the institution as UND or North Dakota in addition to the formal name (University of North Dakota). However, the Athletics branch of UND (<-- see what I did there) has always run under an additional moniker or alias: UND Flickertails, North Dakota Nodaks, UND "that" word. Calling the Athletics branch of the University of North Dakota North Dakota is asininely redundant at best, in violation of a settlement agreement at worst. As said before here many times by many people, "no nickname" is a thinly veiled ruse to try to keep saying the old name.
  7. You can't fill a void with a nothing.
  8. I was a "forever" guy at one time; times, environments, conditions, consequences, changed, and so did I. I won't claim to speak for others, especially the dead. I will note that positions must be viewed in the context of their times. We don't know what Mr. Englestad, the pragmatic business man, would have for a position today. To claim to know is foolhardy.
  9. Rob Robertson and Rich Richardson will be co-signing.
  10. They did ... except the "they" in question is Standing Rock, with the help of coercive effects of the NCAA as leverage. UND was never the "Fighting Sioux". Tatanka Yotanka was. Red Tomahawk was. Woodrow W. "Woody" Keeble was. UND was using the name by permission of some tribal elders. That permission was later revoked by a tribal council, again as I said, with the help of coercive effects of the NCAA as leverage. We can argue all day about whether or not they can take back words in the public domain; but, respect means following wishes, even those wishes we don't agree with. The "Fighting Sioux" at Standing Rock, and let's face it, at Spirit Lake also because they didn't rush in to save UND, say don't use that name any more. I don't have to like it, but, if I claim to respect them I have to follow their wishes and move on.
  11. If the pipe dream keeps some of you going, fine. But it is just that: a pipe dream.
  12. The "pissed off citizenry" I see voted by a significant margin to end this gong show (and to quit bleeding money into it) by voting to allow UND to remove the name. What I see now are more and more people asking, "Why isn't this done yet?" Purely anecdotal, but I see the younger folks saying, "Just pick something and move on" and the ... ahem ... "more mature" crowd wallowing in history. Disclaimer: My ID puts me on the line between younger and "more mature". Heck, I've never been accused of being too mature.
  13. Like I said ... I'm thinking which ever happens first, the other won't. And I think Dan Snyder is next to lose to Suzan Harjo, her media lackeys, et al.
  14. It's only the NCAA that has this obsession of this concept of what an "amateur" is. And they make up their own rules for it as they go along.
  15. FYP, because if he goes he won't be on the sideline.
  16. The plot thickens ... http://www.goeags.com/sports/m-footbl/2014-15/releases/15atTransferStatement
  17. Which happens first : UND restores the old name - or - the Washington NFL franchise changes its name I know which one I'd bet on.
  18. Never have wiser words been posted.
  19. ... North Star Challenge Cup wins ...
  20. Yup. This group started small (some HSs, then "easy mark" colleges*) and is working up to the crown jewel they seek: the Washington NFL franchise. They may get Washington (NFL) and then come back for Florida State. Why? Media in DC has a similar political viewpoint as this group. *By "easy mark" I mean the schools without monstrously deep pockets and without big political influence.
  21. Back to this Alm fellow from Hawley: Is this the DL that folks were looking for to help round out this class? He seems to be more of a "future" guy in that he seems to have the NG body-type but needs to develop into it. Wasn't there a guy from GF about a decade ago that was similar who worked out pretty well?
  22. Precisely. And last I heard UNM and NMSU still have programs also ... and UTEP.
  23. You realize you just torpedoed your credibility somewhat. It's the equivalent of saying you haven't heard of Thompson or Oslo.
  24. Honestly, he seems like the right fit out there if they need a one year guy until the next guy is ready.
  25. I guess I'm last man standing of the old guard ... but ... I'm not old, I'm experienced, have no peers in this, make you delirious, and yes I'm serious I take no cheer in this makes me furious to see this curious lack of long-term ridership on this bus we call UND fan-dom, my bros ... Peace out. Wurd to yo mamas. < raises arms to crowd > < drops microphone>
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