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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
This dancing the fine line of politics. I say that because a vote was taken by a city council regarding MPLS PD. That’s fair topic. But not here. And no further. Thank you.
We gave the experts three months, flatten the curve, to get an understanding and prepared. This is viral. This genie is out of the bottle. It will take it’s share. Get over it; viruses kill people. And all we can do is react. We are not in control. Nature is. I say drop all the restrictions. Then you decide how you want to play it. Live your freedom your way.
So, the issues were multifaceted as you kindly listed off. Complex problems seldom have simple origins. Usually it is many disparate issues all threading together.
Slow the spread. Flatten the curve. Both of those admit the virus will come through humanity. We have a little control over how, but none over if. The virus owns if, and it’s not if, it’s will. The virus will go through. The big crowds? To me they are accelerated herd immunity events.
The media is grousing when people are still outside in Tulsa. https://www.mediaite.com/news/watch-viral-videos-show-teeming-throngs-of-maskless-trump-fans-lining-up-for-tulsa-rally/ Tell me the difference between outdoors groups: Tulsa and the 100k in a plaza in Philly a couple weeks ago. Strictly the outdoors aspects. So why was Philly okay but Tulsa is a problem.
The writer is thinking one-dimensionally --> football. As some are prone to say here, college presidents pick conference members, and they use far more than the football criteria.
To believe complex events happen because of a singular reason is one-dimensional thinking, aka Loserthink (c) Scott Adams.
Hey everyone, remember me? Signed, The Law of Unintended Consequences
Another’s failings does not give license to fail to all.
The man is one of the most recognized teetotalers in NYC if not the country, and you believe he does worse than alcohol? Evidence?
Mind reader.
I agree, but we live in times where fact and logic don’t matter.
They became “legal” again when the most powerful man in St. Paul said “stop me” to the governor. Say what? Say Archbishop Hebda told Walz he was opening the Catholic Churches. Walz capitulated because he knew he’d lose.
A cynic might say those gatherings are made up mainly of the least susceptible demographic. If everyone there caught it at the event the stress on the medical system would be near nil. But in two weeks the herd immunity numbers would be such that the virus is no longer an issue. Don't they say protests are great experiments ... In, um ... Yeah, democracy.
Random movie clip. Watch it through.
I’m not telling anyone not to be offended by what they find offensive. I’m saying be careful what you may have said that someone may find offensive.
Indeed " ...by their fruits ye shall know them ..." so yes, as I said, the accusers best also be " ... without sin ...".
I believe the accusation was "hostile and abusive". I believe the accuser (NCAA) stepped back from that claim as a part of the settlement agreement. < enter the lawyers to check my recollections >
Like I said, "I don't know details of what has or has not transpired" in this situation. And how does that apply here?
All of that said, for those demanding this, a cordial reminder from John, chapter 8, verse 7. Everything lives forever on the internet.
At this point it's probably better for all parties. (I don't know details of what has or has not transpired; however, if there's this much uproar will they still be able to be students and student-athletes without constant "reminders" that will come ungracefully.)
Are you implying this wasn't the first time? Mistake, errors of judgement, happen. I'm interested in your mistake; I'm more interested in what you do afterwards. That said, keep making the same mistake, the same error of judgement, and, well, you made the choice. < sound of hammer drop > To me the classic case was ... Brandon "Bucks" Bochenski (future mayor of Grand Forks ). He made a mistake. He atoned. He learned. He cleaned up his act.
Brees is a football-ist; I'm a hockey-ist.
When's her peaceful sit-in at Fargo City Hall? Hint. Her case took nine months for charges (better yet, note the charges), and the trial sentence came down two years after her death.