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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. " ... more focused ... " < run that through Universal Hockey Translator > " ... yelled at team while bag-skating them ... "
  2. First, I know a business needs to make money to stay in business. I know that as well as anyone. But I have to ask: Is the ForumComm paywall (InForum, GFHerald, et al) doing more harm than good. I searched "NDSU budget cuts" and got: this. I tried to read the Forum article and got "paywalled" so I read KFYR's, and VNL's, and even The Flags' (WDAY-AM) stories. I used to be a ForumComm subscriber when it was a daily paper. I even was a subscriber when it was two-days a week with online rights. But the way the online rights are set up, if I log in from my phone I have to re-log in on a computer or iPad later. It's a pain. It's not worth it. I dropped it all. I'll read what I can (freebees) until I run out then I go elsewhere. So I ask, ... is the ForumComm paywall doing more harm than good if long time subscribers like me have just given up.
  3. Cleaning it up, making it modern and new, were and are sound moves.
  4. This is what came out yesterday. It's more NIL related than anything. https://www.ncaa.org/news/2022/10/26/media-center-di-board-approves-clarifications-for-interim-nil-policy.aspx
  5. More ugly buckets. Make it stop.
  6. It's the generic (from the hosting board software) icon for a member with between X and Y posts. And the green is overtaking the purple.
  7. Community - Budget Cuts thread, please. ... unless you want to talk specifically about new guy NDSU prez Cook daring to say publicly at the podium that cuts could expand into ... football.
  8. Folks don't know the difference between North and South?
  9. Some credit to interim president Schafer for setting up a good portion of what Kennedy executed. Think of it this way: Your doctors see a tumor in a scan. One (UND) said it looks bad, let's deal with it now and be done. The other (NDSU) said let's hold off and see if it gets better on its own.
  10. Yet he appeared Einstein-ian compared to those around him in the second and third Saturday.
  11. I swear some degrees are Ponzi schemes ... Me: "So what can you do with that degree when you graduate?" Grad student: "Become a professor and teach graduate students the same subject at some university." Me: "And then what do they do?" Grad student: "Well I guess they ... oh ... " (and that's when the light hopefully comes on)
  12. Having been to St. Charles, 100% agree.
  13. Today's the day we should be hearing more about the Transformation Committee's recommendations. But so far ...
  14. No-no-no ... not how you feel or what you mean; but, how you made someone else feel is all that matters.
  15. Putting up the @nodak651signal because that dude has all the FOIA data you could ever dream of.
  16. UND had the vision to invest in online education. Bresciani moved away from that at NDSU.
  17. How big of a hot steaming turd sammich did Bresciani leave Cook? And that's not gravy poured over it. < yikes >
  18. It needs to happen. And I can think of say five NDUS schools that probably shouldn't survive or should be vastly different.
  19. State funding is directly tied to enrollment. Others here are more well-versed on the details of how they count enrollment, but from a simple view: enrollment down, State funding down.
  20. NDSU is at its lowest fall enrollment since 2005! (So much for Bresciani's "18000 students".) UND was wise to invest in its online presence. It'll help, but the cliff is coming ... fast. I predict declining enrollment will finally force re-evaluation on why Mayville, Valley City, Bottineau, et al, still are NDUS institutions. Yes, State constitution. Yes, it'll harm some cities. But it'll soon be harming the State as a whole.
  21. 1. Do not put ticket requests in the Hockey forum. 2. You're on this site and don't use this Ticket forum? Signed, The Moderation Team
  22. I did (eastern ND) to (Louisville area) recently for work*. Two drivers, about 1000 miles each way. I got < bleep > callouses. You guys are gluttens for punishment. *Hold your snarky comments. I do once in a while.
  23. Why wouldn't you book flights immediately after booking game stubs?
  24. Wait .... Kaiser only got ONE game for the bat swing to a head? In that case, where'd Howard hide the body that got him two games.
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