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Great Season


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I posted a topic a while ago during the denver series but i want to say it again and see how other people feel. i just pasted it from my previous topic. feel free to leave your opinion

"I would just like to say that the hockey team has done great this year. We've had our ups and downs, but, to me, its been a great season. Each player has had their own moment of greatness. These guys we have playing for us, are awesome. We are also gonna lose some great seniors. They have each played a big role for our team. Next year we will be going even farther. I know they can do it. I hope our new recruits can help us get to be #1 in the country.

I don't know about you guys but, I would probably never be able to do what they do. Sure some are born with hockey in their blood, but they still had to work at it.

Times when it seemed impossible to win, they pulled it off and won the game.

I am always proud to say that my favorite team is the Fighting Sioux hockey team. No matter if they are winning or losing. No matter what anyone says about them - to me, they are the best. "

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I felt that way before but I don't anymore. When they beat Dnever I thougth that they had a very good chance of winning the 'ship but I guess that didn't happen. I kinda felt confident when teh game started but after the Bulldogs started makin gaol after goal I got a little worried. I thought that we could come back and win because we had before but that just wasn't the case. When Brandon made that goal I was thinkin, "Ok we can do this!" but we couldn't. I dont really know what else to say. They started out as champ material but they didn't played with the same kind of spirit they had in the first half of the season. The second half was pretty ugly. I dont want to say that they were always losing cux Dave Hale wasn't there but that does have something to do with it. I guess I'm just kinda frustrated right now.

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In the final analysis, seasons come, and seasons go. Some are better than others. Some yield banners, some do not. The best thing about the Fighting Sioux is their history, and the ability to bring folks together to forget, if only for a while, the price of wheat, the whine of liberals, the ravages of high water, and the cost of love.

Players come. Players go. Same with coaches. Same with logos, and jersey styles. The only constant is the pride. The tradition. The excellence. The name.

Fighting Sioux. Everything else is dust. Always has been. Always will be.

This being said, how can Billy Mills, and legions of those who think that they know better, rabble rouse for a change of name?

Long live the Fighting Sioux.

Zach Attack. You are dead on. Teach your children, and your children's children.

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In the final analysis, seasons come, and seasons go. Some are better than others. Some yield banners, some do not. The best thing about the Fighting Sioux is their history, and the ability to bring folks together to forget, if only for a while, the price of wheat, the whine of liberals, the ravages of high water, and the cost of love.

Players come. Players go. Same with coaches. Same with logos, and jersey styles. The only constant is the pride. The tradition. The excellence. The name.

Fighting Sioux. Everything else is dust. Always has been. Always will be.

This being said, how can Billy Mills, and legions of those who think that they know better, rabble rouse for a change of name?

Long live the Fighting Sioux.

Zach Attack. You are dead on. Teach your children, and your children's children.

NorthDakotaHockey - You said it. Thats exactly how I feel right now. I will always love the University of North Dakota. And my children WILL :p be taught about the Fighting Sioux - you won't have to worry about that one.


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Zach Attack and I always talk about how our kids are gunna be so cute because everything they own will be Sioux! I don't see why people don't like the Sioux. I love them because A. we are good at just about everything, and B. there is so much tradition behind the Sioux name. There is especially tradition in hockey. That is one of the reasons why I like it so much. Every time I walk into The Ralph it just overwhelms me because I can feel all of the tradition and memories that were made playing hockey for the Sioux and the heart and soul that went into those games. I also have respect for the building itself, if that's possible. I don't throw my garbage on the floor and I don't climb over seats because I would just feel horrible if I did because I would feel like I was disrepecting Ralph Engelstad. And last, I know a lot of you think I am this giddy little girl who is in love with the hockey players, but I have so much respect for those boys it's not even funny. But yah, I do get giddy when I see Brandon or Zach over by the locker room before a game because, well, I'm only human! :huh: But I don't obsses over them.

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I have to say that I believe we had a good season, it wasn't a great season, but just a good one. NorthDakotaHockey hit the nail right on the head, while are season wasn't great, the tradition and pride still lives on and I believe that the Sioux have the greatest tradition in the WCHA. All the players, coaches and fans deserve a tremendous amount of respect, and they have it from me.

Good Luck to the Sioux next season...You know I'll be there!! :huh:

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Great perspective NorthDakotaHockey. Can't wait to get together with you in GF for some games next year. Our classic lever hockey battles of yester year set the tone for our life long dedication to the Fighting Sioux. And you always let me be the Sioux. What a guy. Get your clubs polished. See you in June. Stay well.

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Lever hockey is an old fashioned board game, perhaps still sold, where hockey is played with a plastic puck on a sheet of "ice." Each player, on two teams, is controlled by a rod and handle that one pushes, pulls, and spins to control the players skating around the "ice," and either shooting, or passing, the puck. The goalie slides from side to side, making spectacular kick saves on a good night, frustrated to the chants of "sieve" on others.

Lever hockey is, essentially, the old fashioned, and poor man's - er, I mean poor person's - version of the bar game of Olympic Hockey, played under the big plastic bubble.

Lever hockey is fun. It is exciting. It is addicting. Unlike other sporting board games, it takes at least two people to play. It could be played to any score one wished, or more realistically, to an egg timer to mark the periods.

On good nights, momma would bring the hot chocolate after a hard fought game.

Every family ought to have a lever hockey game. :p

Ours was taken by the Flood of '97. :blush:

The waters will never wash the memories away. :huh: Ahlzeimer's might. :( The waters will not. ;)

Lever hockey beats Playstation Hockey anyday. Get one while you still can.

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Lever hockey is an old fashioned board game, perhaps still sold, where hockey is played with a plastic puck on a sheet of "ice." Each player, on two teams, is controlled by a rod and handle that one pushes, pulls, and spins to control the players skating around the "ice," and either shooting, or passing, the puck. The goalie slides from side to side, making spectacular kick saves on a good night, frustrated to the chants of "sieve" on others.

Lever hockey is, essentially, the old fashioned, and poor man's - er, I mean poor person's - version of the bar game of Olympic Hockey, played under the big plastic bubble.

Lever hockey is fun. It is exciting. It is addicting. Unlike other sporting board games, it takes at least two people to play. It could be played to any score one wished, or more realistically, to an egg timer to mark the periods.

On good nights, momma would bring the hot chocolate after a hard fought game.

Every family ought to have a lever hockey game. :p

Ours was taken by the Flood of '97. :blush:

The waters will never wash the memories away. :huh: Ahlzeimer's might. :( The waters will not. ;)

Lever hockey beats Playstation Hockey anyday. Get one while you still can.

Lever hockey insited many brawls with me against my brother. Typically over whether the puck bounced out of the net or was never in.

Great memories of trying to "one time" the puck with the centerman...

The other great thing was applying the stickers to the plastic players.

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My brothers and I played quite a bit of this. Our game came with the Los Angelas Kings and the Atlanta Flames??? Early 70's era. In Scouts my older brother built a wooden puck drop deal. Looked like a big scoreboard hanging over center ice. The puck bounced around inside a bit so you never quite knew how quickly it would drop to the ice.

Centermen never got kicked out of the circle.

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Don't forget about Nok Hockey!!!!...The wooden puck, with the small sticks, and you take turns trying to score...you couldn't touch me at that game. I played all the time down at the park where I grew up in the summer...As a matter of fact, I believe I am still the reigning champion, as nobody ever dethroned me :huh:

However, there is nothing wrong with lever and bubble hockey

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Tradition. That's all that Sioux hockey is! There is no other school in the country that comes close to what the University of North Dakota is all about. Michigan and the Gophers can talk all they want. We have the unique name, the mystique, the tradition, all the players in the NHL, people all around the world that follow Sioux Hockey. There is nothing else like it in the college ranks.....of any sport in my opinion. Everybody wants what we have. The tradition, the loyal, die-hard, fanatic fans who can't get enough of Sioux hockey. No matter what happens at the end of every year of Fighting Sioux hockey, it still gains in popularity. Just to play for the program is an honor in itself and that is how we recruit our players as well. Hard working clean-cut kids who leave everything on the ice every weekend night. Sioux hockey will live forever. I can't wait till dry-land practice starts again!


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Tradition. That's all that Sioux hockey is! There is no other school in the country that comes close to what the University of North Dakota is all about. Michigan and the Gophers can talk all they want. We have the unique name, the mystique, the tradition, all the players in the NHL, people all around the world that follow Sioux Hockey. There is nothing else like it in the college ranks.....of any sport in my opinion. Everybody wants what we have. The tradition, the loyal, die-hard, fanatic fans who can't get enough of Sioux hockey. No matter what happens at the end of every year of Fighting Sioux hockey, it still gains in popularity. Just to play for the program is an honor in itself and that is how we recruit our players as well. Hard working clean-cut kids who leave everything on the ice every weekend night. Sioux hockey will live forever. I can't wait till dry-land practice starts again!


amen ;):):)

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My son receives American Hockey magazine, and in one of the ad's, there is a complete page with about 50 people standing in a room wearing hockey jerseys. One of them is the retro-green "NORTH DAKOTA" jerseys. I can't remember exactly, but if memory serves me correctly, it is one of two colleges represented with many pro and Olympic jerseys.

Yeah, I think the name NORTH DAKOTA stands for something in the hockey world!!!!

I second your AMEN!

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