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Fireworks in GFK


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I tossed two artillery shells up last week.... about half hour apart... I live on cambridge street, obviously not a good idea but i figured i would test a few out. Literally 20 minutes later we had two cops sneak up from behind our garage and question us if we had been lighting fireworks... they were sneaking around in alleys and everything else just waiting... I guess i can't speak for the 4th but the 150$ fine, mandatory court appearance, and possibility of jail that they threatened certainly gave me their guidelines...

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Yikes... ya having lived in IL, we lit off stuff illegally all the time (fireworks are illegal regardless of being in the city or not). Just wondering if the cops are so busy on the 4th that it isn't practical to actively seek out firework lighters :)

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I miss the days when it was legal to fire a 12-pounder loaded with grapeshot into your neighbor's back yard barbecue all in the name of celebrating the Fouth of July. But the law's the law. :)

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There are so many remote areas in Grand Forks, or North Dakota for that matter who cares if you set them off. Just go out of town a little and light them up.

Two requests for those going out to "light them up" from someone who grew up in a remote area near Grand Forks. 1) Be careful so that you don't start anything on fire. A fire can go a long way and do a lot of damage in some of those "remote areas". Just ask people near South Tahoe, Nevada. 2) Clean up any mess you make. Would you like it if someone came into your yard or your business to have a party, uninvited, and left a big mess?

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I tossed two artillery shells up last week.... about half hour apart... I live on cambridge street, obviously not a good idea but i figured i would test a few out. Literally 20 minutes later we had two cops sneak up from behind our garage and question us if we had been lighting fireworks... they were sneaking around in alleys and everything else just waiting... I guess i can't speak for the 4th but the 150$ fine, mandatory court appearance, and possibility of jail that they threatened certainly gave me their guidelines...

Doesn't anybody else find this an absolute waste of police force and taxpayer money? Doesn't the GFPD have anything better to do with their time?

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Doesn't anybody else find this an absolute waste of police force and taxpayer money? Doesn't the GFPD have anything better to do with their time?

Don't people have anything better to do with their time than to set off fireworks at 3 a.m.? Don't people have anything better to do with their time than to shoot fireworks into my yard, threatening my family's saftey and my property? Don't people have anything better to do than engage in an activity that starts fires and keeps the fire department running all day long?

Look, I grew up in a town in which shooting fireworks off on the Fourth of July was legal. As a kid, it was one of my favorite times of the year. The fireworks legal then were more powerful than what's legal today.

I remember watching my father launch a skyrocket that went straight into the roof of a neighbor's house. We all held our breath hoping that it didn't set the house on fire. Fortunately, it didn't. But I remember then realizing how dangerous fireworks could be. And even though most people don't intentionally damage other peoples' property and threaten their safety, it's not something that can easily be controled.

So while fireworks are great fun, I understand why they're illegal to fire off in town.

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We ended up going to the GF show downtown after shooting off our own the night before. Sat on the dike in EGF. Should of just brought our fireworks there as no one seemed to care (multiple cops around and bazillions of people shooting off their goods).


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