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Seat Belts ?


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My vehicle has a beeper that beeps until you put your seatbelt on, and it gets louder by the second. HockeyMom can confirm this. Must wear seatbelts even from the Wellness Center to Suite 49. :lol:

Why do school busses STILL NOT HAVE SEAT BELTS? The driver seat does.

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Because it's cheaper to provide care to the few kids that get injured in school bus accidents then it is to equip every single bus in the country with seat belts.

Now they are trying to do away with high fives and hugs in schools...but let's just go shove 50 kids on a bus and send them to and from school, and who gives a s%!t what happens to them. They can hug and high five all they want, and still not be buckled in. But, if I pick my kid up from school, they better be buckled up, or I'm going to get a ticket.

I could go on and on (rant) here, but... :lol:

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Why are people (police departments, government, whom ever, etc) paying money to run advertisements (radio, tv, billboards) telling people to put their seat belt on?

They are paying money to tell us that it will save our life and it is against the law. Why are they targeting seat belts in these ads? Couldn't the same be said for speeding? Why is there not such an extensive "don't speed" campaign? :lol:

The "Slow Down" (ex. "talking orange") campaigns were forced into the federal transportation funding bill by the lobby that represents road construction workers. If a state wants federal help to fix roads, they are required to air commercials like that. (The statistics the lobby used to force the issue are a joke, but that's a whole seperate discussion.) I suspect, but am not sure, that the seat belt commercials are also mandated by federal transportation funding. This time, I would suspect the medical insurance lobby to be behind it.

That being said, I dislike the law on principle but I don't dislike seatbelts. I'd like insurance companies to offer a choice: lower premiums to drivers who agree to wear their seatbelts at all times, with the stipulation that if you're in an accident and you aren't wearing one, you get no medical coverage. If you're stupid and lie, you pay for it.

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I'd like insurance companies to offer a choice: lower premiums to drivers who agree to wear their seatbelts at all times, with the stipulation that if you're in an accident and you aren't wearing one, you get no medical coverage. If you're stupid and lie, you pay for it.

I like that!

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My vehicle has a beeper that beeps until you put your seatbelt on, and it gets louder by the second. HockeyMom can confirm this. Must wear seatbelts even from the Wellness Center to Suite 49. ;)


Must you air all of my dirty secrets on this board?


I believe the last time you picked me up I just talked louder than the beeping and didn't put it on. I should've though......I'd hate to have you fly into a median and hit a tree, then get ejected onto the lot at The Ralph and die.

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I can see both sides of this issue. First, my dad has been involved in 5 auto accidents in his life, and this was in the 70's, when seat belts weren't a priority, and in 4 of those 5 accidents, had he been wearing a seat belt, he wouldn't be alive today. He would've been killed as a result of the accident. On the other side of this issue, about 4 years ago, my husband was in an accident, and had a head injury, and some sore ribs because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. He's fine, and didn't have anything too serious happen to him, but it definitey wouldn't have been as bad if he was wearing a seat belt. Also, just over 3 years ago, I was in an accident, doing only about 20 mph, and I was wearing my seatbelt. I was a little sore, but other than that, there was nothing more serious, other than they totalled my car. I'm still a little pi$$ed about that one. I agree seat belts do save lives, but I can also see the point about not wearing one either.

I think it should be up to the individual whether they choose to use one or not.

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In Minnesota? It's been that way for years. North Dakota is a secondary law, they have to pull you over for something else first.

maybe the courtesy rydells dude lied to me to get me to put on my seatbelt but he told me that it was national click or ticket day and the cops were using that to pull over people and dominate them with seatbelt violation but i believed it

o and he said it was national too..

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Why are motorcycles still allowed to drive on roads since they have no seat belts? Even since they are, why aren't they required to wear helmets?

Well, when riding a motorcycle, a helmet should be required. I could write a novel on how important I think it is to wear seat belts in cars and helmets on motorcycles. I just don't know what to say to people anymore to get them to understand!

This guy in Willmar who had just graduated from HS was put in critical condition about a week and a half ago. He was testing out his friend's motorcycle in a mall parking lot, and lost control of it. He was not wearing a helmet. I made the mistake of commenting in the Facebook group about it. I said "So I don't know him, but I will pray for him and his family and friends because I know what it's like for a friend to be in an accident and be seriously injured or killed. Maybe next time he'll wear a helmet, which was obviously a really stupid thing for him not to do this time around."

I wasn't trying to offend anyone, although I knew a lot of people would take it the wrong way. But I had to say something. This has to stop happening. I've gotten many messages from his friends calling me ignorant, hypocritical, insensitive, and demoralizing. I've also had messages from his friends calling me a whore and a slut, among other things.

I'm just trying to get the word out that it's DANGEROUS and RISKY if you don't try to save your own life. I've told my friends that I'm not gunna feel all that bad for them if they get hurt or killed by not putting on a seat belt or a helmet, it'd be their own fault for killing themselves. I know that sounds horrible, but that's how important I feel it is for people to know these things.

Ah thanks, I needed to vent! :ohmy:

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